Chapter 28

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Skylar's P.O.V.

We rush out of the building and into a black van. The boys still have no idea why we have to leave. Once we're all in the van Paul jumps into the driver's seat and speeds away.

"Can someone please explain to us what the hell is going on?!" Louis says rather loudly at all of us.

"I think Paul should." Harry says.

We all agree and wait for Paul to start.

"Well someone tweeted Skylar saying they were a few rows behind her with a gun, and they were going to shoot. We don't know who or why. When we found the girl we dragged her away but she shouted some things. She said they will find you all and kill you all and that there are more of them not just her. When we heard that we needed to get all of you out before something really bad happened. We are now on our way to the hotel and we're going to have a meeting and discuss what happened and what needs to be done." Paul explains.

I shudder remembering the look the girl had on her face when she was being arrested and taken away.

"You ok babe?" Harry asked me.

I nodded my head but I was lying. I was terrified. Not just for my life, but for everyone else's. Especially the boys.

We finally reach the hotel. Paul pulls to the back of the building to avoid the fans and paps. We file out of the can and follow Paul who leads us to a conference room.

Inside the room there's a big long table and at the end there's a flat screen tv.

"We're going to be Skyping with Simon and see what has to be done. He knows what happened." Paul tells us.

We all take a seat at the table when two men in suits walk in. The look official, probably from management.

"Who are they?" I whispered to Harry.

"Management. The taller one is Rob and the other one is Eric." He tells me.

I guess I was right.

The tv screen turns to the Skype with Simon. I've never met him before and I'm kinda scared. All of a sudden his face appears on the screen.

"Uncle Si!!!!" Louis screams.

"Uncle Simon!" The other boys say at the same time not quite as loud as Louis.

"Ello boys, girls, Paul, Rob, Eric. How is everything? I've heard you lot are getting threats is that right?" Simon says.

"Yeah! Someone wants to kill us! They keep tweeting Skylar threats!" Louis exclaims.

"Really? What is the person saying Skylar?" He says to me.

Shit. I don't want to talk to him. He scares me. But I reach in my pocket anyways and find the tweets.

I read all of the tweets from Mr. X to him and he listens.

"Well something has to be done. This girl they arrested, she had a gun?"

"Yes she did. The officers took her away and told me they would keep me updated with what's happening with her." Paul replies to him.

"Good, good. Well you boys need to stay in New York until Friday for the Jingle Ball. It's your decisions if you want your girlfriends to stay or not. If not then we can get flights for them. If they do, none of you are allowed of the your hotel with at least one body guard. If it's two of you I would prefer two body guards. I will send more security right away. All of you just need to stay calm. Nothing is going to happen to any of you, I promise. Understand?" Simon says sternly.

You're My Kryptonite- A Harry Styles Fanfic (COMPLETED **IN EDITING**)Where stories live. Discover now