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The park in the middle of the city was buzzing with life, the cherry trees were just entering their full bloom and children and parents walked about the park, you had never seen the city look so alive before, even the birds sang cheery tunes to the people that walked by. 

You watched from behind your father as he stood in front of and exchanged a few friendly greetings to a tall man with red hair and flames coming from his face in a beard shape, you recognized him as Endeavor, a hero that was your father's best friend. you coward behind your father in fear as your father shook the man's hand, looking reluctant. 

"Y/n, step out, this is Shoto Todoroki" your father, who happened to be one of the most famous heroes right behind all-might, introduced

Only then you noticed that there was a stoic looking boy standing next to the man, his hair was half red and half white, and his eyes were too different colors as well, and you were immediately entranced by them. 

Your father took you away from your thoughts as he grabbed your arm and gently dragged you in front of him, and you stood face to face with the little boy who was only a little shorter than you. 

"Now, y/n, remember what we talked about" your father pressured

You thought back to that day, your father awkwardly explained the concept of marriage and that sometimes people got married so they could have very powerful kids, you didn't understand it fully, but you also didn't question it, he informed you that you would be married to his best friends son when you graduated high school. 

"Right sorry!" you sputtered, turning back to the boy, "Hi! My name is L/n Y/n, and I'm your future wife!" you said excitedly 

Shoto looked at you stoically and nodded. The man behind him hit the back of his head, "Be courteous!" he said angrily. 

You looked up at him in shock, you ran forward to catch him, shielding him from hitting the ground as you let out a low growl and looked up at the man in anger

Your father sighed, "why don't you two go get to know each other while the adults talk" he said, noticing your anger and not wanting any kind of incident between you and your future father in law. once they had walked away you let yourself fall to the ground on your knees and Shoto slowly lifted his head. "Are you okay Shoto?" you asked

"Yes, I am okay" he muttered, holding the back of his head. 

"I'm sorry that happened, here!" you yelled, leaning forward and planting a kiss on the back of his head. 

He looked back up, "why'd you do that?" 

"It's supposed to help it feel better! did it work?" you asked happily

"Yeah, you could say that," he said, smiling slightly. 

"I'll do it any time you get hurt!" you smiled, just as the adults had walked over and informed you it was time to leave. 

From that day forward you saw Shoto almost every day after training, his father slowly became stricter and harsher over the years, so usually, he would have to sneak out, and you would always meet him at the same spot, every day, equipped with a medical kit in which you would use to help treat any injuries he had, and over the years you had become close friends.

He would always remind you how important you were to him, after all, you were the only one he could vent his frustrations too, his only real friend besides his family, and you tried to introduce him to your own friends but they never seemed to click. After a few years, for a period of a few weeks, he stopped coming to your spot, and though you had asked your father multiple times where he was, you never got an answer.

You would wait on the fence near the edge of the park in the cold, you never gave up hope that he would come back again. 

Eventually, he did come back, with the half side of his face bandaged. You asked him multiple questions and he answered them all right away, it seemed as though he was still in a state of shock. after that day he changed, he became more stoic than ever, and you worried that if something ever happened to you, he would have nowhere to show his emotions, but he had made it clear you were the only one he trusted, and you were prepared to be there for him no matter what.


Wedding Sirens - Shoto Todoroki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now