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Written by SrijeetaBhowmick

Author's pov

Aahil woke up in the morning. He wasn't in a good mood at all.

Firstly his mother took a decision so hastily ...he knew that he has to marry the person whom his mother will choose for him.
But something was nagging him from inside.

Secondly, last night Sarah's question was disturbing and making him angry to the core. Somehow somewhere he felt the frustration because of the person who is asking the question.

So to remove the frustration he went for a jog.

After coming back after an hour his anger and frustration subsided. He understood that his way of talking and choice of words were incorrect and inappropriate.

So he decided to apologize to Sarah.

He came in front of her room and was about to knock the door but stopped himself. He was feeling guilty because of his behaviour and somehow upset remembering her sad face yesterday..

He decided that he will apologize after calming down and looking presentable.

He went back to his room and took shower. After getting dressed he came down to see his Ammi was already there waiting for him.

"Good morning Ammi." He greeted her..

"Good morning beta." His ammi said over excitedly.

Aahil understood that his marriage alliance was the reason behind this enthusiasm.

Mrs Malik served him breakfast but his eyes looked for a significant someone.

His mother understood it but kept quiet.

He ate his breakfast but her absence made him think why she isn't here.

"I will go to give her breakfast and apologize for yesterday after finishing the breakfast. " He thought and ate it.

After finishing his breakfast,he was about to make a plate for her when his phone rang which was from his company .

He said bye to his ammi and deciding to apologize to her after coming back he drove towards his office.

On the other hand, Mrs Malik thanked her Allah as Aahil had accepted the proposal and she was also thankful that Sarah didn't come for her breakfast.

She didn't bother to go and ask her to have her breakfast.  She was in a mood of celebration as her son was going to get married with her choice of a girl.

She decided to call Umira and went out with her for lunch.

She called Umira and approved the plan to go to her house.

In the office ,Aahil was disturbed as he was feeling restless for some reason.

While working he heard a knock and asked the person to come.
He looked up to see the person was his best friend and Secretary  Azhar.
Aahil gave Azhar some work to do which he did silently.
It was totally unlike Azhar.

Aahil cleared his throat  and asked ,"Is everything ok?"
Azhar replied without looking at him,"Yes everything is perfectly fine."
Aahil didn't buy his lie.

At night Aahil went back to his home . It was almost 12 am. His Ammi was already asleep.
Aahil had a business dinner so he already had his dinner.

Now he is determined to apologize to her. He knows it's not ethical to enter a girl's room at night but still he decided to go as his guilt and restlessness were eating him.

He knocked at her door but nobody replied.

Once ,Twice ,Thrice

He knocked but nobody opened. 

Suddenly a tension engulfed him. He feared that something must have happened to her.

He opened the door with the spare key.

He went in to see her room which was dark.

He turned on the light and found her bed empty. He knocked at her bathroom to see it was open but she wasn't there.

Now Aahil became tense.

"Where is she?" He asked himself and went out to search the whole house but couldn't find her.

He got panicked and went back to her room.

When he came beside the bed he found a letter on the bedside table.

He picked it up and read it…

Dear Aahil….

First of all thank you for bearing me in your house despite knowing that I am not the person you guys were searching for.
Still you kept in your house bearing all the problems which caused me.
At first when you guys kidnapped me I thought you will be like those kidnappers but you guys are actually nice.
Jokes apart….but now I think this is the time when I should leave the house.
You shouldn't stay a long time at someone's house as a guest you know….and if the guest is unwanted then definitely not.

My Reason of leaving the house wasn't only that you know.
The other reason is something which I could only say to you through this letter as I don't have the guts to say it infront of you.

I thought I would tell you someday but never thought in my dreams that I would have to say this to you through a letter and in this circumstance.

Aahil...I don't know how,when and why but I have fallen for you. I have fallen for you this hard that it's not easy for me to keep it in my heart.
It's disheartening for me to see you as someone's life partner in front of me.
I willn't be able to go through the pain of seeing the scene which will break my already broken heart in a million pieces mercilessly.

Congratulations Aahil for your Marriage….Umira is a good girl the way you want as your life partner .
As you said Umira is every thing a man wants in his wife, she is beautiful, well cultured and most importantly a Muslim girl .
I must say Aunty has a good choice that she has chosen for you  so how can't you be happy?

So I decided to leave the place which was never mine.
From today itself I  will not  be there to disturb and irritate you anymore.
You can live your life peacefully. If these days I am able to make a little place in your heart ...I will be the luckiest girl in this world.

If I have hurt you unintentionally ,please forgive me.
I ask forgiveness from Aunty as well as I disturbed her with my presence.

Bye Aahil….. Maybe we will not meet again.

I love you and will always love you. My best wishes will always be with you.

Congratulations and all the best for your future with Umira.


Reading the letter the only thing which Aahil  felt was numb..

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