Chapter 35

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Despite their size, the group moved along at a smooth pace, surprising Finn. As well as the lack of interference. They made their way through the maze that was the basement of the embassy, the world remaining quiet around them.

He was not looking the gift horse in the mouth. Not after the horror of finding Emily lying on the cold concrete floor. The stain lingered in his mind like the hand stamp from last night's club. He couldn't quite wash it off. Part scared something might still happen to her and part ashamed of his stupidity of assuming she was dead.

"This is it," came Officer Kim's last instruction.

The stairwell before them lead to the parking garage.  There they would find a vehicle or two to transport everyone to the base.  Get Emily back to a safe and secure spot. And in to see the medic on staff. She didn't show any signs of concussion but Finn was not taking any chances.

He was never putting Emily's life at risk again. When they got back to Washington, he was going to find an ivory tower and lock her in it. Throw away the key. Never let her leave. Never leave himself.

As if sensing his distress, there was a light squeeze from the hand resting on his shoulder.

When Emily explained the Greek legend of the man leading his wife out of hell, the similarities were a little too close. This situation was his own personal hell. He was struggling to lock his emotions away - the box gone. Everything seemed to be hovering below the surface, threatening to burst forth.  There was a slight tremble in his hand causing his gun to wobble.

"Emily and I will go first," Finn ordered. "Then Kim, you take Valentia and the kids. Campbell, you cover us."

Campbell grunted in agreement, passing the pacified toddler in his arms over to a not so happy looking Officer Kim.  But the other man didn't complain, taking his charge in hand. The baby squirmed for a moment before settling down, never making a sound. Oddly, all the children were calm and submissive.  Finn hoped they weren't in shock. Was Emily in shock?

Finn turned to check on her. She was radiant. At some point she'd pulled her lovely red hair away from her face using the elastic he'd been wearing around his wrist for the last few days. The new look highlighting her cheekbones, a feature he never really considered until they were tinged slightly pink as they were now.

"Are you cold?"  It was a sign of shock.  When the rush of adrenaline wore off it often left victims shivering.

Her eyebrows knitted together. "No. You?"

He shook his head. "Let's move."

They took the stairs slowly, Finn scanning for anything out of the ordinary.  When they reached the top, Finn stood guard as Emily gave the signal for the others to follow.

"We have a problem," Finn informed Campbell when he joined them. "There's a gap."

They could see the parking garage from their vantage point.  Across an open courtyard. Mid-day sunlight cast short shadows from the spaced pillars holding up the roof of the stone walkway To get there, they would be exposed.  No protection.

Both men looked at Officer Kim. "Is there another way?"

The young soldier shook his head, "Negative."

Finn's stomach dropped. They were going to have to risk it. Or retreat back to the basement and wait this thing out. Campbell's expression confirmed he was for moving forward. Finn concurred.

"I'll stay here and provide cover.  Campbell, you go first, then once we get everyone across, I'll follow."

Campbell was on the move before Officer Kim had a chance to protest. Without incident, he skipped across the open space making it safely to the hallway on the other side. Taking up a position, the experienced soldier pointed his gun and waved for the others to follow.

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