Bloodlust Pt 35

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{The next day, 10am}

"Boys, are you guys done?" Seonghwa shouts from the living room.

They had been informed by San early in the morning that they wanted to go out of campus, which Seonghwa and Hongjoong agreed almost instantly.

"Yes! I'm done!" Yunho replied and ran out of his room excitedly.

He bounced around happily, his fluffy hair poofing up in the process. He was wearing an oversized hoodie with skinny jeans, making him look extra soft.

Mingi came out minutes after, he almost melted with the sight of his fluffy boyfriend.

Yunho noticed Mingi walking towards them and he quickly ran his way to hug his boyfriend.

"You look so cute!!" Yunho cooed as he hugged his boyfriend tighter. He nuzzled his face into Mingi's neck, taking in his milky vanilla scent.

Mingi giggled and pushed Yunho off softly. He pinched Yunho's cheeks, "You're cuter~"

Hongjoong and Seonghwa stared at them fondly. Although they liked the sight, they couldn't help but feel like they were third wheeling the couple.

Everyone rushed out minutes later looking extra dressed up. San and Wooyoung were wearing matching sport fits. Jongho and Yeosang both wore expensive looking coats over a plain blouse with tight jeans. They all had an excited look on their face.

Seonghwa couldn't help but let out a snort as he realized everyone was dressed of completely different occasions.

"Let's go now!" Hongjoong exclaimed excitedly as he walked out the mansion, happy that they finally get to head out of campus, not for missions but to have fun.

The boys cheered and followed, fooling around as they walked to the gates that's seperating them from the outside world.

The sudden appearance of the Elites  earned many reactions of shock and respect by the students throughout the campus.

It's really rare to see an Elite walking causally like this, let alone walking in groups.

Their irises shone a purple hue as they chatted, and it never fails to attract attention.

Many eyes of students followed the group, shuffling away to the side to let them pass. They lowered their heads as a sign of respect, scared to make eye contact with the Elites.

Yunho tilts his head in confusion as he scans the students bowing at them.

"Cmon Yun, we're almost there." Mingi says as he nudged Yunho's elbow.

Yunho quickly averted his sight on his boyfriend and nodded. He eyes the students one last time and shrugs. Still not able to get use to the formal greeting from the students.

After a few minutes of roaming around the school, they were finally infront of the giant gate of their campus.

"Its been so long since I've seen this gate." Jongho says in amusement as he eyes the guards, which they quickly shuffled to the side.

"Let's go and have fun!" Yeosang shouts and takes the lead, everyone giggled and followed behind.

~. ~. ~. ~.

"Hey, that's mine!!" San whines. His ice cream snatched away from his hands by Wooyoung.

Yunho giggles and watched as San chased Wooyoung to get his dear ice cream back.

"I haven't been able to come out to the city like this. I missed it so much." Yunho awes.

He really missed the city. He used to have lots of fun with his friends in this specific area. He would always join his friends to the arcade after school, along with Mingi.

BLOODLUST {Yungi}Where stories live. Discover now