Chapter 18

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Emily sat in her Aunt's empty hospital room, staring out the window. 

The woman in question was off having some tests to determine the likelihood of finishing her recuperation at home. It had been almost a week since her Aunt had fallen Since the frantic ride to the hospital. Since the kiss.

Emily looked woefully at the spot Finn had put his arms around her. She avoided the hallway and the memory of the unreadable look she had last seen on his face. There had been a time when she could read the slightest eyebrow twitch and instantly understand Finn's meaning. Not any more.

It hurt that she did not get the chance to explain her rash actions. When the hospital room door finally opened that day, Emily scanned the concerned faces before her. Finn was not among them. 

But Lance was there. He pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm sorry I didn't wait for you."

"It's okay Lance."

"We came as soon as I got your message.  I had trouble keeping up with Campbell and Max." Lance tapped his stomach. "I might need to start hitting the gym again."

Emily gave him a weak smile. "Campbell and Max were here?"

"Yes. They were worried about you.  Well you and Aunt E.  How is she?" Emily filled Lance in. She looked around the hallway once more, hoping Finn might return.  Mary was down the way, talking animatedly with her father. Emily headed for them.

"What did you say to him?"

Mary glared at Emily. "Who?"

"You know who." Mary shrugged her shoulders. "Finn, Mary. What did you say to Finn?"

"Oh, soldier boy. Nothing.  He didn't stick around long enough. Bolted out of here as soon as his friends showed up." Mary licked her lips. "Maybe he thought you trying to jump his bones in a hospital was in bad taste."

Emily opened her mouth to protest but closed it again.  She had initiated the kiss. Mary could be right.

"Back off Mary." Emily was stunned at her father's words. She was not sure she had ever heard him speak to his favourite daughter in such a disparaging way. Usually, Mary could do no wrong. It showed as her older sister stared dumbfounded back at her father. "Mr. Wainwright was good enough to bring Emily here and... look after her."

Emily did not think it was possible to be more shocked.  Her father had just defended Finn. It should have made her happy. Instead, it immediately made her suspicious, wondering what the man was up to.

Mary decided discretion was the better part of valour and found herself desperate to see her favourite Aunt, huffing down the hallway.

Emily sighed. Family had intervened and Finn had left. History repeating itself.

"You're thinking about him, aren't you?" Beth handed her a paper cup with steam slipping from the hot liquid inside, pulling Emily out of her thoughts of the events of the other day. 

One of the hardest parts about being pregnant for Beth was cutting out her caffeine fix. She insisted on buying everyone coffee at any opportunity, claiming the aroma kept her going. Emily had indulged her, even though she much preferred a good cup of tea.

Emily felt the prickle of a blush starting. "Who?"

Beth sat down, taking the wing chair opposite her. "Finn Wainwright.  Who else?"

The blush bloomed. There was no point in lying about it. "Is it that obvious?"

"Yes." Beth had always been the blunt one in the family. "Why didn't you tell me about him?"

Emily studied her hands. Telling her about Finn would have meant telling Beth she had chosen her over Finn all those years ago. Because of Beth, Emily had lost Finn. Beth carried around enough guilt from her past actions, Emily wanted to spare her anything additional.

"It didn't seem important. By the time we came back, he was ... gone."

"But he's here now." Emily nodded. "And you ... like him?"  Emily nodded again. "So what's stopping you?"

"I don't think Finn... likes me ... anymore."

Beth laughed.  Emily stared at her.

"It looked to me like he likes you just fine when he was kissing you." Beth was practically giggling.

"Technically I kissed him. He was just being nice."

"Emily, I might not have much experience in these matters, but I do know that no man kisses a woman the way he kissed you unless he really reeeeally likes her." Beth drew out the second really.

"Do you think so?" 

Beth was nodding her head aggressively. "I do.  And I think you should kiss him again. Or at least find out if he'd like to kiss you."

Emily tried to keep her lips and her heart from turning up at Beth's words. She made everything sound so simple. "I'd like that."  Then Emily frowned. "But ... I don't know."

"Why? What's stopping you?"

A mirthless chuckle erupted from Emily. There were so many things blocking her from what she wanted, least of which was timing and family. There had been a period when nothing would hold her back from going after what she desired. She used to be bold, adventurous, determined.  When had she lost that?

Emily could almost feel the cold morning breeze outside the Waterfront Bar freezing her heart and soul in place. The bleak light peeking over the dew sodden rooftop. Trying to use the handle of her suitcase as support to stop herself from falling to her knees. Simon speaking senseless words, nothing having meaning past "He's gone."

She dug her nails into her the palms of her hands, forcing the horrid memory out of her mind. Beth was saying something. Emily focused on her words.

"...In fact, I happen to know exactly where Finn's going to be tonight.  He asked Lance to recommend a night club for a boy's night out."

Emily raised an eyebrow. "I don't know Beth. That hardly sounds like a good time to interrupt him."

"I disagree. I think it's the perfect time to 'interrupt him' as you put it. Put on a dress that doesn't look like you're going to a funeral and knock his socks off." Beth pulled at the hem of Emily's black blazer. "Remind Finn why he fell in love with you in the first place."

Emily looked at Beth quizzically.

Beth sighed. "That you're amazing. That you're audacious.  That you're Emily Montgomery."

Emily surveyed the hospital room. "I can't. Aunt E needs me."

Beth pursed her lips. "Stuff that. Aunt E can do without you for one night. The whole family can. You do too much for us.  And we let you. It's time you did something for yourself."

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Hi all. D. L. Croisette here. Teaser for the next chapter. Expect an unexpected kiss...

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