Bloodlust pt 29

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"Yunho, you'll be paired up with Mingi in missions. I've heard from Chan that you're used to guarding than attacking so you'll be guarding Mingi's back." Hongjoong gathered the Elites in the living room and started their meeting.

Yunho nodded at the statement and gestured for Hongjoong to continue.

"But you won't be always with Mingi as we need you out there to support. You're good at fighting so you'll support Jongho if necessary. Oh and you'll be needed to support Hwa and Yeo in medic.. Sannie and Woo are quite a duo so they wouldn't need help.." Hongjoong soon started rapping and his words were getting slurred.

Yunho tried his best to keep up with Hongjoong's blabber but find it hard to do so. He took a few glances at the other members and noticed that the others were feeling the same way.

Seonghwa furrowed his brows as he tried to process what was said by their captain, Wooyoung and San were whispering at the corner, while Jongho and Yeosang were already zoning out. He giggled softly and turn to look at his boyfriend whose mouth was wide agape.

"Joongie, babe.. Stop, hold on.. Just, breath for a sec.." Seonghwa finally spoke up after not figuring out a single word that came out of Hongjoong's mouth.

Hongjoong stopped on his halfway blabber and chuckled, "Sorry, I got kinda carried away."

"Anyways, Yunho, you'll be shifting positions a lot as you'll be needed in almost every position. But you'll mainly be assigned to be with Mingi for the time being." Hongjoong ended and looked at the others for any objections.

The others gave him a silly smile and nodded, indicating that they're satisfied with it.

"Okay then, rest well for today. Tomorrow's pup's first day so be prepared." Hongjoong said and the others cheered loudly. They shared their goodnights and soon ran back to their shared rooms, happy that they get to rest early.

Mingi heaved out a sigh once his back hits the soft mattress, melting completely into the soft fluffy fabric.

Mingi grunted out once Yunho jumped onto him, his tall figure towering over the younger as he puts all his weight on him.

"Yun.. Get off, I'm tired..." Mingi whined as he tried to push Yunho off him, but the hybrid wouldn't budge an inch.

"Yun-" He was cut off when Yunho raised his eyes to meet his, his sparkling eyes and soft lips tugging into a cute pout.

"Don't wanna, let me scent you for a minute, you smell so good." Yunho muffled his words as he nuzzle his face into Mingi's chest.

He took a deep breath, taking in the younger's baby scent, the smell of soft and milky sweetness hitting his nose and it never fails to calm him down.

Mingi giggled lightly at the ticklish sensation from Yunho's hair. He ran his fingers in Yunho's hair and started to hum a tune.

Yunho purred into the touch and nuzzled closer to Mingi, wanting him to rub his head more. Mingi gladly complied and continued his actions.

It went on for a few minutes and soft snores could be heard coming from the hybrid.

Mingi stopped his humming and looked down to confirm that his giant clingy boyfriend was fast asleep. He gently moved Yunho to the side of the bed and tucked him in.

After making sure Yunho was cozy, he too started to fell into dreamland, with Yunho's arm wrapping tightly around his waist. (yes, Yunho stirred awake and pulled Mingi in to cuddle)

~. ~. ~. ~.

"Remember to gather at the front gate after your training, cub~" Yeosang ruffled Yunho's hair as they part ways to their individual trainings.

Yunho and Yeosang both has medic classes now but they had different trainers so they're parting ways.

"Yunnie~ Ready for today?" Jihyo's voice appeared behind Yunho, causing the hybrid to flinch.

"Yes!" Yunho smiled widely as he replied, almost wagging his tail if it was present.

"Lets go then. We'll be learning....." Jihyo started her lecture about all the skills and ways to be a paramedic. Yunho was personally trained by Jihyo because she requested for it. And being the obedient hybrid he is, never rejects.

Jihyo has officially took in Yunho as her son, and she always paid extra attention to him. Purely because she liked his smile and his attitude.

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