Chapter 36

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Finn watched Emily sleep. Pale face peaceful in the dim lights of the cargo plane currently jetting them to the United States.  Back home.

Emily's home. Finn didn't have a home. A fact that was going to have to change. Soon. A home was among many new responsibilities on his list, the least of which being protect Emily at all costs. He resisted the urge to check her pulse yet again, digging his hands into fists instead. For the first time in years, he'd have to find a permanent place to live.

Hopefully a place together. The conversation they'd had in the back seat of the SUV kept repeating in his head.  He shook his head at Emily getting up to her old tricks, using distraction to keep him from going crazy with concern. She was the one who was hurt and yet Emily was looking after him.

Was the distraction, only that? Had Emily meant it when she accepted his proposal of marriage? Finn closed his eyes and saw her face in the moment. The joy there was evident, the love - real.  Holding on to the feeling, Finn made a pact with himself to believe in her until proven otherwise.

She'd been briefly awake back in the medical bay on the base. Groggy at first and then confused over what was happening. The doctor's explanation he'd successfully removed the bullet and found her a flight home garnered as much intertest from her as if the man was informing Emily of tonight's dinner menu. Even when he told her about the brief phone call to Lance asking him to relay the situation to Emily's father, she simply patted Finn's hand.

Then her eyes had shot open and she became agitated, demanding to know what became of Valentia and her children.  Finn almost had to restrain her, promising they were safe. When the group had finally reached the gates to the base, the family had not been allowed in.  Campbell himself had insisted on taking the woman and her three children home.

Upon hearing this news, Emily relaxed and slipped back into a light slumber. Finn was caught between his desire for her to rest and his almost physical need to have her awake, assuring him she was alive.  Holding her hand, Finn sat watching her chest softly rise and fall until it was time to board the plane.

When they did leave, two soldiers carried Emily's stretcher into the cargo area stacked with metal containers and secured it for the flight. They were hitching a ride with a group of scientists returning from a six-month research program.  Their gear and samples crammed into the plane, barely leaving room for passengers.

The doctor at the base, who had performed the emergency surgery, loaded Emily up with enough pain killers to hopefully last the long ride.  With Emily unconscious beside him, Finn was at a loss as to what to do with himself. 

There had been a small reprieve when he discovered Emily's string of texts on his phone.  Not able to contain the smile spreading across his face, Finn binged on them. How he'd missed her brand of humour.  How he thrilled at her simple "I love you" texts every night.

A voice came over the plane's speaker system. "Folks, we're making our approach. Let's get those butts in seats and strapped in for landing,"

Looking once again at Emily, Finn noticed her face was no longer pale. In fact, it was quite rosy.  All resistance gone, he reached out and stroked her cheek.  The soft skin was warm to his touch, too warm. Concern spiked in his veins and he moved his hand to Emily's forehead.  Her skin was aflame. 

After the longest landing in the history of the world, the cargo plane ramp lowered at a maddeningly slow rate.  Finn saw an ambulance waiting for them before the two attendants rushed in and started examining Emily.  Explaining everything including her recent spike in temperature, Finn asked what was wrong.  One of the paramedics suggested an infection.

"Sir, we need to go," the other insisted. Finn let go of Emily's hand, reluctantly.  These two could be of better use to her.

As they transferred her to a gurney and wheeled her away, Finn followed them, watching helplessly. He started to climb into the back of the ambulance when an angry voice shouted at him.

"What exactly do you think you're doing?"

Finn spun around and came face to face with Emily's father.  Phillip Montgomery's pale blue eyes bore into him, eyebrows knitted in fury. What was he doing here?

"I'm going with her," Finn announced.

"The hell you are." The man stepped closer to Finn. "Get away from my daughter."

Finn rose to his tallest and peered down on the man. "No. I'll never leave her."

Her father barked out a mirthless laugh. "Didn't you say that to me once before?"

Finn felt like the man had punched him in the gut.  It was true, as he stood in a foyer, being told he wasn't good enough for the man's daughter, that he should leave her now and spare her the heartache - all those years ago. He had said those words - foolishly believing them to be true at the time.

"Gentlemen," interrupted one of the attendants.  "We need to get this woman to the hospital.  Figure this crap out later."

Finn stepped aside letting Emily's father get into the ambulance.  As he passed by Finn heard him declare. "Stay away from Emily.  You've caused my daughter enough pain already."

The attendant slammed the door shut behind him, the siren started wailing as it took off. 

Finn looked around for a means to follow it. His eyes landed on the car her father must have come here in. Standing beside it was an older man in a driver's cap. Finn bee-lined for him. He opened his mouth, ready to plead his case when the other man him cut off.

"I'll take you.  Get in."

Not stopping to question it, Finn flung himself into the passenger seat and was putting on his seatbelt when the car lurched into motion. He gripped the door handle for support as the vehicle careened after the speeding ambulance.

"Won't your boss be mad at you for this?"

"I'm doing it for her."

Finn looked at the driver, who never took his eyes off the road.  He didn't know what to say. All he could think of was a simple thank you.

"You can thank me by not hurting her again."

Guilt churned in the pit of Finn's stomach. "Never.  I swear."

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