Chapter 42

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Emily had her shoes on ready to bolt. The nurse who brought her breakfast also informed the couple she would be discharged that morning. Emily was thrilled.  Finn however had a different opinion.

"But she's hurt.  She needs... care."

The nurse reviewing Emily's chart sighed, "She'll heal faster at home.  Just keep her calm. The best medicine now is rest."

Her fiancée kept rubbing his chest and trying to delay their exit. The nurses smiled at him but refused to call the doctor.

Finn held her hand in the ride to her apartment. The hand now wearing his mother's engagement ring.  No, her engagement ring.  Finn surprised her with it when she woke up this morning. He'd repeated his proposal, bending down on one knee. Promising to love and protect her forever.

But Finn was silent now. Emily was dying to ask what he was thinking but knew she wouldn't get much of an answer in front of a stranger. Walking through the lobby of her building, Finn held her elbow like she might fall.  For a moment in the elevator, she thought he might try to pick her up off her feet.

Everything in her apartment was the same yet different. How many times had she dreamt Finn in this space with her? Eating breakfast at the kitchen table. Sitting together watching a movie in the den. Sharing her bed. Now he was here, filling her foyer, an expression of concern marring his handsome face.

"I'm going to take a shower," she announced.

"Is that a good idea?  Maybe you should... rest."

"I'm dying to wash my hair."  Finn cringed. She instantly regretted her choice of words. Reaching up on her tiptoes, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Maybe you could make me some tea?"

Twenty minutes later Emily stepped out of her bathroom after scrubbing off the last few days.  Hair towel-dried and dressed in a soft cotton dress she luxuriated in the feel of the cool wooden floors underfoot. Finn stood with his arms crossed in front of her floor to ceiling window. She slipped beside him, brushing her hand against his bulging bicep.

"When did the rain start?"

"Will you be warm enough in that?" he demanded instead of answering her question.

"Yes.  Why? Don't you like it?" Emily did a little twirl to demonstrate the comfort of the outfit. When her eyes met Finn's again a hint of desire was muscling its way into his expression.

Scanning her openly from toe to head, Finn licked his lips. "I like it a lot."


Butterflies or bats were flying around inside her stomach. At last, they were alone.  No family demanding attention. No job to interrupt them.  Nowhere to be. It was just the two of them.

Emily reached to pat her necklace to calm those nerves. Her fingers came up empty. She'd forgotten it wasn't there. Her stomach dropped as she realized she'd not asked the nurse where it had gone.

As if reading her mind, Finn dug around in his pocket.  Out came a long silver chain, the silver anchor swinging in front of her. "Looking for this?"

"You found it," she grabbed at it.

"Let me return it to its rightful place." Emily's skin tingled as Finn's hands skimmed her shoulders and back. Hands she hoped would soon explore other areas of her body.

"I can't believe you kept this," he whispered in her ear, sending tendrils of pleasure down her spine.

"Of course, I did.  I promised to never take it off."

Silence hung in the air. Emily expected a teasing response. Concern spiked as she turned towards her fiancée. She found him pulling out a small beige square covered in clear plastic from his wallet. Carefully handling it, Finn spread the page open. Emily could see the darkened edges where the practically see-through paper had been unfolded and refolded.

"I kept this. It was the only thing I had... But I couldn't let it go. A piece of you was with me always too."

Emily took the offered page. She recognized her faded-blue inked handwriting. This was the letter she had written to him before leaving for Japan.

Dear Finn,

I know you are wondering why my sister is giving you this letter. I've told you not to trust her in the past, but this one time I have to ask you to put that advice aside. There was just no other way I could ensure you got the message.

Mary can explain everything in detail. But I'm leaving town tonight for Japan. I know it's sudden and you will be disappointed in my decision, but I feel like I have no other choice. Please try to understand and don't be too upset. I'm sorry.

Emily turned the page over. It was blank.

Her breath caught in her throat. The pieces of the puzzle plaguing her for years, falling into place.  The picture they formed a grotesque concept. "Finn, who gave you this?"

"Your sister."

Emily could hear the disgust in his voice. She raised her hand and clamped it over her mouth attempting to hold back the sob. She failed.

"Em?" Finn was gripping her shoulders, a pained look on his face. "Em, It's OK. Maybe I knew on some level you always loved me."

She could taste the salt of the tears streaming down her face as they hit her lips. Couldn't stop them.  Crying for them both.  For the years of pain, years of separation, years of longing.

She couldn't look at Finn. How could she ever tell him the truth?

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