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This chap is written by me

Author's pov

Reading the letter the only thing which Aahil felt was numb he doesn't know what to do or think.

His mind is blocked by the emotions he is feeling.

She loved him.
She left him
She left like that.

"how?" he asked himself or the letter only he knows

"Why did you leave without facing me? Without telling me?" Aahil asked or I say screamed

He was devastated by this but he didn't understand why.. Maybe because she left him after confessing her love for him.

He can't imagine what she felt when he said those hurtful things to her.

How can he do that?

" I won't let you go Sarah, you have to give me answers." Aahil said And got up

He screamed and called all the maids.

It was 12:30 am so all came late. As they all were sleeping.

"what happened Aahil why are you screaming at this hour is everything fine?" Mrs. Malik asked concerned

"nothing is fine ammi, nothing is fine. Sarah has left the house without telling anyone anything." Aahil spat in anger but for Mrs malik it was the best news she got

"and you all for what I pay you? To sleep or chit chat? You can't even take care of a girl can you? No one checked on her the whole day why?" Aahil screamed at all of them who trembled in fear

"Aahil why are you making it a big issue? Sarah left it for good only. She can't stay here for her whole life now can she? She has to go back to her home one day or another. I was about to tell you to send her back after your Nikah but she left on her own." Mrs. Malik said with a calm tone

Aahil looked at his mother in disbelief but what did he even expect from her? To be worried about her?

" You all are fired, don't show me your face ever. "Aahil said And left from there

He reached his room and locked it.

He threw things in anger here and there.

Her face talks , her smile and her tear filled face come into view.

He himself doesn't know what is hurting more. Her sudden disappearance without any warning or the confession she did in her letter.

"how can I never understand what she felt for me this time?" he asked himself

"when we don't want to see anything that is happening around us no one can make us see it." His inner mind said

He can't help but agree with his subconscious.

He took his phone and informed his men to find Sarah at any cost.

"you just can't leave like this making me feel all guilty. You just can't leave saying you love me." He thought

He could not get a wink of sleep at night. How can he when his mind isn't at peace?

His eyes were red and swollen. Dark circles have formed under his eyes.

He got up and left from his house without meeting his mother.

He called Azhar and told him about what Sarah did.

He thought that Azhar would support him but he did the opposite.

"it's good she left Aahil. She has to one day anyway. She has faced a lot because of our foolishness. It's better if she gets some peace in her life." Azhar said and Aahil can't help but agree with him

Azhar is right she didn't come in their life but they stole her from her life and people.

They interrupted her peaceful life and ruined everything.

He didn't say anything to Azhar anymore.

He kept his investigations but found nothing.

It's like she has evaporated from earth.

His men failed to find her…

Two weeks passed away and still no progress.

Aahil has changed in this time span very much.

He always stays angry and barely stays at home anymore. Mrs. Malik scolded him for it but it seems he doesn't care anymore.

He hasn't shared about her love confession with anyone till now.

He is feeling frustrated and suffocated. In these two weeks he has fired many employees of his office.

"what the hell is your problem?" Azhar finally asked him

"what?" Aahil asked

"why are you doing this? Have you seen yourself? You have become skinny and have dark circles under your eyes. You're working like a maniac and firing people for slight mistakes. What has gotten to you?" Azhar asked though he know what's happening

"I don't know Azhar. I don't know anything. Why is it happening with me? I can't be in peace. It's been two weeks since she left and I'm feeling like everything is finished. Her silly non stop talks about her sassy behaviour. Her tantrums, her cute face, everything is roaming in my head and on top of it she left saying that she loves me. She said it was Azhar she did. And I can't be in peace without her "Aahil finally said

Though Azhar had expected it, he was still quite shocked with all this.

" Tell me Azhar why it's happening?" Aahil asked

" ask the same question to yourself. You will get the answer yourself "

Aahil didn't say anything as he saw him leaving.

Aahil could not focus on work. His mind is wandering around what Azhar said.

He was left alone in his office.

"why can't I forget her? Is it because she love me?" he asked himself

"because you love her,"reply came from his heart

" I love her? I love her! Oh god I love her. What did I do? I realised this thing so late. I have to get her back. "Aahil mumbled when he got a call

" hello, "he received it and whatever the person from other end said that made him happy

He hung up the call immediately and called Azhar.

" hello, "Azhar said

" book flight tickets Azhar. "Aahil said with a happy voice and Azhar can catch that

" why? Are you going somewhere? "Azhar asked

" Yes I'm going to India to bring my love back here. "Aahil said, making Azhar shocked.

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