Chapter 26

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Emily refused to let trifles like if they would even let her on to the base on a weekend, never mind find Finn, hold her back. If there was a chance he was still here, nothing was going to stop her.

Entering the reception area, Emily barely noticed George standing at the desk. Once upon a time, the man in the black suit before her had been her family's chauffeur. But as money got tighter and her father had to 'trim the budget' things like personal limos quickly fell by the wayside. Luckily, Lance's father had saved the day, bringing George over as a driver for the law firm.

"You'll need more than that flimsy coat if you're going out in this weather, Miss Montgomery," the older gentleman admonished in his broad New England accent.

Emily had always liked George. He was attentive, kind and considerate, feeling a little like the grandfather she never had. During her university years, he often picked her up to bring her home for holidays or special occasions. That first year after Finn disappeared, when it was obvious she was struggling, he offered words of comfort and a stream of tissues, never denying her emotions. Unlike her family.

She smiled at him as they entered the elevator together. "I just hope I can find a cab," Emily grimaced. Finding a taxi on a sunny day was sometimes difficult. In this downpour, it might be near impossible. Why did she have to leave her car at home today of all days?

The day she found out Finn still had feelings for her. The day she could see a future for herself again. The day she could imagine a life together with the man she loved. Another tingle ran up Emily's spine.

"Sorry?" George had said something but Emily had missed it, caught up in thoughts of finding Finn.

"I said, I'm off duty now. I could give you a ride."

Under any other circumstances, she would never have taken George up on his offer, not wanting to take advantage of his kindness or some sense of obligation. But today she wanted to kiss the man. "Really? Are you sure?"

"Now, Miss Montgomery, you know I wouldn't offer if I didn't mean it."

Emily felt a sense of comfort in his honesty and thanked him profusely. When he asked where she was going, the story of the last hour poured out of her.

Only when she had a moment to think, as George sped through the back streets towards the base did it occur to Emily that Finn must have written the letter days ago. Maybe on Tuesday. That was when her assistant had tidied up her desk, placing his note in her pile of file folders, probably assuming it was some formal correspondence. The thought horrified Emily. For four days Finn, who took the slightest rebuff as a rebuke, was under the impression she had rejected him.

"Oh George, can we go any faster?"

Would Finn even be at the base?

Please, please, let him still be there, Emily begged any of the fates listening. If only she could talk to him before he deployed. Or better yet convince him not to go at all.

Turned out getting on the base was easy, which was a good thing because Finn's flight out was leaving within the hour. The front guard was surprisingly helpful, even arranging transport for Emily as George and the car were not allowed beyond the visitor's area. Despite being completely drenched by the time she got there, Emily was brimming with a heady mixture of hope and excitement. Finn was still here.

The sergeant in the office of the hanger housing Finn's transport plane was a different story. His attitude was as stiff as his shirt collar, insisting no one could see the crew or team. They were already in pre-flight.

No way, thought Emily. She was so close. One bureaucrat adhering to the rules was not going to stop her.

Tamping down her desperation and pulling on years of hiding her emotions, Emily calmly and rationally argued with the veteran. She insisted it was urgent. It would only take a few moments to speak with the Captain. Lastly, she made it clear she was not leaving without seeing him.

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