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This chap is written by me

Author's pov

Sarah is laying on the bed in her room but sleep is far away from her eyes.

Only Aahil's face and talk is roaming in her head.

She doesn't know why he is back after all of this. What he wants from her?

"Does he want to crush me again and again until I give up?" she thought

"why Aahil why?" she screamed loudly

Tears again fall from her eyes but she can't do anything about it. It's her heart that Is hurting and her tears are the only reaction.

She didn't make any attempt to wipe her tears.

She looks at her phone and it shows 2 am.

She was lost in her thoughts from so long.

She sighed and decided to sleep as she had to go to work as well.

Next morning she got up with a bad headache blaming the tears she shed and the man who is the reason for her tears.

She took a warm shower and decided to have some Coffee then take medicine for her headache.

After doing everything she goes to her work.

The Caffè isn't much crowded today compared to the rest of the days.

She wore the apron and cap on her head and got ready with her pen and notepad.

She saw a man sitting in the corner alone. His face is covered as he is reading the newspaper.

Sarah decides to go and take his order.

"sir what will you like to order?" she asked with her professional smile

"whatever you prefer." the man answered removing the newspaper from his face

Sarah looked at him with pure irritation.

"what are you doing here? Don't you have any work to do?" she hissed at him

"Yes I do. I have a lot of work to do and I'm doing my work only. And this Caffè is a free place where I can come and stay as long as I want.
Now go and bring your favourite coffee and snack for me," he replied with his charming smile

"yeah it's really a free place and you can come here anytime. You are only a customer like others." Sarah said with a fake sweet smile

"are you telling me this or telling yourself?" Aahil asked but Sarah didn't reply

She went away from there and sent his order with some other waitress.

Soon the crowd in the Caffè grows and Sarah becomes busy.

Aahil's eyes are rooted on her only he is following her every move.

In lunch time when Sarah was about to go out and eat, Aahil dragged her towards his car and made her sit inside.

"What the hell is your problem? Where are you taking me?" Sarah asked

"it's lunch time so I'm taking you to have lunch." Aahil replied and start the car

"and why do you think that I will go with you? Who are you? A stranger for me nothing else. And don't you have any shame Aahil? You are going to marry Umira and think about her. She loves you and is dreaming about her future with you. And here you're stalking me and forcing me to be with you, "Sarah said trying to hurt his ego so he will leave her alone

But nothing like that happened. He was smiling at her and she looked at him like he had grown two extra heads.

" I know what I'm doing sweetheart and one more thing you're shifting with me in my villa I have arranged everything. You don't have to stay in that PG anymore." Aahil said smiling and that irritate her more

"Who the hell are you to decide about my staying huh? I won't shift anywhere at least not with you." Sarah said clearly

"we will see that baby." Aahil said And concentrate on driving

Sarah kept mum knowing he won't listen or reply to her now.

They reached a very small and cosy restaurant.

Sarah was actually surprised with his choice because Aahil loved luxury  posh hotels.. And this restaurant isn't anywhere near what he prefers.

"don't be confused sweetie, we are here because you like this places
" Aahil said sensing her confusion

They both had their lunch and Aahil dropped Sarah back in the café and even stayed there until her shift was over.

He took her again to her PG but there Sarah got kicked out because of Aahil.

She wanted to go back to her Foster parents but Aahil didn't let her go.

He forced her to stay in his villa and for some reason she could not fight him.

Her fake strong mask was breaking.

From that day it became their routine.

Aahil makes breakfast for her then drops her in the cafe , sits there and watches her have lunch and then again sits there and takes her back when she is done.

1 week has passed and Aahil's time of staying in India is coming to an end.

He knows that Sarah is melting because now she doesn't fight anymore but she hasn't forgiven him yet.

Why will she? He hasn't asked her yet to forgive him nor confess his love for her.

But he will do it because he doesn't have much time.

Today is like any other day for them. Everything is normal.

But in the evening Mrs. Roy, Sarah's Foster mother, called her.

"hi mom," she said

"how are you Sarah? You don't even come to meet us." Mrs. Roy complained

"I'm running busy mom once I'm free I will definitely come to meet you both. How is dad?" Sarah asked

"he is fine just miss you, by the way Sarah I have something to talk about
" Mrs. Roy said

"Yes mom," Sarah said

"Sarah, we have found a suitable alliance for you. The boy is perfect for you from every way. I want you to meet him if you like him then we will fix your marriage with him." Mrs. Roy said and Sarah looked at Aahil who is gawking at her

"Mom, I'm ready to get married. I am sure you will find the best for me. You can fix my marriage with that boy I have no problem
" Sarah said everything looking at Aahil who is shocked to the core

"that's what I expected from my daughter. Then come back here soon.." Mrs. Roy said and hung up

"won't you congratulate me? I'm also getting married like you." Sarah said with a taunting smile

But inside her heart is bleeding she said she is ready but is she really?

Aahil stayed silent and didn't say anything to her.

Sarah went to her room because she couldn't stay there anymore.

Aahil was sitting in the same position he was.

He is thinking now what to do.

"I thought I would do it later but now I guess I have to do it tomorrow itself. 'Aahil thought

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