Bloodlust 37

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"Yunho, NO!!!" Wooyoung shouted, his fists shaking and eyes watering as he watched his friend being pulled away from them.

And in an instant, someone hit the back of Wooyoung's neck with a bat and he too had gone unconscious.

~. ~. ~ . ~.
{2 hours ago}

"Kids, we'll need everyone of you to stay focused. This is a very important mission and we can't afford to fail this." Hongjoong spoke through their earpiece, earning responses of agreement from the members.

This case, wasn't a fun and lively one. It involves many, many lives. It's dangerous, and could possibly even lead to various deaths.

Someone had broke into a university that contains a handful of secrets of the government. It was supposed to remain unknown to the country, which only the highest of the highest of all positions would have the audacity to know.

And apparently, some people spilled the secret to the public, which had riled up everyone's curiosity and rage.

It was the Elites mission to retrieve the documents and capture those who are behind this.

But they're one step behind as the culprits had already broke into the university and somehow got ahold of the documents. However, they're unable to unlock the safe as it was locked with numerous locks and padlocks.

So the Elites have to reach them before they open that safe and capture them.

"Mingi, you can't do sniping here, so you'll be assigned with close combat with Sannie." That's what Hongjoong had ordered Mingi to do and the younger gladly nodded.

"Yunho and Wooyoung, I need you two to head to the office where the safe is. Stay alert, and Yunho, you can shift if you want to, no holding back for today." And Yunho nodded as a response.

Jongho and Yeosang was assigned to work with Mingi and San to attack the culprits. But they were not in a favourable position as they didn't know where the culprits are. They had to scout the whole university in hopes to find the culprits.

Yunho and Wooyoung headed off first. They have to retrieve the safe silently. Though they have no idea what or who was behind the office door. They had to enter without hesitation.

The moment they opened the door, was the exact moment everything fell apart.

There were, in fact people in there. Not one nor two. But a numerous amount of them. They were hiding everywhere. From behind the door to under the desk. Yunho detected them all.

Yunho growled loudly as a warning. Instantly alerting Wooyoung, who then quickly brought out his knives. By the looks of Yunho's furious expression, the people in there weren't friendly.

Yunho shifted. His shiny white fur glowing majestically under the lights as he shook his body. This time though, he looked serious. His fangs were showing as he snarled aggressively from the doorstep.

Wooyoung quickly spoke through the earpiece, "Hyung, we might need back up here. Yunho looks furious-"

He didn't get to finish his sentences and Yunho jumped onto one of the man behind the door. The man was holding a gun and pointed towards Yunho. But Yunho acted quick and swapped the gun away with his paws and slashed his neck with his sharp nails, which he had successfully killed the man.

Wooyoung saw a few others who were hiding stood up from their positions. And he quickly joined Yunho. With a few slashes, bodies and bodies clashed down onto the ground with a loud thud.

The safe is in the principal's office. Which is located at the very end of the room. Although it seems near, but the amount of culprits here is slowing them down.

A few minutes passed and the culprits never seemed to lessen. In fact, more and more came in. As if there was a hole with never ending people pooling out of it.

All of them attacked the two in unison, some carried guns, some used weapons and some even came barehanded.

"Don't tell me they were all in this office.." Wooyoung grunts out as he slashed his knife around.

Yunho growled out, agreeing to Wooyoung's statement.

Yunho's white fur was now coated red with all the blood. He let himself go on a killing rampage. Now his jaws hurt from constantly locking it to kill and his body was wounded all over. Same goes to Wooyoung whose arms were now sore and covered in wounds.

"I'm getting tired, where're the others?" Wooyoung groans out, his brows furrowing at the absence of the members.

"We're on the way, Woo. Please hold on for a few minutes. We're currently running there from building C." Yeosang's voice rang through the earpiece, which made Wooyoung relieved.

They charged their way towards the two with their fastest speed, hoping to  get to the two soon.

Yunho snapped his head around when he detected a wavering scent of an animal. He was sure the scent was familiar, it was a mixture of human and animal. Like himself... Is it..?

He didn't notice a man creeping behind him and was instantly brought down as the man injected something into him with a syringe.

Yunho felt a stinging pain electrocuting through his body. The pain grew stronger and stronger, to the point where it started to burn badly.

He growled and thrashed around aggressively around at the burn, knocking everything down in the process. The pain was inhumane and torturous. His eyes were bloodshot and displayed a fiery red when he tried opening them.

His whole body was heating up and he swore he heard something sizzling in him.

With a one last heaty breath, he collapsed to the ground, with steam  coming off from his body. He was forcefully shifted back to his human form, and his uniform was burnt completely, leaving only his pants and shoes.

Wooyoung stood shocked and agape. It was his first time seeing a scene like this. Some man noticed Wooyoung being distracted and took the chance to attack him.

He tried to struggle but failed as he was worn out and tired. He was then forcefully shoved to the ground with his arms instantly secured behind his back.

"Yunho, NO!" Wooyoung shouted, his fists shaking and eyes watering as he watched his friend being pulled away from them.

And in an instant, someone hit the back of Wooyoung's neck with a bat and he too had gone unconscious.

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