Bloodlust pt 26

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"Yun, get up, we have training now." Mingi gently nudges his sleeping boyfriend with his elbow.

Yunho whines and thrash around the bed, finally stopping when he felt Mingi cupping his cheeks to keep him in place.

"Stop being such whining baby, get up now." Mingi chuckled softly and gave Yunho a soft peck.

"M'up." Yunho sighs and sat up, his eyes still half closed and his hair messily sticking all around the place. His cheeks covered with his natural morning blush, which never fails to make Mingi's heart skip a beat.

Mingi pinched his whiny boyfriend's cheeks and pulled him up from his bed. He guided Yunho into the bathroom and pushed him in, "Take a shower and let's get going."

Yunho grunts but complied, and suddenly his eyes sparkled brightly as he had a brilliant thought.

Yunho grabbed Mingi's hand and pulled him into the bathroom with him.

"Wh-" Mingi didn't get to speak a word and was suddenly being strip naked from his pajamas.

"Shower with meeee.. " Yunho poked his tongue out at his flustered boyfriend and didn't waste a second to strip himself too.

"What?! No!! Let me out!!" Mingi was flustered at the sudden action of the hybrid and tried to run out of the bathroom, but failed miserably when Yunho's grip around his waists had tightened.

And he was unwillingly forced to shower with his hybrid boyfriend.

~. ~. ~. ~. ~.



"Mingiiiiiii." Yunho pouts as he didn't get a respond from his sulking boyfriend.

"Aww c'mon, it's not like we hadn't seen each other naked before.." Yunho pouts and hugged Mingi from the back.

Mingi widen his eyes at Yunho's words and turned around dramatically.

"That time was different! It's so early in the morning and I felt like I was raped! By my own boyfriend!" Mingi points his pointer finger at the hybrid's face and scolded.

Mingi huffed and continued to make him and his hybrid some pancakes for breakfast.

Yunho lowered his head and pouted, looking like a kicked puppy. He even gave Mingi his famous puppy eyes but it didn't work. So he just sadly stood behind Mingi watching him prepare their breakfast.

Seonghwa and Hongjoong giggled when they walked past the tall couple. "Have fun today cubs~" Seonghwa said before he and Hongjoong exited the mansion for their individual training. They had to leave early as the higher-ups had to brief them with their missions for the day.

"Bye hyungs." Mingi said back, earning a bigger pout from Yunho.

"Min.. I'm sorryyyy, I won't do it again.." Yunho said and walked to stand beside Mingi.

He tilted his head to look at Mingi but the lad turned his head away not wanting to face the hybrid.

Yunho huffed and didn't want to give up. He noticed both Mingi's hands were occupied in mixing the batter for the pancakes, so he lowered his body to move in between his lover's arms and stood back up. Forcing himself to stand in between Mingi's arms.

Mingi still wouldn't look at him. Yunho huffed out loud and cupped Mingi's jaw to force him to look at him.

"I said I'm sorryyy.." Yunho gave Mingi his best puppy eyes and his biggest pout, hoping his lover would respond to it.

Mingi took in Yunho's facial expression and melted slightly, but he didn't want to give in so soon. It felt good to tease his boyfriend.

Yunho raised his brow when Mingi stared boringly into him. Knowing full well that Mingi was just messing with him, he licked Mingi's lips and started to suck on it. Earning a soft moan from the younger.

(I'll skip this part as this chapter was not intended to be smutty. blep.)

"S-stop.." Mingi mumbled into the kiss and blushed furiously when Yunho licked his lower lip lastly and finally pulled away.

"Forgive me now?" Yunho said innocently, as if he didn't just try to choke himself from sucking so hard at Mingi's tongue.

Mingi blushed a bright red and nodded his head.

Yunho grinned cheekily, he finally had found a way to make his boyfriend submit to him.

A few giggles interrupted the couple's intense atmosphere. They both turned to look and realized the rest of the Elites were all staring at them the whole time.

"Didn't know you're a sub, Min." San said and winked teasingly at Mingi, earning a loud grunt from the lad.

"I top!" Mingi shot back, making the hybrid chuckle at his words.

"We switch." Yunho corrected, earning more giggles from them.

"Whatever, no pancakes for y'all." Mingi rolled his eyes and joked, but the others took it a little bit too seriously.

"What?! No! We're getting pancakes! Or else!!" Jongho screamed and tackled Mingi.

Mingi yelped at the sudden pressure and struggled to steady himself.

"Jongho, I'm using the stove, calm your tits or else you're really not getting pancakes." Mingi deadpanned, and the youngest instantly let go of Mingi and shuffled back beside Yeosang who was seated at the dining table.

San and Wooyoung too walked to sit at the table.

Mingi shot his boyfriend a glare and the hybrid lowered his head and whimpered. Mingi swore if Yunho's leopard ear were present, it would be pressed firmly against his fluffy hair.

"Go take a seat, it'll be done in a minute." Mingi cooed softly and ruffled his hair.

Yunho nodded his head and complied.

And a few minutes later, the Elites were all stuffing their pancakes into their mouths.

Mingi took his time to stare at his hybrid boyfriend lovingly. The way Yunho chews and stores food in his cheeks were always too cute for him to handle. And the way his eyes sparkles adorably whenever he eats never seems to bore Mingi out.

"Eat well, pup." Mingi chuckled and wiped Yunho's lips that were covered messily with syrup.






A/N : this is kinda like a fluffy chapter, but we'll go in hardcore after this. So I hope you guys would enjoy this chapter!

BTW I'm working on another Yungi book! So stay tuned, I'll probably upload it next week! Stay happy cubs!

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