➸ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 28: I am ty.

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He blinks, standing up slowly as his headset falls from his head. For a full minute, he's left entirely speechless, thoughts running wildly in his head.

"... Hey, Ty? You there?"

He can hear Tommy ask through the mic, but he doesn't answer.

There is a dead guy in my room. There is actually a dead guy in my room. Is that... A dead guy in my room? Why is there a dead guy in my room?!

His hand clutches his chest, and the longer he stares, the more he feels his breathing pick up. Hesitantly, he sluggishly moves toward the still boy to take a closer look.

"Uh... Are you.. Okay?" He awkwardly asks, looming over the fallen man. He yelps, jumping back as he sees how bloody his face is.

He looks to be only a year or so older than him, and his entire face is bruised. He's wearing an eyepatch, and his chest is bleeding out, causing his carpet to stain a damp red.

He panics, and quickly runs over to his closet, grabbing a spare towel as he chucks it over the boy. Kneeling down, he lifts up the cold body and wraps the towel around his stomach to try and stop the flow of blood.

"Oh no, uh, uh, stop bleeding," He stutters anxiously, and the first thing that comes to mind is to take him to a hospital.

Lucky for him, his parents are able to afford a home at a luxury apartment in a Skyscraper. Just a few floors below him should be a hospital — He can take him there.

He doesn't wait a minute before heaving up the boy's body, wrapping his arm around him as he tries to help him stand. But he's heavy, and this causes him to stumble back to the floor.

"Argh, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon," He mutters to himself, straining as he struggles to lift him back up again.

The boy is completely unconscious, unable to stand — Much less, even speak.

He re-adjusts his hold on the boy, throwing him over his back as he holds both his wrists in his hands. He walks over to his bedroom door, pulling it open and peeking his head out in the hallway, making sure his parents don't see him.

After all, he couldn't possibly imagine the reaction his mom would have after seeing him carry a random dude's bleeding-out body on his back.

As fast as he can, he makes his way over to the exit door of the apartment.

"Ty, where are you going?" His mom calls out from the kitchen.

Dang it, she must have heard my footsteps.

"Uhh, I'm just gonna go see Tommy," Ty lies.

".. Alright, just be back before dinner, okay? It'll be ready in an hour!"

"Yeah, I will. Love you mom!"

"Love you too, hun!"

And he slams shut the door as he runs out into the hallway of the building, all the while carrying a boy's bloody body over his back.


"Help! Help!"

He bursts through the doors of the hospital, panting as he lurches forward. Immediately, a group of nurses rush over to him, asking him a bunch of questions.

"U-Uh," He stutters, "He fell through my window like this already, and, uh, I don't know if he's dead. Please help, if you can do anything to save him I—"

Mirai SMP (SMP Live AU x Future Diary)Where stories live. Discover now