Chapter 43 - Eight Years Ago

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"Mary, I can't!" Emily's hands had started to shake. She was frantic now.

"Aunt E needs you. She can't control Beth."

Mary had just informed Emily of Operation Sensible.  Beth was acting out again, disappearing for two days this time.  Aunt E needed help and their father had volunteered Emily as the best candidate. Without consulting her, they all agreed to send her to Japan to help reign Beth in.

"Yes, yes.  I get it.  But I can't leave. Finn-"

"Oh, Finn.  Forget about Finn. This is your family."  Mary was tossing toiletries into an overnight bag.

"Mary! Let me make this perfectly clear to you.  I will never forget about Finn." Emily air quoted the word forget.  Her sister had to get this through her thick, prejudiced head. "He's in my life now and he's not going anywhere. We have... plans. Accept it."

Mary rolled her eyes as she placed one of Emily's dresses in the waiting suitcase. "Right, right. I get it. Finn's not a summer fling. He's your boyfriend."

Emily didn't have confidence her sister understood her love for Finn.  Or his for her. Still, she decided to let it go. There was nothing Mary could do to make her doubt Finn or vice versa.  Even this latest trick would not work.

This last-minute trip to Japan didn't sit right with her.  Sure, sometimes she could get through to Beth.  Her father was definitely a lost cause when it came to laying down the law.  And Mary was more likely to encourage Beth's bad behaviour.  But why did it have to be her always playing the role of mother?

Not for the first time this week, Emily desperately wished she could have a conversation with her mother. She would know what to do. What to say to make everything go back to normal again. But hopes and wishes don't make a thing come true.  The reality was her mother was not here, never would be and someone had to step up for the family. Emily realized she would have to go to Japan.

"I can't leave tonight. Finn doesn't get back until tomorrow."

"Just call your boyfriend and tell him you can't meet him at the bus station."

Emily balled her fists in anger.  "You know very well he doesn't have a cell phone. He's on the bus already," she growled.

At the mention of a bus, Mary squished up her nose in disgust. "How am I supposed to remember the neanderth-, he's stuck in the dark ages.  If he likes everything so old fashioned, write him a letter."

"Don't be ridiculous," Emily cried.  "Change the plane tickets.  There has to be another flight I can take."

"Daddy pulled strings to get you on this flight. It's first-class."

"I don't care if it's a private jet.  I'm taking a later flight. I'm not leaving without talking to Finn."

"Emily," Mary took her hands in her own and sat Emily on the bed across from her. "Truth is Daddy is having some cash flow issues again.  He turned in a favour to get you this ticket.  You have to go now."  Emily opened her mouth to protest. "I know, you have to tell Finn.  Write the letter. I will personally give it to him."

Money was a constant issue these days. Her father's spending was out of control. Another thing she would have to try to fix. Looking into the earnest eyes of her sister, Emily nodded.

Grabbing a piece of paper from her desk, Emily sat down to write, hoping her words would be enough.

Dear Finn,

I know you are wondering why my sister is giving you this letter. I've told you not to trust her in the past, but this one time I have to ask you to put that advice aside. There was just no other way I could ensure you got the message.

Mary can explain everything in detail. But I'm leaving town tonight for Japan. I know it's sudden and you will be disappointed in my decision, but I feel like I have no other choice. Please try to understand and don't be too upset. I'm sorry.

Running out of room on the small slip of paper, Emily found a second sheet and continued scribbling.  Trying to find a way to explain to Finn what she felt.

I didn't want our summer together to end like this. I'm sorry I can't be there to kiss you when you step off the bus tomorrow. I've been looking forward to holding you in my arms again since the minute you left.

I'll call you the first chance I get from Japan. I can't quite work out the time change but it might be late at night.  Luckily, you'll be working at the bar.  My ticket is booked for a return date on Labour Day. Be packed bright and early, ready to start our new life together.

You have my heart Finn, please take care of it. I love you. Always.


P.S. There is a part of me that's scared you won't trust this letter. Please Finn, believe in me, believe in us.  I believe in you. I love you.

Emily folded the two pages and placed a kiss on the outside.  With shaking hands, she handed the note over to her older sister. "You'll give this to Finn right away?"

"Sure." Mary took the bundle from Emily's outstretched hand.

"Mary.  Finn is important to me. He won't understand at first.  He'll be... upset I'm not here. Promise to explain everything."

Her older sister nodded. "He'll get the message. I promise."

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