Chapter 20

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Tuesday September 3, 2012

Skylar's P.O.V

Today is my first day of school. I'm so nervous. I know I have Macey and Marisa but still, what if they other kids hate me? We just pulled up to the school. My dad arranged for his limo driver to drive us to school everyday in one of his limos. I tried to object but he wouldn't take as an answer.

The boys are at the recording studio today. Harry and Eleanor both said if I need anything i can just call them but I think they both know I'm not going to do that.

We stepped out of the limo and walked inside. We had to go to the main office and pick up my schedule since everyone else already had there's. I tell the secretary my name and she hands me my schedule. Macey immediately takes it and compares it to hers and Marisa's.

"We have Math, Physics, History and lunch together." Macey says.

"And we have Literature, lunch, French, Gym and Chorus together." Marisa said.

"Good! So I'll know one person in all my classes!" I said. That made me feel better.

First period I have English, second period I have French, third period I have Math, fourth period I have Physics, fifth period I have Chorus, sixth period I have lunch, seventh period I have History, and eighth period I have Gym.

Marisa and I say bye to Macey and walk to English. We get there before the warning bell and are one of the first people to get there. The teacher tells us to sit where ever so we sit in the back next to each other. A lot of people start walking in and sit down. After the last bell the teacher tells everyone to take a seat and she says her name is Mrs. Altermen. She then says she's going to start doing attendance.

Having the last name Benson makes me at the beginning of the class. The third name is me.

"Skylar Benson?" Mrs. Alterman says.

"Here." I said while raising my hand but not too loudly but she heard me.

All of a sudden everyone turns around and looks at me. They start whispering but I try to ignore it. Mrs. Alterman is still doing attendance so they started paying attention to her now. Once she finished she just told us what we were going to be doing this year. The bell rang and we all stood up and left.

Marisa and I start walking to French together but before we could get too far a boy starts walking with us. He looks about our age, he has brown hair and brown eyes and is pretty tall but Harry's taller.

"Hi! I'm Matt." He says.

"Um hi. I'm Skylar." I replied.

"I know. I mean everyone knows who you are." He says. Wait what?

"How...?" I said awkwardly.

"Well your dad is pretty well known around here and you're Eleanor Calder's stepsister. Word spreads here fast." He said.


"Oh. Well sorry to cut this conversation short but Marisa and I here really have to get to class. Bye." I said. I could tell Marisa didn't feel comfortable around Matt and we needed to leave.

"Ok well if you need help with anything just look around for me. Bye Skylar." He said and winked at me.

What the actual fuck?! Doesn't he know I kinda have a boyfriend. Not being to sound stuck-up or anything.

I quickly pull Marisa away and we keep walking to French.

"What's the matter Marisa?" I ask her.

"What? Oh um..nothing. Matt and I just don't get along too great. Please just be careful around him." She said and I could tell she didn't want to talk about it anymore so I dropped it.

The rest of the day went just like English did. When people learned who I was they would always start whispering about me. I have know idea why but at the moment I'm not going to let it bother me.

At lunch I sat with Marisa and Macey and there friends. They all seemed really nice. I also texted Harry and Eleanor letting them know I was doing fine.

The day over all was ok. I miss my old school and friends but I'm stuck here for the next year. Hopefully it won't be to bad. I just wish people wouldn't whisper about me. Whatever. I'll survive.


A/N: Yeah I know this one sucked, it was just a filler. I needed to show how the first day of school went and all.

So I'm not going to do the thing I said in my last chapter with the first person who comments on the chapter I will dedicate it too. It's too hard because I upload the chapters mostly on my iPod and I can't dedicate chapters on that. Sorry.

There will be more drama soon. I don't remember if I thanked you in the last chapter but thank you for getting me over 1,000 reads!! It means a lot!!

Please read the author's note I posted this morning!! Thanks!

Love you all!

-Emily xx <3 =)

EDIT: i was looking at this chapter and realized i named the boy that talks to sky, alex and i don't want people to get confused with the Alex's so i changed his name to matt. so if it says alex in this chapter its meant to say matt. sorry for the confusion! 

You're My Kryptonite- A Harry Styles Fanfic (COMPLETED **IN EDITING**)Where stories live. Discover now