Bloodlust pt.16

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{1:30 AM}

Yunho sighs as he reached his dorm. He was so exhausted to the point where he could just collapse on his bed without showering. But he snickered at the thought as he could still feel his sweat through his training suit.

He scooped out his keys and opened the door, he dropped his bag onto the floor and looked around to find the light switch.

Once the light was on, he jumped up at the sight of a man wrapped up in blanket and sleeping on his bed.

He cautiously approached the man and immediately softens up when the scent of Mingi hits his nose. He softly walks up to the sleeping figure and shook his head fondly when the younger's face came into view. Mingi was completely wrapped up in Yunho's blanket and Yunho was sure that the hoodie Mingi's wearing was his.

He stood up and grabbed his towel and went into the bathroom to shower, his body was covered with mud and sweat and he didn't wanna dirty his bed and Mingi. Once he finished showering, he quickly slid on a shirt and pants and waddled to his bed.

He gently moved the younger further inside the bed and slips onto the bed beside the younger. He softly moved Mingi's bangs from his forehead and gave him a small peck on his forehead.

After making sure the younger was warmly tucked in bed, Yunho switched off the lights and took out his phone to check his messages as he didn't have time to do so this whole day.

"9 missed calls, 15 unread messages.."

(1:30PM)Mingi : Yun, are you done with your training?

(3:30PM) Mingi: It seems like you're not..

(5PM) Mingi: Yun, where are you?

(8PM) Mingi: I'm coming over later to visit you.

(9:34PM) Mingi: I'm at your dorm already. Are you still not done?

(11PM) Mingi: I'll head to sleep first then..

Yunho saw a message from Hongjoong and opened it,

(8:45PM) Hongjoong: Yunnie, Mingi went over to your dorm already. He's been constantly whining on how he missed you and all, please help me look after him while he's over. He has training tomorrow too at 7AM, make sure to wake him up by then.

(8:46PM) Hongjoong: And you too, please take good care of yourself during training, we're all worried about you. Come over and visit us when you have time, we're happy when you do. Everyone's been missing you a lot, even Seonghwa started to call you cub in the house. And we all knows once Hwa sees you as his kid, then you're not getting away from us anymore. Can't wait to see you soon, cub.

Yunho read the messages over and over in awe, he could feel his exhaustion slowly be replaced by a feeling of happiness and adoration. He turned his gaze to face the younger who was cuddling his pillow and drooling all over it.

He closed his phone and laid down next to Mingi and took in Mingi's facial features.

'He still looks the same.. Except more mature and stronger.' Yunho smiles fondly as he rubs the younger's cheeks with his thumb.

He drops his hands and wrapped his arms around the younger's waist, pulling him closer so he can cuddle the younger. He then drifted off to sleep spooning Mingi and enjoying the warmth from the younger.



Yunho could feel the younger squirming in his arms, as if he's trying to get up without waking him. He felt Mingi's soft hair tickling his nose. He huff softly through his nose, gaining attention from the boy.

Mingi stared at Yunho innocently with his purple irises, making the hybrid melt at the sight of the younger.

"5 more minutes.." Yunho tighten his grip around Mingi's waist, pulling him closer to his chest.

Mingi yelped at the sudden pressure but melted into it when he heard the older's raspy voice.

"I set an alarm for 6:30, so get more rest.." Yunho slurred as he could feel Mingi nod his head as he buried deeper into the hybrid's chest.

Mingi softened when he felt Yunho running his fingers through his hair. He visibly relaxed at the comforting touch and let out a sigh of relax.

"Yun, where were you yesterday?" Mingi asked, he raised his head to stare at Yunho's face.

Yunho took a minute to process his mind, "Oh, I was doing my leopard training when I failed to complete a mission by being 13 seconds late and was punished for it. So I have to finish my punishment late and I had a small chat with Chan, my personal trainer."

Mingi widen his eyes at Yunho's words and sat up dramatically. He straddled Yunho and placed his palms on the hybrid's chest, "YOU HAD A CHAT? WITH CHAN? THE DEMONIC HUMAN?"

Yunho rubbed his ears at Mingi's shouting and pulled Mingi back down to cuddle.

"Yes.. why? Was it not allowed?"

Mingi wrapped his arms around Yunho's waist and shook his head, "Nope, but he's known to be very harsh with his words. I've heard that he scared off many trainees with his discriminating and that people rarely approach him unless they were forced to."

"Well, he's indeed harsh. But he was only saying the truth, and it was all for our own good." Yunho looked up to the ceiling and remembered the small chat he had with Chan.

Just when Mingi was going to speak, Yunho's alarm rang.

"Come on, time to get ready." Yunho said as he pulled the younger up on his feet.

Mingi pouted but complied, he grabbed his towel and his training suit and wobbled into the bathroom. Yunho teasingly slapped Mingi's butt as he was walking, earning a yelp of surprise from him.


"Bye cub! "Mingi shouted as he parted ways with the hybrid and ran off to one of the training fields in the campus.

Yunho waved his hand at the younger and walked off to the opposite direction.

He was actually excited for today's training. He was excited to test his limits and grow stronger. His leopard in him purring in excitement to come out.

Yunho felt extra great after yesterday's training because he finally could let his leopard out fully. It felt like something in him released after being clogged for many years. And it was the best feeling ever.

He skipped happily towards the training field he was assigned to go to and met Chan who was already standing there.

"Hello, Yunho. Ready to die?" Chan smirked upon Yunho's arrival.

"Hell yeah I am." Yunho shot back a challenging smile.



"That'll be it for now." Chan said as he pulled Yunho up to the hill they were climbing.

Yunho straightened his back when he reached the top and tilted his head in confusion at Chan's words.

"You have class, cub. At 4:30" Chan rolled his eyes.

Yunho's eyes widened at the sudden realization, "Ah shit! I forgot!". He ran down the hill in a split second and took off to the study hall.

Chan chuckled at the retreating figure and shook his head fondly.

BLOODLUST {Yungi}Where stories live. Discover now