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Harry's P.O.V.

Skylar just fainted in my arms and she isn't waking up. Liam called an ambulance. I can hear the sirens getting closer and closer. I quickly pick Sky up bridal style and carry her to the back down. That's when I feel the blood trickling down my arm.

"Why is she bleeding?!" I say frantically.

Right as I say that the ambulance pulls up. The people in it hope out and rush to me with a stretcher that I lie Sky on. They put her in the back of the ambulance. I convince them to let me come with them in the ambulance so I can explain what happened.

"Can I please come to? I'm her stepsister!" Eleanor begs.

"Fine. Hop in." The EMT says.

Eleanor gets in and sits down next to me. They close the back doors and we start driving with the sirens blaring.

"I'm going to call Dr. Henderson. You explain what happened Harry." Ellie says.

"Skylar has a fainting problem. She randomly faints and nobody can explain it. It hasn't happened in a really long time but she could go into a coma. She has a doctor who is trying to find a cure but he might be in America now." I explain. By the time I'm done El is off the phone.

"Just our luck! Dr. Henderson is in London. He's at the hospital waiting for us." She says and I nod.

We quickly reach the hospital where they take Skylar out of the ambulance with Eleanor and I following. Dr. Henderson is standing there waiting for us.

"She fainted and wouldn't wake up and then there was blood. Do something!" I say to him.

"Ok Harry calm down. Well get this under control." Dr. Henderson says and starts wheeling the stretcher away.

"Wait here. I'll come tell you what happened when she's out of surgery." Dr. Henderson yells to us.

I nod but just stand there. The boys are here now with us. Louis comes over and makes me sit down. I don't take my eyes off of the hallway they went down though.

"Mate, mate? Haz? Harry!" Louis says to me, snapping me out of my trance.

I look over at him and see everyone staring at me. Elliot and Gillian are now here too.

"She's going to be okay. Sky is a strong girl." Louis says.

I don't say anything. I just stare at him and feel the tears stream down my face. I don't make a move to wipe them away.

I turn away from Lou and everyone else and put my head in my hands and sob. Louis tries to comfort me but it doesn't work. I keep on sobbing.


I haven't stopped crying. Not once. It feels like it's been days but it's really only been a couple of hours. Someone in front of me clears there throat which causes me to look up and see Dr. Henderson standing in front of me.

"Is she okay? Is she awake? Can I go see her? What happened?" I ask all at the same time.

"One question at a time mate." Liam says to me quietly but I don't pay attention.

"First let me ask you this Harry. Now don't freak out but, when was the last time Skylar got her period?" Dr. Henderson asks me.

I freeze. Shit. I don't even remember. All I know it's been a while.

"A few months I think...is she..." I trail off because I already know the answer.

"Was. Sky was pregnant. But she had a miscarriage. I'm really sorry. We tried to save it but we couldn't." He says to me.

We were going to have a baby. But it died. Oh god. The tears start again.

"Is she okay?" Eleanor asks.

"Umm hopefully. She's in a coma right now and it's not a medical induced coma. It's on her own. She could be in it for a couple of hours, days, months, even years maybe. But I know it's because of her fainting problem. I'm so close to a cure I think. There's really not anything we can do. You all may go see her though." He tells us.

I'm pretty sure my heart just stopped for a few seconds there. Skylar, my girlfriend, my lover, my life, is in a coma and they don't know when or if she will ever wake up.

Dr. Henderson motions for us to follow him to her room. We follow him to room 527 on the fifth floor. I'm the first one to step into her room. I go straight to her side. I can barely see her through me tears that are clouding my vision though.

"Let's give Harry some time alone." Elliot says.

I look over to him and mouth, 'Thank you.' He nods in return.

I turn my attention back to Skylar. She looks so pale and broken lying there in her hospital gown. I take her fragile hand in mine and kiss it lightly, scared that the slightest touch will break her.

"I love you Sky. More than anything. More than anyone could ever imagine. Before I met you I didn't think I would ever actually fall in love with someone that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. But the minute I saw you on the beach that day, I knew you were the girl for me. I know it sounds so cheesy and fake but it's not. I love you. I love you and only you. And I always will. Nothing could ever change my mind. Ever. I love you. Forever and always."



That's it! That's the end. I know kinda a crappy ending. Were you surprised at all? A little bit? Maybe? Kinda? Hopefully?

She had a miscarriage. And she's in a coma. Will she wake up? Or will she stay in a coma forever? Will Harry keep his word and stay faithful to her? Or not?

I don't know! Just kidding I do know. But you don't! You'll have to read the sequel to find out! It's going to be called Forever and Always. I don't know when I'll be upload though. I haven't decided. I haven't written it yet. I'm going to be going back to chapter 1 if this and editing it all and making it better. So I'm not sure if I'm going to finish doing that and then write the sequel or edit this and write the sequel at the same time. I'm not sure! But probably the second one.

One quick shout out to @StlyesGirl15 you guys should all go read her fanfic, What Happened to Forever. It's really good!! Go read it!

Ok so I really can't believe that my first fanfic is over. It's so sad! I'd just like to thank all of you for staying with me and reading the whole book. It means so much! Thank you to everyone who voted and commented. Thank you for putting up with my crappy writing. Thank you to everyone who fanned me. Thank you all!!! I love you guys so much!! Ahh I think I'm going to cry. Ok well thank you guys!! Keep your eye for the sequel. I'll probably upload the prologue in this story or at least a little snippet of the prologue to give you a taste of what it's going to be like.

Sorry for the long authors note!







-Emily xx <3 =)

You're My Kryptonite- A Harry Styles Fanfic (COMPLETED **IN EDITING**)Where stories live. Discover now