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Emily sat on the balcony flipping through a bridal magazine. If it had been up to her, they would have been married at City Hall. Her father had been aghast at the idea. Surprisingly so had Finn. He was all-in on a grand affair. The bigger the better.

Finn said it was because he wanted the whole world to watch him get to marry her.

Turns out the love of her life was a romantic. Bigtime. He was always surprising Emily. Words were his favourite. Leaving little notes around their apartment for her to find, random thoughts or quotes texted to her when they were apart and whispering sweet nothings in her ear when he was putting her coat on in a restaurant or they were standing in line at the grocery store. 

But Finn made grander gestures as well. Yesterday had been the grandest yet. She felt giddy inside at the memory.

It had been the anniversary of the horrible day Emily got on a plane to Japan eight years ago. The day everything went wrong.  Finn had brought it up, suggesting they christen the day with a new memory.  A romantic weekend away. Emily loved the idea.

Finn planned everything, telling her it would be a surprise.  When the car turned on to the familiar road to Bridgetown, a tingle of concern tweaked Emily's heart. Yes, there were many good memories in this small town.  Her childhood, her mother, the lake house, meeting Finn and their summer together. But it was also a source of pain, especially for Finn. 

He had taken her hand and asked if she trusted him. It was an easy answer – yes.

As the scenery slipped by Emily focused on the happiness of the then and the now. She saw the countryside with fresh eyes and a heart full of love. The world seemed brighter, more colourful, more alive now Finn was by her side.  Almost like she was rediscovering it.

When Finn took the lane to the lake house, she tried to keep calm.   She wasn't sure she could hold in her emotions if she saw her beloved home, her mother's house, now owned by someone else.  Had they changed it?  Would the cherry blossom tree still be in the backyard? Would the red front door still be there? Would her mother's handprints still be in the sidewalk leading down to the lake?

The white brick house loomed before them, the red door still intact.  To her surprise, Finn pulled into the driveway and stopped the car.

Emily tore her eyes from her old home to find a grinning Finn watching her.  Seeing him smile still took her breath away. 

"Finn, why are we here?"

Instead of answering her, Finn got out of the car and coming around to her side, opening the door, he helped her out of the passenger's seat. With a gentle tug he pointed Emily towards the house and wrapped his arms around her in a backwards hug. He squeezed her waist, tucked her into his chest and kissed her neck.

"I thought you'd like to visit our new home."

The closeness of Finn, his scent mixing with his words sent Emily's heart racing. "Home?"

"Yes," Finn giggled.  He actually giggled. The sound did not help Emily's heart palpitations. "The deal closed yesterday. It's ours."

Ours.  Emily loved this word.  Almost as much as she loved Finn. Turning to face him, she asked, "You bought the lake house?"  She looked back at the house to confirm she was not dreaming and then back at Finn.  The ocean in his irises danced with delight. "For us?"

"We can't raise kids in that little apartment of yours."

Emily tried to keep from jumping for joy.  She failed. It was impossible to keep still. Joy surged through her as she peppered the man she loved with kisses. Everything was perfect. Finn here in her arms, her favourite person in the world, standing in front of their new home, her favourite place in the world, discussing their future, her new favourite topic. 

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