Chapter 9

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"I'm famished! Shall we take a break for lunch?"

Finn chuckled under his breath at Lance. The man had no filter. Whatever he was thinking soon popped out of his mouth. Finn found it refreshing. Lance was easy to be around, no ulterior motive, no complicated disposition to figure out.

Unlike Emily. She was a mystery to him. Once upon a time, no one had known Emily Montgomery better. Their minds, hearts and souls had been united as one. But time had changed her. Where once Emily was the light in the room, all eyes drawn towards her effervescent, joyful personality, a born leader, now she hid in the shadows, taking a back seat to others.

How could this be? He studied Emily now, her head down, typing up the facts from their last round of questions. Her wavy hair which had tossed in the wind on the deck of the boathouse in another lifetime was pulled back from her face in some kind of intricate knot. Instead of cute colourful dresses, she wore a loose dark blue outfit that masked the sumptuous curves his hands had once spend hours mapping.

Yet there were still some similarities to her former self. Finn had been determined to refuse Emily the satisfaction of seeing the effect being near her again had on him. His attempts at being neutral were no match for her kindness. From the moment he walked into the law offices this morning, she made every attempt to make him feel comfortable. Emily greeted him at the elevator, gave him a tour on the way to the conference room, pointing out Lance's and her's offices. She carefully explained what was expected of him, pausing often to make sure he understood.

While they waited for Lance to join them, Emily chased away his nerves at seeing her again by asking him about his travels across the globe with the army. She prompted him to elaborate here and there, picking up on what excited him. Talking about what was familiar and safe made him feel calm and in control. Despite his best efforts, Finn felt himself melting towards her.

He watched her now, diligently recording his answers and allowed himself to wonder. Was she just being kind or could there be something else? Was it possible she might still have feelings for him? Was there a chance to win her back?

She stopped typing and looked up, catching Finn staring at her. He quickly shifted his gaze to Lance. "I could eat."

"Emily let's take Finn to Bryden's." Lance jumped up and grinned like a kid in a candy store. "You're going to love this place. Best smoked meat sandwiches in town."

Emily agreed and the trio made their way out of the conference room, into the lobby and waited with a few other people for the elevator. When it finally arrived, they all piled into the small space. Finn retreated until his back hit the elevator wall. Just as the door was closing, someone called to hold the elevator. More people crowded in and Emily was forced to step closer to him.

She was inches away. Finn's hand itched to reach out and wrap his arm around her waist, pulling Emily into a backward hug. He had done it so many times in the past. She would lean into him, tilting her head away, exposing her neck so he could pepper it with kisses.

Trying to maintain composure, Finn gulped air. It was a mistake. Her lavender scent assaulted his senses, sending him back in time to another moment they were locked in an enclosed space together.

 Her lavender scent assaulted his senses, sending him back in time to another moment they were locked in an enclosed space together

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Finn cranked up the heat in the truck, aiming the vents in Emily's direction. He tried to keep his eyes on the road, or what he could see of the road in the downpour, but he couldn't stop himself from glancing at the soaked girl sitting beside him. Even drenched she was beautiful. Maybe even more beautiful. Was that possible?

"This is really so kind of you." Emily's voice seemed to echo inside the cab of the truck, gliding across his skin in the most delicious way.

Searching for some brilliant comeback, Finn came up empty and after a drawn-out moment of silence, blurted out, "It's nothing really."

Emily simply nodded and turned to look out the window. Finn mentally kicked himself. Ever since the day she had walked into his brother's bar, Finn had been trying to find a way to get this girl alone – away from watchful brothers and sisters. To talk to her. Now was his chance and he was mute. Why did he always find it so difficult to find the right words? Or any words for that matter. He had to say something.

"Do you ride into town often?" It was a lame question but it was something.

And it worked. Emily twisted back towards him, a slight smile on her face. "Yes. I like riding. My father won't let me have a car, he says my sister can take me anywhere I want. But Mary is often off...well doing whatever it is she does, so I'm left without any means. My bicycle offers freedom."

Finn had the feeling Emily was over-explaining on purpose. Using the useless information as a means of settling his nerves, her voice calm and confident. It was working. The more she talked, the more Finn relaxed. Emily continued, describing what she had been in town for this time and how she had forgotten to check the weather before leaving.

Too soon for Finn's liking, the gates to the Montgomery family estate came into view. The wrought iron hinted at the elegance of the stately home just up the paved path. Pulling in, the rain pelted against the windshield, making the wipers virtually useless. Finn hit the brakes and put the truck into park where he was. "It's really bad out there."

Beside him, Emily sighed. It was a sad sound like she was unhappy about the situation. Finn looked down at his hands, disappointed he had failed to impress the girl.

"Well, thank you again for..."

"Wait!" Finn exclaimed. Silver eyes regarded him, questioning his meaning. "You can't go out in this. Give it a minute and it might let up. Please."

Those light irises shone for a moment. "O...Okay." Now that Finn was parked, he could stare full-on at Emily and take her in. The thin floral summer dress was drenched and clung to her, accentuating certain body parts Finn tried not to look at. His mouth felt dry as want fissured through his core. His desire was quickly replaced with concern when he noticed Emily was shivering.

"You're still cold." Finn reached into the back of the cab and pulled out his hoodie. "Here, put this on."

Emily didn't resist, easily slipping her arms into the too-large garment. With shaking hands, she tried to do up the zipper with no success.

"May I?"

Emily nodded and Finn picked up the two parts and quickly joined them together, slowly zipping the sweater up. When he reached the top, his hand hovered there, just below her chin. Emily raised her head and met his eyes.

For a moment they both hung there, staring at each other, breathing in sync. The delicate scent of Emily's perfume tickled Finn's nose. 

Without thinking Finn moved his hand to Emily's chin and slowly drew his thumb along her lower lip. It was a motion he had been tempted to take many times when talking to her from across the bar. Her plump yet delicate mouth felt warm and inviting. Now it was Finn's turn to shiver.

Emily reached up, removed Finn's hand and leaning forward, lightly pressing those lips against his. 

Gasping involuntarily at her touch, Finn felt Emily begin to retreat away from him. She must have thought he was rejecting her advance. Nothing was further from Finn's mind, she had just caught him off guard. In his wildest dreams, he never considered this vivacious woman might be interested in him. 

Cupping her cheek with his free hand, he held Emily in place and covered her mouth with his.

If it was raining outside, Finn didn't know anymore. He was consumed by Emily, the feel of her soft lips on his, of her delicate hand, holding his, the other warm and pressing against his chest. It was a kiss like no other in his experience. Not awkward or anxious, not born of lust. It was simple, sure, true. It was like coming home. A home he never knew existed but had always been searching for.

Her small body leaned into him causing Emily's head to tilt back, deepening the kiss. Running her free hand up into his hair, she gently massaged his scalp. Matching her measure, Finn caressed the smooth skin of her face.

Kissing her was amazing. His whole body was tingling with the joy of her. It was everything.

Yet he wanted more. So much more.

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