Chapter 24

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The band had stopped playing and a small crowd filed on to the stage. As Emily appeared in the last group to take their place, Finn felt some of the tension drain from his body.  

With purpose, he moved towards her.  As did the rest of the people at the party, gathering in front of the raised platform in a teeming sea of bodies. Finn found himself boxed in on all sides. Swallowing his panic, he steadied his nerves.  Emily was right there. He had eyes on her, there was no way to lose her now.

She was situated in a long line of people standing behind an old man taking a microphone from one of the musicians. No sexy green silk this time.  Instead, she was wearing another one of her modest knee-length dresses – this one black. Still, she was radiant in the bright light of the podium. Looking proud, Lance beamed beside her.

A tall man with jet black hair nestled in on the other side of Emily, last in the long string of people on the stage.  He bent down and whispered something in her ear, touching her arm at the same time.

Far too intimately for Finn. As she raised her hand to cover her smile, a small silver object hanging on a chain around her neck caught on the harsh lights for a moment, blinding Finn.

How could he have not noticed she still wore his charm? He cursed himself for not paying attention. Her love for him had been right there all along. Looking back on it, there were many times when Emily played with her necklace, clutching it, moving it back and forth, holding it between her finger and thumb.  Why had he not seen it?

Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome was still making Emily laugh, inching closer to her. Finn must have growled out loud as the woman beside him gave him a raised eyebrow. "Missed dinner," he muttered to cover his blunder.

When he looked back at the stage Emily was stepping off it, Mr. TDH's hand on her elbow, steadying her in those high heels. Finn pushed through the crowd as the other man placed his broad hand on the small of her back, below the exposed creamy skin her dress revealed. They were headed for the elevators. Picking up his pace, Finn veered around people like a high school quarterback running for the winning touchdown.

The elevator doors opened and Mr. TDH guided Emily in, blocking Finn's view of her. As the metal slid together the last thing he saw was Emily tilting her head up to look at Mr. TDH and him bending towards her.

At last Finn broke free of the masses and into the empty foyer of the elevators. Balling his fists in his hands, he forced himself to concentrate.  Where could they have gone?  There were two alternatives.  Down to the parking garage or up to the offices.  If it was down, Emily would soon be in a car and gone. 

That was not happening if he had anything to do with it. Aiming for the stairs, he jerked the door open and barreled down the steps.  Adrenaline pumping through his veins, he burst into the underground parking garage, Emily's name escaping from his lips in a holler.

It was met with deafening silence. Only parked cars heard his cry.  The garage was empty. Relief washed over him.  Emily was still in the building.

Turning towards the elevators, Finn adjusted his jacket after pressing the call button. Moments later, he exited on the floor housing Simpson, Simpson and Waters.  The lobby, where only weeks ago he had dreaded seeing Emily, was deserted.

Finn called her name, not caring who heard. No response. 

Moving through the office searching room by room he repeated her name like a benediction. Each was vacant. The boardroom sat empty.  The kitchen offered only stilled silence. No matter where he went, Emily was nowhere to be found.

When he returned to her office. Emily's lavender scent teased him, but her person eluded him. As he sank into her office chair in a lame attempt to be close to her, despair threatened to return. Finn fought against it. He was not losing her.

Pulling at the tie threatening to strangle him, he considered his options. Logic suggested she had to be here somewhere. He simply had to figure out where.

He could continue searching randomly and hope he came across her. Years in the field routing out enemy targets taught him never to go on a solo mission – too many chances they would pass each other without knowing it. Not being familiar with the terrain either did not help. It was not viable.

Going back to the party in hopes Emily returned there was also on the table. There was a good chance she would. Assuming she was not off making out with Mr. TDH. Finn ignored that thought. Lance would be at the party and could be his extra pair of eyes. So was Mary. And about a hundred other people he did not want to make small talk with. Standing mutely on guard would not go over well.

Or lastly, he could wait here in her office. Emily's coat hung on a rack in the corner. Surely, she would come back for it?

Decision made; Finn took in the contents of her desk before him.  Shockingly it was a mess. File folders were strewn across one side, piled on her laptop and even spilling on to the floor. A train of coloured paperclips crawled around what had to be a speaker. Finn absently wondered if she still listened to the Beatles. Directly in front of him sat a stack of envelopes with matching letterhead. 

Was Emily planning on writing thank you notes after the party?  Finn smiled at himself.  It would be so like the woman he loved to take the time to handwrite something personal to everyone who attended. He knew the power of a letter.  After all, a letter had ripped them apart. Every word on the single sheet of paper covered in her handwriting had been analyzed over and over for some clue as to why she had left him. He could quote it from memory. 

Finn's grin widened. If a letter could take her away, it might also bring her back. Just like her letter, his words would be permanent. There would be no miscommunication.

Searching the desk, he found a pen under a blue file folder.  Her desk really was a mess. Taking a deep breath, Finn started writing, pouring his heart out onto the page.

An hour later he was still sitting in her office, tie loosened, tapping his fingers. The letter was complete, folded safely in an envelope with her name scrawled across it, sitting in front of him.  There had been no sign of Emily or anyone for that matter.  Lance had texted, asking if he was coming. Then again to say the party was wrapping up and did he want to meet for a drink instead.

A large lady in a pale turquoise smock was pushing a cart full of brooms and dusters into the room when Finn decided it was time to give up. Regarding the letter before him, he contemplated what to do with it.  Ask Lance to give it to her? Finn liked the man but he was not very reliable. He might get distracted and forget to deliver it. Leave it at the reception desk?  It might also get lost in the shuffle. 

No, he needed a way to put it in her hands.  Immediately. Best to leave it here on the desk.  She would see it when she came back.  Or tomorrow morning at the latest. Propping it up against what he hoped was her favourite coffee mug or in her case, tea mug, Finn gingerly caressed it before standing up.

This would work.

The mission had gone sideways but he was not giving up. Missions did not always go as planned, but it did not mean failure. Emily would read his letter and call tomorrow.  Maybe even tonight.

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