Chapter 21: Surprise visit from an ugly, dumbass, not so root'n toot'n, bear

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Straight men scare me

Lefty's POV:

"It's the Goodwill skates for me."

"It's the emotional trauma for me."

"It's the damaged hair for me."

"It's the Jc Penny receptionist voice for me."

"It's the Hot Topic makeup for me."

"It's the anime addiction for me."

"It's the controlled shock kink for me." Liz gasped, making me smirk.

"It's the daddy issues for me." She clamped a hand over her mouth, regretting what she said. I was surprised she went there.


"I'm SORRY." I held up my cards again and mumbled a few more insults while Liz apologized seven more times. Currently, we were playing Uno with Gold and Springtrap, but then that happened. You couldn't ignore Gold's loud giggling even though he was holding a hand to his mouth.

"Reverse." Springtrap set down a blue reverse, making it Gold's turn again. We we're kinda in the middle of the game;I have four cards, Gold has four as well, Springtrap has three, and Liz has thirteen.

"Reverse again bitch." Gold put another reverse down, making it, again, the bunny's turn. But his was a red. Instead of fighting with the smaller bear, he put down a red 6. Luckily, I had a perfect card.

"Plus four and, um, green." Liz held a hand to her chest, faking offense. But, she still grabbed the four cards, making her deck seventeen cards.

"Alright, I see. But hErE." She put down a green reverse, making me smirk. So I put down a green 7.

"Uno." Liz looked pissed, mad that her plan failed.

"Uno." I forgot he had two cards left! Damnit. He could win as well! So, to help me, I grabbed a rather small artifact for luck, one used usually in rituals, but now should be perfect. Aka, grabbed a piece of toast.

"Hmmmmmmmmnmmmm. Gold hummed out, putting out a green 3. This is perfect! After Liz's turn, I wi-

"Haha, card go skip." She pulled out a green skip card while Springtrap layed down his last card, smirking.

"Uno." I grabbed another piece of toast and died on the inside a bit while Liz started biting her cards. Gold praised Springtrap, hugging him while the taller blushed.

Oh wait. Forgot to mention that were in the Circus Pizza World's kitchen. Baby invited us to go to the beach, so we all came. They just had to finish the birthday parties currently happening, then we could go. Molten was helping them, so he wasn't in here sadly. For people tired if the beach chapters, they're not going to the beach.

"When are they going to be done." Liz sighed, throwing away the ripped up cards." I'm ready to go to the beach for like the third time in this book."

"Book?" She shook her head, smiling.

"Repeat any of that and you'll perish." She smiled sweetly before eating a cookie. I took her command and tried forgetting it, not thinking much of it.

"We're almost done." Molten walked into the room, wearing a bright red vest with matching pants and a white button up. There was also a little top hat perched on his right ear. I'm guessing he's the ring master or something. He could take me right now-

"LEFTY!"I heard presumably Baby's voice yell from the other room. Molten got out of the doorway and stood by me, letting the clown in.

"Huh?" I asked.

"There's a white and blue bear out front asking for you, so you better get it."

"Are you sure it's not just a customer from the Diner?"

"He said he just wanted you." I sighed, standing up.

"Oh well." I exited the room, Molten and Baby walking behind me. Once I got by the glass door, I almost threw up. He was here. WHY THE FUCK IS HE HERE. So, I squealed a bit, running back to the room and covering my face with the un ripped cards.

"Lefty? What's wrong?" Liz asked, taking the cards out of my hands and ripping them.

"White and blue bear, Liz. It's HIM!" She deadpanned.

"Lefty, I don't know and bear like that. Except-" She stopped talking, disappointed in herself for not figuring who he was.

"Lefty, come back here. We already let him in." Baby walked in, a little annoyed while me and Liz stared at her with anxiety.

"YOU LET HIM IN!?"Liz yelled, roller skating out if the room. In the other room, I could hear her start shooing him away, but he didn't.

"What's wrong?" Molten walked in, sitting in the chair beside me while I looked at him in confusion.

"I already told you the other day! It's Righty!" His eyes widened, then he face palmed himself.

"Damnit. I'm fucking stupid." I pet his head.

"It was an accident. Just please, make him leave." And at that, the fUcKiNg cheater walked in, Liz still yelling at him to leave.

"Hello, Lefty."


I haven't posted in a long time, so I just wanted to publish what I've been working on. I'm so so sorry. School just started, and cross country is like two hours which leave me in pain, so sorry.

I'll try to publish and work on more. I'm disappointed in this chapter a lot, so ignore it.

Last thing is, thank you so much for reading this. Your comments are hilarious, and it makes my day. I don't respond to any of them because, well, I don't know what to say to not seem offensive. Cause I call everybody a bitch, and a lot of people get offended.

Well, buh baii~

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