𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝

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Trigger Warning - Murder, harsh language, death and implications of abuse

I leant against the wall. I was covered in blood from Suki, but I didn't care as my body was completely in shock, "Hey Miya, are you holding up alright?" Shinso was standing in front of me – his eyes filled with concern. He held my hands in his, "You're shaking so much. Was everything alright?" My fatigue mixed with emotions were too much and I just shook my head. He hugged me. I liked the hug and comfort from a good friend, "You're pushing yourself too hard!" he helped me sit down beside him, "Let Shoto handle everything today, alright?" I nodded, allowing my tension to fade away – if only for a second. I explained everything to Shinso, and he listened sweetly and when I finished, he told me everything would work out. I wanted to believe him; I really did.

Shoto was doing an interview with a news reporter – telling him the full story I had told him. However, I could sense something off with him. They started filming as Shoto walked away, which was strange as Shoto was popular with news reporters for live interviews, "Another villain attack at U.A! Rumours say the new staff member and upcoming hero, Miya Gashi was responsible for her class getting attacked! Is she the traitor?" I paused; they'd set me up! I saw Shoto get angry and start yelling, "You set us up! You're lying to the masses!" I wasn't having any of it. Not with my best friend's daughter in severe condition and having to face those scumbags again. I was exhausted, upset and angry. I stumbled to my feet and walked over. The reporter's facial expressions changed, "Excuse me for interrupting, but my name is Miya Gashi and I want to clear up this corrupt man's lies.," I paused to give him a death glare before continuing, "I was not responsible for my students getting attacked, I wasn't responsible for Suki's injuries and I'm certainly not the traitor! The reason why I'm covered in blood is because I had to keep Suki alive while fighting the villains. I also had a class of twenty students to attend to and get out of there. You don't know that because none of the actual footage was aired and my endurance wasn't recorded-"

"Yes, it was!" Shinso cut me off, holding a radio, "I recorded it, it's mandatory." The reporter's face said a thousand words – he'd been caught lying. Shinso played the recording in full, a small smile on his face, "S-so the rumours have been proven fake," He stuttered at the camera, "Miya Gashi is actually the hero of this story!"

"Don't patronise her..." Shoto said coldly as he put his arm round me and led me away. I embraced him and broke down, "I almost lost my entire career over some corrupted reporter... How did my parents put up with all of this?" I faced Shinso, "What would I do without you?" he smiled, winking at me before walking away to check on Izuku – who was standing with Tokyo.

"Miya Gashi?" I turned to see a doctor, who worked for recovery girl, "I have some news," I held my breath, "Suki Kaminari passed away from blood loss at 10:37am." I took a step backwards, it felt like my entire world slowed down: My student, destined to become the next female number one hero, was gone. My eyes welled with tears, "How?"

"Recovery girl could've saved her, but Suki's stamina was far too low, we could only make her comfortable before she passed away." I paused, "Do Denki and Kirishima know?"

"Denki was with the girl however, Kirishima is still unaware..." Shoto pulled me close to him and thanked the doctor for his efforts. I didn't sob. I didn't run. I just let the tears silently run down my face, "Who's going to tell Kiri?"

"I'll do it" I said, and began to make my way over to Kirishima, who was patiently waiting for his daughter, "Kiri..." I began, preparing myself, "Suki...was killed...by Toga. She was stabbed and died at 10:37am." The happiness in his eyes faded, "W-What?" I felt my heart shatter, "I tried so hard to protect her. I really did. She was supposed to survive!" He looked at me, "I don't blame you for anything..." He stopped talking and I hugged him. He allowed himself to cry. He'd completely dropped his 'manly' persona. His boyfriend, Denki came running up to him. His face was red from crying. He gently rested Kiri's head below his chin and hugged him tightly, "Stop crying! Come on Kiri... She was comfortable before she passed, we did the best we could..." He glanced over at me, "Thank you Miya. I'm sure my daughter was really happy having you in her final moments." I nodded and gave them some time alone. I had one more concern: Tokyo. I walked out to a little corner which Tokyo loved to spend time in. What awaited me was so sweet. Coupe number three of Team Gashi: Shinso and Izuku were sitting together and Tokyo was sleeping, cuddled into Shinso's shoulder, "I've got this covered, don't worry!" He whispered and Izuku held a thumb up with his eyes closed. I went back to Shoto and sat down beside him, "What's going on?" I asked, seeing Shoto's intense expression whilst looking at his phone screen, "Fuyumi just sent me a picture..." He said, his voice was a mix of sadness and pure rage, "My old man's hurt her. He's punched her and burned her wrist and stomach..." I thought back to how Fuyumi was the only child Endeavor had never touched so it must be because the other siblings had left. She didn't deserve this. I could see Shoto was physically shaking with anger as he texted her back, saying as soon as we were dismissed, he'd be right there.

𝔼𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕀𝕔𝕖 - 𝙰 𝙱𝙽𝙷𝙰 𝙾𝙲 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢Where stories live. Discover now