Chapter 23

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Skylar's P.O.V.

I wake up to the sound of Harry talking sternly on the phone with someone. I open my eyes and see him pacing back and forth with his phone up against his ear.

I sit up quietly and get out of bed. I slip into the bathroom but before I grab some clothes. Today I really don't care what I look like. I'm back in North Carolina, it doesn't really matter. I just put some baggy sweatpants and t-shirt on, brush my teeth and hair and throw my hair into a side ponytail. I don't bother with make up today.

I step out of the bathroom and Harry is now sitting on our bed with his head in his hands. I sit next to him and start running his back.

"What's wrong Haz?"

"That was management. They're really pissed off at me..."

"Harry! Then what are you doing just sitting there? Why don't we go back to London?"

"Because I don't give a fuck what they say! They don't control us! I can do what I want!" He says raising his voice.

"Sky I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you." He says quickly.

"No it's fine. Just calm down. Well get through this. We can go home whenever you want to."

"I told them we would be home in Sunday. Is that ok?" He asks.

"That's fine. Come on let's get going. Well go visit my friends and get your mind off of things." I say and kiss his head.

We get off the bed and walk out of the hotel. The hotel isn't far away from my friends houses so we just walk.

"I didn't get the chance to tell you before, but you look beautiful right now." Harry says to me and intertwined his fingers with mine.

I blush and thank him.

We reach Aurora's house first. We walk up to her front door and ring the doorbell. Her mom answered the door.

"Skylar? Oh Skylar! It's been so long!! Come here darling!" She says and pulls me into a hug.

All of my friend's moms have been so nice to me. They were like aunts to me.

I hear footsteps and see Aurora come down the stairs to us.

"Sky!! Harry!! Oh my god! What are you guys doing here?" She asks and hugs Harry and I.

"I heard about hurricane Sandy and I kept on calling and texting all of you to see if you all were ok but nobody answered. Harry knew I was worried so we flew out here yesterday. Is every thing ok here?" I ask.

"Oh aww! That was so sweet of you guys! Every thing is fine here except we don't have power. That's why I didn't text you back because my phone died. But hopefully we'll get power back today! Let's go see the other girls!" Aurora says.

She tells her mom where she's going and we leave. On the way to Carson's house we catch each other up on every thing. She tells me Carson just lost power too but Kaitlyn house has damage.

Carson's house goes the same as Aurora's. We're now on our way to Kaitlyn's. When her house comes into view I gasp. Her house is pushed back so it's near the woods. It's surrounded my pine trees and they're all over her yard. There's even one resting on her house.

"Oh my god..." I whisper.

The girls are already almost at her door so Harry pushes me towards them a little. Aurora and Carson beat us there so when we got there the door was already open. This time it was Kaitlyn at the door.

"Skylar? Harry? What are you guys doing here?"

I repeat my story to her. She tells me she doesn't have power obviously. She comes and stands outside with us. We go and sit in the grass. I sit in Harry's lap.

"Guys...I didn't tell you this but my mom lost her job a couple of weeks ago...I don't know how we're going to pay for the repairs." Kaitlyn tells us and starts to cry.

Her parents are divorced and her dad isn't really in the picture. H lives a couple towns over and Kaitlyn barely visits him. She hates him.

"Aww babe! We'll help you! I promise. Is there a lot of damage in town?" I ask.

"There's definitely some. It didn't hit us as hard as it did farther up the coast like in New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut. There are some trees down and a lot of flooding I think. You know our town. We don't have money." Carson tells me.

I can't believe it. This is my home; I love this place and now it's destroyed.

Harry's phone rings so I get off his lap and he walks a few feet away to talk. While he's on the phone my friends and I are quiet. After a few minutes he hangs up with whoever he was talking to and walks back over.

"I have some good news lovelies!" He tells us.

"What is it Haz?" I ask.

"Well that was Louis. From hearing what you all told me, there is some damage in your town and we want to help! Especially you Kaitlyn. We want to give you the money to repair your house and get all of the things you need. We are also going to donate 10,000 to the town to help with the damage and stuff."

"Harry you really don't have to do that for us. We can pay it somehow." Kaitlyn says.

"No Kaitlyn we all really want to do this. Please let us!" Harry pleads and starts to pout.

"I mean if you really want to..." Kaitlyn says.

"Yes!!!! Ok well I can't write up the check for you now but when we get back home to London I'll send it to you!" Harry said happily.

"Let's go on a walk!" I suggest.

We stand up and start walking. I'm holding Harry's hand again and were all just talking. We all know where we're going without even saying.

When we reach my old house I freeze. People have moved in already. I knew that because my dad told me but just seeing it in person made it so much worse. Harry pulled me into a hug and just held me. A few fears fell down my faces and Harry wiped them away.

We turn away and walk in the opposite direction. I don't know where we're going now but this town isn't that big.

"Enough of the sadness everybody! Let's do something fun tonight! We could go to a club!" Carson suggest.

"Carson...we're not hold enough to go to a club." I remind her.

"I know that silly! A new club opened for teens in a few towns over. It's in Trumbull. It's for 15-18 year olds. I say we go! Who's in?" Kaitlyn says.

We all raise our hands. We agree to meet at the hotel Harry and I are staying at, at 7. That gives us six hours to get ready and everything.

This is going to be one eventful night!


Short I know! Sorry! The next one should be better!


Check out my new story secret love!! Also I'm taking one direction one shot requests!

Love you all!!

-Emily xx <3 =)

You're My Kryptonite- A Harry Styles Fanfic (COMPLETED **IN EDITING**)Where stories live. Discover now