Chapter 9

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Harry's P.O.V.

We decided to watch a movie. Skylar had gone up to her room to get her phone. It was taking her a long time to just get her phone. Right as I thought that I heard loud footsteps running down the stairs. 

I got up to see why skylar was running so fast. As I was almost in the foyer I saw her run straight out the front door and keep going. I ran to the front door and saw her running down her driveway. 

"Skylar! Skylar come back! SKYLAR!" she didn't listen. She just kept running. 

"haz what's the matter? Where's skylar?" Louis said. 

"I don't know! I heard her running down the stairs and I went to see what the matter was and I saw her running out the door and down her driveway. She wouldn't stop! Where could she have gone? Why did she leave?!" I replied. I was freaking out. 

"I think you should take a look at this..." Liam said to me quietly while handing me his phone. 

I took it, he was on twitter on skylar's newsfeed. She had gotten so much hate already. Shit. This is all my fault. She's already so insecure and now she read that.

"we need to go find her! Now! I dont want her hurting herself!" 

We made a plan to all split up in pairs. Zayn with Perrie, Liam with Danielle, Louis and Eleanor, and Niall and I. We all took different sections of London and decided to meet back at her house in an hour. I can't believe I let this happen. 

"haz it's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself. Well find her. I promise you we will. " Niall reassured me. 

I hope he's right....

Skylar's P.O.V.

I just keep running and not stopping. I have no idea where I'm going I just need to get away. I'm also crying a lot. I couldn't take it anymore I had to stop. My lungs were burning for air. I can't breathe. 

I don't know what I did to make all there "fans" to hate me. But they're all right. I am just a stupid whore. I don't deserve Harry at all. He deserves much better. 

I should just disappear forever. I thought all the pain was going to go away in England and I would be able to forget everything. I guess not. 

By now I was in the middle of nowhere. I kept walking a long the road. Instead if going into London I went another way that lead out of the city and into the country side more. I still didn't know where I was. 

I'm walking on a dirt road and I think I hear water up ahead. It's obviously not the ocean. I started to run again. Then things began to look familiar. Wait! I'm at the hill and lake that Harry took me to. Wow I ran a long way. Hopefully no one will find me here. 

I had calmed down a bit. I wasn't sobbing as hard and i was sitting on the ground next to the lake. I still had my phone so I took it out and went to twitter. I keep reading the hate tweets over and over again. 

"why?! Why me? What did I do to deserve this?!" I shouted at the world.

I don't want the pain anymore. The only way that I know that will take it away is cutting myself...I haven't cut for several months now but I have to now. It's the only way. 

I got up a picked up a sharp rock and put it on my wrist. 

Harry's P.O.V. 

We've been looking for over an hour for skylar now and nobody can find her. We looked around all of London and she wasn't anywhere. We keep on trying to call her but it goes straight to voicemail. 

" I don't know where else she could be. We looked everywhere! This is al my fault." 

"this isn't your fault at all! We could look outside of the city too." Liam said. 

" wait I might know where she is! I'll be back. You guys stay here in case she comes back." I said and dashed out the door and into my car. 

I sped down the road and to the place where I asked her out and shot out of the car. I looked down the hill and saw her standing by the water looking at her reflection. I ran down the hill as fast as I could. She still didn't hear me. She was looking down at something. I couldn't see her front i only saw her back. I walked closer to her. 

"skylar...?" I said in a whisper. 

I know she heard me but she didn't answer. As I got closer I could start to see the front of her and saw something dripping. What was that? It almost looks red. Then it hit me. It was blood and there was a lot of it. 

Skylar's P.O.V. 

I did it. I cut myself again. It hurt so much, I really regret it. I can't do this. I can't. I looked down at my wrist and saw a lot of blood coming from it. So much that it was dripping down my arm and onto the ground. 

I heard footsteps behind me and Harry say my name. He found me. 

"skylar?! What did you do?" 

I still had the rock in my hand but I dropped it on the ground and looked at Harry. 

"I can't do this. I'm sorry I just can't. All those things those girls tweeted ate true. I don deserve you. You deserve a lot better harry. It'll just be easier if you leave now. Before its too late." 

"are you crazy? I'm not leaving you sky. You'll have to try harder then that to get rid of me. Its not going to be that easy. None of that is true at all! There just jealous of you! Please come here sky. Don't hurt yourself anymore. You should go to the hospital your losing to much blood." 

"Harry I can't. I'm just going to end up more hurt. You should just forget about me." 

"no skylar! I'm not going to forget about you ever! I love you sky!" 

"what did you just say?" I said to him. He didn't just say that. I'm hearing things. He walked closer to me so he was standing right in front of me. 

"I love you more than anything skylar."

"I love you too." and I kissed him softly on the lips. 

"now let's get you home or to the hospital. Your losing way to much blood." he said and put his hand on my back and started leading me up the hill. 

"wait Harry...I don't feel so good. I think I'm going to..." I trailed off and fell backwards. But instead if hitting the ground like I expected I fell into someone's arms. 

"skylar no! Stay with me! Please skylar." 

The last thing I remember is hearing sirens coming closer and closer and someone whisper I love you to me. 

A/N hello babes! i hope you all like my story so far! it would mean so much to me if you could comment or vote for it! or fan me! that would be amazing! also i love talking to people so message or chat me! =) xx

You're My Kryptonite- A Harry Styles Fanfic (COMPLETED **IN EDITING**)Where stories live. Discover now