Chapter 8

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Although his eyes were the same ocean blue and he was still tall, towering over her, Finn was different. The lankiness had rounded out, into toned, lean, hardened muscles reminiscent of a long-distance runner. Gone were the overgrown chocolate locks ending in curls that she had loved running her fingers through, replaced by short-trimmed hair buzzed off at the sides. His chin was chiseled, cheeks angular and his nose was off-kilter by the slightest degree.

Yet, as he stared at her, she knew her Finn was still there. The way he looked into her soul hadn't changed.

The connection was electric. For a moment it was like the last 8 years had been washed away. It was just Finn and her. Two hearts beating in unison.

Memories of shared moments swam between them. Sweet kisses, tender confessions, precious promises. Comforting each other as they cried over the mutual losses of loved ones, his parents, her mother. Trust given and accepted. Dreams discussed, plans constructed, proposals put into motion. Everything that was good and true blue. Love.

Then right on cue, Mary had ruined everything. Finn's features hardened when Mary joined them and it was as if her Finn retreated into the shell of this new Finn. When Mary snubbed the man before them, it took all the strength Emily had to restrain herself from slapping her sister. But years of suppressing her real feelings kicked in and she maintained her outward calm.

Now Finn stood on the other side of the room, so close yet so far away. After years of not being able to reach him, it would take only a few steps and she could touch him. All she needed was a moment with him alone. But she couldn't make her feet move.

Emily felt like a fool as she kept trying to catch his eye. Looking for a sign he would be open to talking to her. Finn never once looked her way.

"Why do you keep staring at Lance's friend?" Sophie's question pulled her attention to her friend. The other woman's straight chin-length hair bobbed as she talked. "He's very handsome and all, but it's a bit much."

Mary huffed beside her. Emily glared at her sister and for once Mary looked momentarily contrite before announcing she needed another glass of wine and retreating to the kitchen.

"It's Finn."

The blank look on Sophie's face morphed into shock as recognition dawned, her dark eyes widening. "Finn, broke your heart, Finn?"

Emily placed her hand on Sophie's arm. "Shh, he'll hear you."

The other woman did lower her voice, but her tone was firm. "He should. I've half a mind to march over there and kick him in the balls for what he did to you." Emily once again thanked her lucky stars for Sophie.

She had come into Emily's life at her lowest point. School had just started and Emily found herself looking for a roommate to fill the financial void Finn left when he disappeared. They had planned to move in together, Finn was to find a local job while Emily attended class and eventually get a job herself to cover all the new expenses. Thus she had given up her dorm room in favour of an off-campus apartment.

But without Finn's half of the rent, Emily didn't know how she was going to make ends meet. Not that she cared much. The massive hole Finn left in her life had swallowed her and left her in a pit of despair. Mary had driven her to Yale, had moved her in, had set her alarm, got her out of bed, pushed her into class. Emily acquiesced, doing whatever her sister wanted, unable to resist or pick her own path.

Mary put the ad in the classifieds and arranged all the interviews. In amongst a run of questionable applicants, Sophie was a ray of sunshine. After explaining the situation and seeing it not scare the other woman, Mary offered Sophie the spot. Sophie, desperate for a place not currently shared with cockroaches or rats, moved in.

When Mary eventually left, anxious to get back to her own life, Sophie gave Emily space. Later the other woman said she recognized Emily needed to grieve.

Emily was thankful for the reprieve. She stuck to her routine. School, study, cry herself to sleep. Rinse and repeat, day after day. Some people gained the freshman fifteen, Emily lost weight, often forgetting to eat.

Eventually, Sophie took Emily under her wing. First, she started ensuring she had a least one healthy meal a day. Then she pushed her to get some exercise, convincing Emily to just walk to the grocery store with her. Bit by bit, Sophie dragged Emily out of the shadows and into some semblance of a normal life.

Emily wasn't sure what she did to deserve Sophie, but she knew her friend had probably saved her life. Unlike her family, Sophie asked about Finn, pulling the story from her in dribs and drabs, getting Emily to open up. It helped, talking about him. Little did Emily know at the time Sophie was giving Emily the blueprint on what to do when Sophie's fiancé Thomas was tragically killed in a car accident.

From that point on, the two were fused together in grief. And fiercely loyal to each other.

"Sophie!" Emily whispered. "It's..."

"What?" Sophie glared at Emily. "Don't you dare say it's not his fault."

But Emily had been on the verge of saying it. She swallowed her words and looked woefully across the room again.

Sophie took Emily's arm in hers. "You are too kind Emily, too forgiving."

"But.." Emily weakly protested.

Sophie squeezed her arm. "But what?" It wasn't a reprimand, more like encouragement for Emily to speak her mind.

"What if I could make him love me again?" Her words came out low and weak, as if she was referring to something taboo.  Emily peeked at Sophie's reaction. It wasn't shock or anger she saw. It was more like longing.

"Do you think it possible?"

"I do. There was a moment..." Emily sighed. "You think I'm crazy."

"Does it matter what I think?"

Emily considered her friend's question then shook her head. There was certainty in her voice now. "No." After a pause, she added, "But I'd like to know anyway."

Her friend's eyes looked off into some place non-existent. "I can tell you nothing would stop me if I could have just a minute more with Thomas." Sophie's gaze returned to Emily. "If your sure this is what you want..."

Finn had uttered only a handful of words, but his voice struck a chord inside Emily, igniting a fire she had spend years trying to put out. She had come this far, what was the point in denying it now. "More than anything."

"Well, in that case, we've work to do." A hint of a smile played on Sophie's lips. Emily matched her expression, letting hope blossom.

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