Chapter 34

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Was she hallucinating? Emily's head did hurt. Probably from hitting it when the explosion knocked her off her feet.

But if she was making up this vision of Finn, why did he look so ... horrible. Pure desolation shrouded his fine features, etched into every line. The ocean blue of his eyes swimming in terror.

No. She was touching his face. His warm, sad face. Was this look because he was furious with her? Mad because she had broken her promise. It was breaking her heart. 

"Finn," she whispered, "I'm so-"

The apology was cut off as all the oxygen in her lungs was forced out in Finn's sudden movement. His arms engulfed her, crushing her against him. Burying his face in her neck he let out a low almost howl-like moan.

This was more than Finn being mad at her. She could feel his dread, his body shaking, chest heaving. Emily tried to talk but she needed air to do that. Air which was having trouble making its way into her lungs. Finn's limbs were like a vice around her.

Maneuvering her arms around him, Emily squeezed Finn as tight as she could. Managing to squeak out two words. "It's okay."

She paired her next words with slow circles rubbed into his back. "We're okay."

Her reward was a loosening of his grip on her and she took a deep breath in celebration. Using the new lung capacity she added. "We're going to be fine."

Finn's chest slowly stopped surging as she kept up the pace of whispered words of encouragement matched by the caress of her hands along his spine and shoulders. Just as swiftly as he swaddled her, he let go, hands digging into her hair, holding her head. His warm lips crashed against hers.

His actions brought tears to her eyes. There was desperation in the kiss. Seeking solace. Seeking reassurance. Seeking something else. Emily wasn't sure what but she wordlessly responded, communicating by touch. Telling him of her own relief that he was here, he was alive, he was safe. Running her hands over his broad shoulders, following the tight cords of his neck, planting her fingers in his too-short hair. Luxuriating in the solid form of the man she loved, holding him once again.

Her response seemed to satisfy Finn. Eventually, they broke apart, panting a little in sync. Finn pressed his forehead against hers.

Trying to bring some levity to the situation, even though she didn't know if she could muster it, Emily brightly touted, "Hi."

Finn's throat bobbed with a swallow before responding, "Hey." His voice odd and forced.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too," he croaked.

"So ... when did you get back?"

"Em," Finn groaned. "Don't... I..."

"I didn't mean to." She was desperate for Finn to understand about leaving the base. The frivolous tone gone, replaced by her own frantic expression. "I had no choice. You have to believe me. I tried to-"

Finn had placed two fingers against her mouth. "I know." He swapped digits for lips with a chaste peck. "The Commander told me all about forcing you to leave."

"Oh," He wasn't mad then. A wave of relief washed over Emily. After regaining consciousness it was all she could think about – how hurt Finn would be.

"What are you doing on the floor down here in the basement?"

Before Emily had a chance to explain a male nearby cleared his throat.

"Wainwright. Sorry to interrupt but we need to talk."

Finn swivelled his head towards Campbell without breaking contact with her and looked at his friend. "Yup. Give me two."

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