Chapter 20

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The music was throbbing and Emily had to lean in to hear Max. The man was rambling on about his friend, Finn. She was not surprised by the loyalty this man showed to his captain. Emily knew first hand how amazing it was to be part of Finn's inner circle.

Finn had asked her to stay. Hope had blossomed in Emily's heart. However, Max was proving an obstacle, monopolizing all her attention. She tried to get Finn in on their conversation, but the music was too loud. Besides, talking was not Finn's strength. As the tension rolled off of him, she could feel his frustration taking root in her own body. Trying to think of a way to engage him without offending Max, Emily turned to suggest they refill their drinks only to find Finn walking away.

Following him with her eyes, she relaxed when he headed towards the bathrooms. He was not leaving. Turning back to Max, she found herself enjoying the story Max was weaving, an escapade with vague details but Finn playing the hero. She smiled at the other man, remembering a time when had Finn been her personal hero.

"Why do you like me?"

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"Why do you like me?"

They were sitting on the deck of the boathouse, Finn's sturdy chest made a warm place to rest her head as they watched the sunset.

"Because you're amazing."

Emily ran a finger across his stomach, t-shirt material bunching slightly under her touch. "No seriously. Why me?"

"Why not you?"

"Well... most men prefer," Emily had opened the door, she might as well walk through it, "women more like Mary."

Finn winced. "Not after they meet her."

"But you found her attractive when you first saw her, didn't you?"

As Finn paused, Emily found herself holding her breath.

"I suppose you could argue your sister has a pretty face."

Emily rolled her eyes. Pretty was putting it mildly. Men tripped over themselves when Mary walked by. It was about more than her face. "And a rocking body."

"Hmmm, I guess."

"C'mon Finn. I see how she attracts men's attention. Checking her out, drooling over her... chest."

"Em," Finn shifted so she was forced to look up at him. "Some men may prefer your sister and as far as I'm concerned, they can have her. As long as it means I can have you all to myself."

Finn reached out and stroked her cheek. "Your face is a thousand times more gorgeous than hers." His hand slipped down, tracing the slight curves of her neck. "I wouldn't change a thing about you. You light up any room you walk into. I don't know how, but you find the good in everyone and everything. Even a loser like me."

Emily opened her mouth to protest but Finn kept going. "You're like a summer breeze, warm and fresh and pure. An uncomplicated, classic beauty that makes me believe there might really be a celestial being making dreams come true."

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