Chapter 38

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Shifting on the hard surface of her hospital bed, Emily regretted moving as a blast of agony shot through her left side.

"Are you in pain?" demanded her father.

"A little."

"I'll get the nurse."

"No Dad, it's passed."

It was strange to have her father looking out for her.  Was it concern on his face now?  She couldn't remember the last time he'd taken care of her.  Focusing on him, she noticed the cracks in his usually immaculate façade. Despite the tailored suit and starched shirt, his hair was mussed up and there were bags under his eyes.

Her father's hand tightened on hers. "Are you sure? You don't have to suffer you know."

"Dad, I'm okay.  I promise."

"Okay?  You are far from okay. They took a bullet out of you."

Emily resisted the urge to laugh, knowing it might hurt.  Apparently, the caring portion of their reunion was over and they were moving into the condemnation part. She started to protest but her father had more to say.

"What were you thinking? Stealing away to South America in the middle of the night. Putting yourself in danger like that."

"I wasn't in danger."

"Tell that to the surgeon who just stitched you up. Really Emily, what possessed you?" Her father's voice had a hard edge to it, making her wince.

He stole a glance at the door and huffed.  Emily followed his line of sight, landing on the back of Finn's head which was visible through the glass window in the hospital room door.

"Why is that man here?" he grumbled.

And now we are moving on to the make her feel guilty portion of the visit.  Reaching for her necklace, she discovered it was no longer there.  A pang of panic hit her.  Where was it?

She never took it off.  It was her connection to Finn. To their love.

But she didn't need a reminder.  She had the real thing now. Just outside that door.  And it was time her family got used to it.  Starting with her doubting father who was awaiting her response.

"You know why.  Because Finn," she emphasized his name," loves me.  And I love him."

Her father sat back in his chair and crossed his arms. "Don't say that Emily.  You know you can't trust him. He'll bolt again and where will that leave you?"

"It's different this time, Dad."

"Why? What's changed?"

Emily swallowed, trying to make her dry throat work. What was different? Her love was the same and Finn swore he'd never stopped loving her. But he'd left once before. Why if he loved her? They had to find time to talk.  She needed answers.

Her father was looking at her expectantly.

"Nothing and everything. Finn's ... sure now.  So am I."

"You were sure last time. You think I don't remember, but I do.  Every time we went back to Bridgetown, the look on your face when we walked into his brother's restaurant. Hoping he would be there.  What it did to you over and over when he wasn't."

"I didn't..."

"Emily, we all saw it. Why do you think I forbade everyone from even mentioning his name. I couldn't take what it did to you.  What he did to you."

Emily was in shock. She had no idea her father felt this way.  "It wasn't his-"

"Don't you dare say it wasn't his fault.  He left you. Ran away like the coward he is."

Her father's words angered her. It was one thing to be protective, actually it felt quite nice.  But it was another thing to attack Finn's character. "Finn is not a coward. He... made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance."

Shaking his head, a sad smile splashed across her father's face.  "You are so like your mother."

"Thank you." The compliment stunned Emily.  It was rare her father spoke about his late wife. Rarer still he compared Emily to her. Risking him clamming up, she pushed the point. "But how so?"

"You're kind. Just as she was.  Giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, second chances. All that... hope. Optimistic about ... everything." He scraped his hands up and down his face.  "And she also fell in love with a man who was not worthy of her."

Emily held her tongue. At this point, she would usually interject, discount her father's disparagement of himself.  But she wanted to know more, wanted him to go on.

"Your mother was way out of my league.  I don't just mean her family's wealth and status.  She was ... good. When we met she blew up my world, swept me off my feet, made me want to be a better man." Picking at a non-existent thread on his sweater, he sighed. "And I tried so hard. I think I even managed it for a while there."

Emily couldn't resist any longer. She reached out and placed her hand on his. "You were... are.  Mom loved you."

Pale blue eyes met hers, sadness saturating them. "And I loved her. More than life itself."

"I know, dad.  I know."

"Then she got... sick." His voice cracked on the last word. "I ... couldn't bear the thought of living without her." He wiped away a tear threatening to tumble down his cheek. "Still can't."

"I miss her every day too."

"I got... so lost without her."

"You've done your best."

He huffed. "Have I? I'm pretty sure I've failed you and your sisters.  Failed her."

"No, dad.  You haven't failed anyone." 

"There's that kindness again."  Another glance across the room at the door. "Emily, are you sure about Finn?" There was an urgency to her father's voice.

Nodding her head, she confirmed it. "One hundred percent.  He's a good man dad.  I trust him. With my life."

Her father winced at the last word.  She squeezed his hand again.

"He is the only man for me. You have to accept it. Finn is here to stay."

"He better.  Because if he breaks your heart again, I'll kill him."

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