Bloodlust pt.21

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"Yunho...get off me." Mingi said as he rubbed his temple and sighed.

"No! We're getting ice cream!" Yunho shouted as he continued to cling onto Mingi.

Yunho jumped onto Mingi's back, towering over the younger as he hugged Mingi's neck tightly like a koala.

Mingi sighed and shook his head in defeat. "Fine."

He turned around taking big strides towards the ice cream shop that they just walked past, the hybrid still clinging onto him.

Yunho's eyes sparkled when they reached the shop and he hopped of Mingi's back happily. He ran to the counter and ordered his favourite ice cream which is chocolate mint.

"Mingi, watchu want?" Yunho shouted from the counter.

"Chocolate!" Mingi replied as walked his way to one of the available seats.

After a few minutes, Yunho came back with two cups of ice cream in hand. His purple irises sparkling in excitement as he stared as his ice cream.

Mingi swore he could see Yunho's tail wagging happily if it was present over the ice cream.

"It's been so long since I've eaten this!" Yunho mumbles with his mouth filled with ice cream.

Mingi shook his head fondly at his boyfriend and ruffled his hair.

"Where do you wanna go later?" Mingi asked the hybrid as he took a bite of his ice cream.

"I wanna walk around! I didn't get to explore the campus before. It's like a whole city in here!" Yunho said as his eyes sparkled again.

"Sure, come to think of it. I didn't get to walk around the campus freely for some time now. Let's just grab some food and enjoy the view then." Mingi nodded his head in agreement.



"Mingi!!!" San shouted when he saw Mingi in the streets.

The latter ran over to the red-haired male in excitement. 

"Hey Sannie~ What're you doing here?" Mingi said as he brought the shorter into a warm hug.

"I just finished my training. We have a mission in 20 minutes so I came out to grab some food." San mumbled as he held his head high, trying to keep his Elite image on.

San was still wearing his Elite uniform, which means he has to act like one. So he couldn't get all touchy with Mingi, and it kills him so much.

"SANNIE!!!" Yunho shouted and could be seen to be running over to the two, with two plushies in hand.

"OH MY GOD, IS HE THE CUB?"San shouts at Mingi, earning a few weird looks from the students.

Mingi gave San a soft nod and smiled when San didn't hesitate to run over to the hybrid.

"OH MY GOD, YUNNIE!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!" San cried out as he toppled over the hybrid. Causing the both of them to lose balance and drop to the floor, completely forgetting the Elite image he was supposed to maintain.

Yunho giggled a little and hugged San back. Making the shorter cheer out in happiness.

"Hi Sannie~ It's been so long.." Yunho said as San sat up, still straddling the hybrid.

"Oh my god.. look at you.. all tough and tanned." San said as he cupped Yunho's cheeks, scanning the hybrid all over. 

"But i'm still huggable.." Yunho blushed a bit as San's eyes shone brightly.

BLOODLUST {Yungi}Where stories live. Discover now