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Chap written by SrijeetaBhowmick

Author's pov

Suddenly the door burst open, making everyone freeze in their places.

Sarah took a sigh in relief as soon as she saw Aahil was there with a team of Police.

Umer and his companions gulped down saliva down their throat seeing them.

"How dare you ? How dare you to touch my Sarah ,you bastard? Today I will make you regret your birth…." Aahil screamed and started to beat him .

Police tried to stop him but he only saw red in front of his eyes.


Suddenly his love's voice reached his ears and it worked like magic , making him break his trance. He stopped and turned around to see Sarah looking at him with teary eyes.

He came towards her and cupped her face. Seeing her bleeding lips ,he closed his eyes to control his anger.

"Officers, arrest him. " Aahil said.

Police handcuffed Umer and started to drag him with them.

"You will regret it Aahil...I will take your Sarah away from you and make her mine...I swear..just wait and watch." A mad Umer started to shout.

Aahil looked at Sarah and kissed her forehead. That's when her dam broke .

She started to cry hugging Aahil and Aahil said sweet nothings in her ear to stop her from crying.

"Shh….don't cry love...see everything is ok...come let's go." Saying this Aahil took her in his arms and Sarah rested her head on his chest seeking the warmth from his to forget this horrible incident.

They drove towards their home.

On the other hand ,Mrs Malik was fake crying in front of Umira and her parents.

"See,what happened!! I told my boy not to marry that girl but he didn't listen to me...It's all my bad luck" Mrs Malik said crying.

"Don't cry...we still have time to undo the mistakes if you want to.This time we don't need Aahil's consent. " Umira's father said.

"I am sorry to say but you don't have to work on undoing the so-called mistake."

Hearing the voice ,everyone looked at the entrance.

There Aahil stood with a cold expression on his face with Sarah beside him.

Mrs Malik was shocked to see Sarah with him as well as others.

Amira and Azhar looked relieved.

"Because Sarah has come back so my Marriage is going to happen with her only. Uncle,I am so sorry to break your dreams about Umira's marriage with me." Aahil said with his over sweet tone.

"Where was she? How did you get her? Oh maybe she has told you how she was kidnapped and all huh!! And you believed in her!!! " Mrs Malik said loudly.

Aahil looked at his mother and asked in a cold tone ,"Why did you do this ?"

Mrs Malik frowned and asked ,"What are you saying?"

"Why did you make Sarah kidnapped ?" Aahil asked, making everyone freeze and Mrs Malik pale.

"Wh...what are you saying? How can you say like this? Just  because to prove this girl right you are blaming your mother!!! Shame on you.." Mrs Malik screamed.

"I heard everything….everything you said." Aahil screamed.


After the guests started to depart and Aahil went back to his room ,Mrs Malik went back to her room and dialed a number.

On the other side, Aahil came out of his room as soon as he saw his mother entering inside.

He knew getting suspicious towards his own mother wasn't the correct thing...but somehow his mother's sudden acceptance didn't suit well with him.

"So you finally got what you wanted for a long time. Now listen to me carefully,Umer,Do whatever you like just don't let her run away before I make my Son marry to your sister." Mrs Malik warned on the phone.

"Don't worry Aunty…. I will definitely never let her go away from me...after all I love her. " Umer said looking at unconscious Sarah with a  lustful gaze.

"Okay ..bye...I have to make things correct here. " Mrs Malik said and cut the call.

Mrs Malik thru the phone on the bed and gave a wicked smirk.

"So so so...finally it happened….to be very honest,I was tired of acting like a good mother in law…. That also for a non Muslim girl and a girl like a Sarah no never...never ever I will accept her as my daughter in law. This girl made my boy like this..that boy who never questioned my choice and always agreed with my decision and did as I told him to do. But after the girl came in our life everything changed…..first she broke the marriage of Amira and Umer with her slutty attitude but Aahil is so dumb that he couldn't understand her trick and made Amira marry to Azhar.
Then she eyed my son and ultimately trapped him with her charms...she did black magic on him.

So that's why I decided to act like I agreed and made plans with Umer who told me that He loves Sarah.

Now Sarah...what will you do when Aahil will marry Umira!!! Your plan of trapping a rich boy failed so drastically….tch tch tch..
So sad...better luck next time dear..

Now it's time for plan two which is to make Aahil believe that Sarah is a greedy and characterless lady…" Saying this Mrs Malik burst out in an evil laughter without knowing that Aahil heard everything...every single thing.

Flashback ends

"Why did you do this? Do you ever want my happiness? How could you? Just because I chose my life partner and didn't accept your stooped this much low? Why Ammi ? Why ? I  am ashamed of killed the son in me today who respected you so much….who worshipped you every single moment …." Aahil said and tears drenched his face. Sarah was stunned but consoled Aahil who was crying like a baby.

Amira was crying hearing everything..Azhar consoled her . He shook his head knowing that his gut feeling was telling him the truth.

Mrs Malik cried seeing her son's hatred towards her.

"I did it because ...because of this girl you were going away from disobeyed me for the first didn't accept my Choice for the very first time. That's why" Mrs Malik cried.

Aahil wiped his tears knowing what he had to do.

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