Bloodlust pt.7

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"Welcome, to the KQ Academy." The guards bowed lightly as Yunho entered the campus. He was shocked as he took in the sight infront of him.

The school lobby was filled with many people in black suits. Their eyes shining different colours as they speak with each other. 'So, they're the students, huh?' Yunho chuckled to himself nervously as he took a step forward and into the school, immediately gaining attention from the students.

Yunho nodded his head politely as he walked through the crowd, trying his best to stay calm as he looked around the campus.

He had the day to himself to explore the school. He'll have to take the rank determining test tomorrow so he used his free time to walk around the campus.

The school was unsurprisingly large. The school itself is like a whole city, consisting of cafes, bookstores, clothing outlets, restaurants and many more. It also contains 40 blocks of study halls and more than 1000 training fields for students. Which made Yunho gulped as it was his first time after 4 years to walked around freely like this. He walked for around an hour and has yet to see the end so he decided to take a rest. He went into a cafe and ordered an Americano and sat down on a seat next to the window.

He choked on his coffee when he saw 2 people starting to get into a heated argument. And soon their shouting were replaced by fists and punches, one even started to wield a knife. Yunho was about to run out to stop them but they stopped suddenly on their tracks and instantly kneeled down.

He looked over to where they're kneeling at and choked on his coffee once more when he saw Mingi walking towards them with an annoyed expression.

He saw Mingi lift both of them up onto their feet and punched their stomach roughly making them spit blood. The dark purple iris shining ever so brightly as anger roared in them. 

Mingi then drop them both on the floor and walked away with his index finger touching his ear softly as he spoke into it.

"So this is the arguments Mingi told me about.." Yunho then continued his drink, still unable to forget the dark purple iris of the younger.

"He still hasn't change I see." Yunho giggled to himself as he walked out of the cafe and continued his journey to explore the school.



A few knocks on Yunho's dorm gained the taller's attention.

Yunho tilts his head wondering who would come at this hour as he walks to the door cautiously.

He slowly opens the door to find Mingi and Wooyoung standing at the entrance. Their hands occupied with food.

"Hi Yunho!!" Wooyoung cheered as he gave Yunho a hug and wobbled into Yunho's room.

"Hey." Yunho gave both of them a cute smile and proceed to help Mingi with the food.

"What are you guys doing here?" Yunho asked as he munch on the pizza that they brought.

"We're here to help you unpack." Mingi replied as he slips his arms around Yunho's waist. Yunho blushed slightly at the action but shook it off.

"You guys finished your missions?" 

"Yeap!! 20 minutes ago." Wooyoung replied as he started going through Yunho's stuff, which is close to none as he didn't have anything important.

"Why don't you guys take some rest? It's tiring no?" 

"Not really, today's mission was much easier." Mingi hums as he walked to Yunho's bed.

"Are you okay with staying alone?" Mingi asked as he sat on Yunho's bed.

"Yeah, been pretty much alone all this time." Yunho joked but tensed up when he felt two pairs of eyes glaring at him.

"Okay, you're moving in with us!" Wooyoung shouted as he jumped up starting to pack Yunho's stuff.

"W-wait wait, I'm just kidding." Yunho giggled as he pulled Wooyoung down. "I'm fine with living alone, don't worry." 

"We'll come visit you when we're free though! So make sure you grow stronger so you can join us in the Elite mansion!" Wooyoung cupped Yunho's cheeks and encouraged the taller.

Yunho giggled softly and nodded his head. "Where're the others by the way?" 

"San's out patrolling with Hongjoong. Yeosang and Jongho's in the gym and Seonghwa's probably cleaning the mansion." Wooyoung replied with boredom lacing his voice.

"Everyone's busy so Mingi invited me to visit you with him!" His eyes purple iris shining as he speak making the taller coo at the sight.

"Wanna watch some movies then?" Yunho suggested, knowing the two are clearly exhausted as he can sense them. He felt happy that the two came to visit him eventhough they're tired. 

"Yes!! I wanna watch Avengers!" Wooyoung agreed as he jumped up from his seat to grab some pizza.

Yunho smiles as Mingi and Wooyoung fight for the last slice of pizza and turned on his tv box.



After the movie ended, soft snores could be heard coming from the Elites.

Yunho turned around to find the two already fast asleep on his bed. He giggled at the sight and cleaned up his room as quietly as possible. He then called San and informed him that his boyfriend has fallen asleep in his dorm.

And after 10 minutes, San arrived to pick Wooyoung up who was still sound asleep. San told Yunho that Mingi has training at 7AM tomorrow so make sure he wakes up before that and Yunho nodded his head.

After San left, he turned to face his bestfriend who cuddled up close to one of his pillow. Yunho shook his head fondly and sat down beside Mingi. Still couldn't believe this was the man that punished the students earlier. 

"Mingi-ah, thanks for everything." Yunho whispers as he gently brushes Mingi's hair to show his flawless skin. As he was getting up to sleep at the couch, a large hand gripped his wrists and pulled him onto the bed. Mingi swiftly wraps his arms around the taller's waist and pulled him close to his chest.

Yunho flushed red as he felt Mingi's breath tickling his neck. He tried to remove the younger's grip but ended up getting snuggled up closer and a soft groan escaped the younger's lips.

"Stop wiggling Yun." Yunho blushed harder at the pet name that he haven't heard for so long. 

Mingi used to call him Yun since they were small and it's been a habit since.

Yunho had no choice but to reach for his phone. He set an alarm at 6AM and allow Mingi to cuddle him and he too slowly drifted off to sleep.

BLOODLUST {Yungi}Where stories live. Discover now