Chapter 18: The Clown Wedding PT. 2

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Tee Hee 👉👈

Damn I still need a title for the book. Probably just gonna call it "Toast".

Lefty's POV:

The next two days were uneventful, mostly going to the beach with the others and congratulating the two brides. Other then that, just sitting around and being lazy. And no one knows I got my hands on that bag.

Right now, I was laying down, my limbs already apart while I waited for Molten to brush his teeth. Without thinking, I agreed to help Ballora pick out a dress while Molten went with Baby. The wedding's tomorrow, so I was surprised they didn't already get one.

Molten finally walked out of the small room, clicking a face plate back into his face. Now that I think about it, they've been snapping out a lot. Not like the usual snap when he eats it something, but almost every thirty minutes.

"Are your face plates ok? They don't usually snap out." I pushed his left jaw back in, sitting up in the bed. He nodded.

"I'm sure it's fine. Maybe when we get back, I'll go to a doctor or something." He reassured, patting me between the ears. I believed him.

"You ready to go? Ballora's waiting in the lobby." I asked, standing up. I wore a pair of black shorts and shirt. Anyone could think I was naked, but there was an orange logo on both.

"Let's go then." He smiled, pushing a cheek plate back onto his metal face. It still made me worried, but I shook it off. We walked down to the lobby, hand in hand. I was a little shy about it, but didn't let it show.

Once we made it to the lobby area, Ballora immediately grabbed my arm, pulling me to the exit. I waved Molten a goodbye before being dragged out of the complex. The ballerina let go of my arm and started walking down the sidewalk, me running to walk beside her.

She was wearing her usual baby blue rang top, exposing most of her cleavage. On her hips was her purple tutu she always wore, yellow purls of plastic sown onto the ends. Magenta fishnets were strapped on her legs, going under her ballet slippers. It looked kind of like her work outfit, except showing more skin.

"So... Where we going?" I asked, watching the ballerina do a little spin, keeping her walking pace. I was about to enter a dress shop, but she kept walking.

"I'm not getting a dress." She answered, doing another little twirl. The ballerina looked like she was doing a performance on the sidewalk, just for people could see. Some would smile and wave, and other would oddly glance at her, like she's insane.

"Then where are we going?" I skeptically asked, eyeing her suspiciously. She smiled, her jaw plate popping out a bit before snapping back in place.

"I'm getting a suit! I'm pretty sure you need one too, right?" I nodded, walking into a tailor. She spun to the front counter, disturbing the person behind it.

"Hello ma'am, may I help you?" An old lizard asked, walking out from racks of suits. He glanced at me before coughing into his fist, looking annoyed. "And no children are allowed in here without a leash, ma'am."

I scoffed, putting a hand on my waist. Ballora giggled, covering her mouth to subdue any other sounds that would come out. The reptile still looked confused.

"He's not a child sir. He's here to get a suit as well." I waved, trying not to glare at this rude guy. He had the nerve to call me a child. That's not funny! Though, the lizard gave me an apologetic smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry mister. My mistake." I muttered an 'ok', walking closer to the ballerina. He motioned with his hand to follow him to a spot with a stand, us doing as told. He grabbed a measuring tape, twirling it in his fingers. "I need to measure your waists, so could one of you please step on there?"

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