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This chap is written by me

Author's pov

"You,"  Sarah said almost in a whisper

She can't believe that he is here in front of her. The man who has snatched her sleep from her eyes and smile from her lips and most importantly her heart from her is sitting in front of him in his all glory

"oh yes sweetheart me the one and only Aahil malik. Why were you expecting someone else in my place?" Aahil asked raising his perfectly shaped eyebrows

"sir please give your order, I have to attend others as well." Sarah said in her professional tone

She has composed herself from the sudden shock he gave her. She can't do anything that can look suspicious in any way.

"yeah sure, I want You. Give me that" Aahil said with a playful smirk that irritated Sarah to her core

"Why the hell is he here? And why is he smirking? He should be with his fiance not here." Sarah thought and the mention of Umira left a bitter taste in her mouth

Umira is a nice girl and Sarah has no problem or grudges against her but still no girl can take her love's fiance well Sarah is no exception.

" sir please don't waste my time and order if you want something to eat or drink" Sarah said almost yelling at him

"whoa calm down sweetie no need to become hyper bring me a latte with 2 Chocolate doughnuts, " Aahil ordered still his smirk intact on his face

Sarah was feeling extremely angry at Aahil. Here she was crying day and night for him and he is here irritating her with his smirk.

" sure sir, "Sarah replied and left from there

Her mind will explode if she doesn't leave his side.

" Hey babes, what happened? You were taking that hottie's order right? So why is your face screaming that you saw some ghost? "her Co worker asked

" nothing. I'm totally fine. You take this and give his order to him. I will take other customers' orders." Sarah told that girl who happily nodded her head

Sarah went to the other side of the cafe and took orders from others. Throughout the way she was feeling someone's burning gaze drilling holes in her body. She knows very well who it is so she decides to ignore it.

On the other side Aahil knew very well that she wouldn't come to serve his order so he was prepared for it.

As he thought another waitress came who was giving him a seductive smile he could only roll his eyes at that.

"your order sir," the girl said she serve him his order

"do you need something else?" she asked and he nodded

"send the waitress who took my order." He said and the waitress made a weird face at that

"why sir?" she asked

"I don't think I am obliged to give you any answer." Aahil replied her rudely

He isn't a man who talks with girls rudely but this girl is getting on his nerves.

"OK sir," she replied and left from there

"Sarah that arrogant hottie Is calling you what you did?" that waitress asked Sarah who tsked at her own fate

"nothing, and I'm not going anywhere near him." Sarah said and took another order to serve

While working Sarah saw he was nowhere to be seen so she sighed and continued her work.

The day passed faster than any other day and it was time for Sarah to go back to her PG.

But like every other day again she was feeling that someone was following her.

She speeds up to reach her place soon.

She was walking through a dark alley when suddenly someone held her hand and pulled her towards himself.

Sarah was about to scream but the man put his hand on her mouth muffling her screams.

"it's me, stop thrashing." Aahil said, making her take a breath of relief but in the next moment she started to thrash more.

"you're a little fiesty thing aren't you?" Aahil asked and Sarah glared at him though he can't see her as her back is pressed on his front

Aahil used chloroform on her to make her feel senseless and took her unconscious body with him.

"Allah this love is making me do things I don't want to. Forgive me for my actions but it's all for her for my love." He apologised to Allah and started driving towards his villa that he has took in rent

While driving he was reminded how he came here.

When he told Azhar about his trip to India Azhar couldn't believe his ears but he was happy that he realised at the end.

He assured him that he will do the work.

Aahil with a happy smile went back to his house and called His mother.

"Ammi Jaan, where are you?" he asked

"what happened Aahil why are you yelling?" Mrs. Malik asked

"ammi jaan I'm going to India for some business issues and will come back soon." Aahil said maintain a straight face

He doesn't want to give his mother a hint about his plans.

"are you kidding me Aahil? In 2 weeks it's your engagement with Umira and you're saying you're going to India?" Mrs malik asked not liking the idea of his departure

"Ammi jaan, the work is important and I will come back before the engagement ceremony don't worry about it." He assured his mother

"OK do what you think is right." Mrs malik said half heartedly

Aahil smiled mentally as he was going to bring his Sarah back.

He came to India and found her staying in a PG.

He was following her from the past 4 days before he decided to show his face to her.

He wasn't expecting anything else from her then the way she reacted.

Now as he got her he won't let her go but first he will make her accept that she loves him.

He reached his villa and took the unconscious body of Sarah in his arms in bridal style.

He opened the door and took her inside.

He placed her on the king size bed and looked at her peaceful form.

He took a seat beside her and waited for her to get back her consciousness

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