Chapter 28

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Emily wrapped her hand around his and said "yes", at the same time Finn again asked, "Are you sure about this?" It seems this amazing woman before him still had the ability to read his thoughts. Her grey eyes shone as he lifted her hand to his lips.

"When we get there, I'll find you a plane to St. Lucia or someplace safe. You wait for me." Finn dared not add more. It would be easy to ensure her the mission would be quick and safe. But he didn't want to lie. Not to Emily. The truth was he had no idea how long it was going to take to find and deal with their target. Days. A week. 

Worse, what his team was about to do was anything but a walk in the jungle.

"Let's figure that out when we get there," she suggested as the plane made its way down the runway and into the air.

It was so simple to agree. Emily made it feel like anything was possible. Or maybe he only wanted it to be.

Holding her hand as they took flight, Finn's stomach lurched for more than one reason. As she snuggled against his shoulder, he noticed Emily was shivering. Was she scared?

Trying to offer comfort, he took her hand in both of his, rubbing it to reassure her. Her fingers were cold. In fact, her lips were looking a little blue. As he put his arm around her, he felt the dampness of the material of her thin coat. A strange panic rose from the pit of his stomach. It had been raining. Did she get soaked on her way to him?

"I think we should concentrate on getting you into some dry clothes."

"Picked up the habit of carrying around an extra set of women's fatigues have you?"

"No, I would never..." it took him a moment to realize she was teasing him. Oh, how it felt good. This was his Emily, joking, light-hearted.

"Calm down Captain." She tugged playfully at his shirt. "I think this would do nicely. Camouflage is not really my colour. But at this point I will take anything as long as it is dry."

Finn reached under his seat to release the stored duffel bag, undid their seat belts and led Emily towards the back of the plane. Beige and black cartons of supplies were stacked into neatly formed rows, strapped down in netting to stop them from shifting during the flight. Finding a secluded aisle, he guided Emily in there. Out of his bag, he pulled potential items for her to wear. They decided on a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. Both of which were going to be way too big on her.

"Beggars can't be choosers," Emily laughed. She stood there looking at him expectantly. He stared back. "Um, do you think you could turn around?"

"Right, of course." Reluctantly he let her out of his sight. Taking up a stance he protectively guarded the space to give her privacy.

With the lull of action, the doubt of bringing her along started to creep in again. This was foolish. He let emotions cloud his judgement and now Emily was flying right into the path of danger. What had he done? Was it to late to turn the plane around? Could he convince the pilot to land in St. Lucia first to get her off the plane? He ran scenario's in his head, dismissing them all.

Finn jumped when he felt Emily touch his arm.

"Are you okay?" The concern lacing her words caught his attention. Hating himself for it, a part of him relished the apprehension on her face. Pushing the ill thoughts from his mind, Finn assured her he was fine.

What he saw before him took his breath away. Used to Emily's recent plain sometimes stodgy attire often giving him the impression she was trying to fade into the background, he admired her transformation. It was possible this look was better than the green dress from the club.

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