Chapter 9: The "Dream Team" vs. the fucking fOx

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Molten's POV:
"Hello?" I answered my phone after the eighth ring. My dad really wanted to tell me something apparently. That's a shock.

"Molten? Oh good! You finally answered!" His tone was shocking. Usually when he called me, he was either annoyed or pissed. But now, he sounded...happy? What did Afton do?

"Yeah cus you wouldn't stop." I grumbled, running my hand between my ears. I could hear him sigh from the other end.

"Alright, I know. So I was wondering if you would meet us at the theater around 1:00 tomorrow." I almost dropped my phone. Why does he- who is us?


"Nothing special. Just your brothers and a few of their friends." I still had no clue why he wanted to do this.

"But why? I thought you hate most of us. Plus, you disowned Gold."

"Well I dis-disowned him or something. I don't know what people call it but yeah. Just...come." Before I could say anything else, he hung up.

"Who w-was that?" Lefty asked, sitting with his legs crossed beside me, still leaning on me a bit.

"Um... My dad said he wanted me to go to the theater. But I don't know if I should go." I sighed, laying back against the couch while Lefty layed against my chest again. I haven't seen most of my brothers since I moved and I wanted to keep it that way so I debated if I should go or not. Either talking to my brothers and watching a movie, or staying here with Lefty. Actually..."Hey Lefty?"

"Hm?" He looked up from my shirt.

"Could you do me a small favor?" His face flushed a light pink. It took me a moment before it hit me. "Not like that! I was just going to ask if you wanted to go to the theater with me!"

He giggled while I laughed akwardly. Though, maybe I could do that another time~

"O-oh, yeah sure." I smiled and rubbed between his ears again, once again making him pur. I could see a small smile escape his lips.

Guess we'll have to wait till tomorrow to see what events occur.

Time skip cause tee hee.
Molten's POV:

"Then I'll cut his dick off!" Scrapbaby yelled, snapping her claw.

Soooooooo... I invited Scrapbaby and Scraptrap cause they could stab people if we need to. And, they don't get out much so Lefty made got them to come. Right now, Scrapbaby was ranting about cutting my dad's dick off while we all walked down the sidewalk to the theater.

"I'm pretty sure he could throw you across the room before that would happen." William commented, sticking his hands in his pockets.

"I know that but you guys wouldn't let that happen, right?" No one answered her. "Right?"

"Probably won't come to that but sure." I said, wrapping my arm around Lefty's waist and pulling him closer to me. I heard a small giggle so I left my hand there.

"But c'mon! He's never nice to anyone so this must be a set up! If anything happens, we'll be able to beat him!" She protested, putting her hands- er, hand on her hip.

"How so?" I asked, tickling Lefty's side, making him giggle.

"We're the dream team! Lobster Clown, ASMR bear, Spaghetti Freddy, and peanut!" She exclaimed, almost hitting William with her claw.

"A-asmr?" Lefty asked, furrowing his brows. "I'm n-not that quiet."

"Yes you are and you'll admit it soon." She shot back, sending him a playful glare. "I'll make you."

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