Bloodlust pt.9

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"Fuck Jongho, a little help here!" Yeosang let out a yelp as he was being attacked from all sides. He growled as he saw Jongho being tackled to the ground. Seeing that his partner is also in a tight situation, he quickly called for backup.

"Cap, there's more enemies than expected. Jongho and I can't hold on for long." Yeosang groaned as he punched a man in the face hard that he fainted after.

"Arghh!" Jongho yelled as one of the enemy bit his hand. He wield his arms up and down trying to shake off the crazy man that's attached to him with his teeth. Once the man let go, Jongho gripped his wrists and crushed it into ashes as if it was paper. Jongho shivered at the feeling but knew it's not the time to feel disgusted.

"Mingi, 9 O'clock. One of them ran out." Jongho noticed one escaped but was instantly shot down by Mingi.

But what shocked Jongho was Mingi used a handgun, which means he's nearby.

Two more surpressed shots and 4 people collapsed to the ground. Yeosang looked up to see that Mingi was standing beside him and felt relieved internally.

"Let's start killing shall we?" Mingi reloads his gun and ran up the stairs to get a better view to shoot.

Jongho, as if clicked mind with Yeosang, started to go on killing rampage, assisting each other as they throw punches over and over at the enemies. They were complimenting each other with their motions as they go around the base camp killing anyone that came near them.

With the help of Mingi, their backs were completely cleared so they can focus solely on the people in front of them.

"San, Wooyoung, Hwa, have you found the hostages?" Hongjoong bit his lips out of nervousness. He was worried that the three would be in danger.

"No, this place is more complicated than expected." He can hear Wooyoung grunting as he ran through the neverending hallways.

"None here too." San replied.

"Neither is here." Seonghwa following.

Hongjoong bit his lips and started brainstorming. Suddenly, something perked in his mind and his face instantly paled. 

"Guys, get out of there now." Hongjoong demanded and the three straightaway turned their heads and ran to the exits.

"Mingi, Yeo, Jonhgo, you three too. Stop fighting and come out right this instant!" The three immediately stopped on their tracks and started running.

"Mingi. I need you to go back to your sniping spot." Mingi let out a hum and ran up to the highest building nearby.

"Guys, gather to me." Hongjoong said.

When they arrived, they could see Hongjoong held his face in his arms. "They tricked us!" Hongjoong started.

"Jongho, there are total of how many opponents that you guys fought?" 

"72 in total, cap."

 "And how many hostages were reported to be missing?" Hongjoong's face darkened.

"7-72..." Wooyoung stuttered, not wanting to accept the truth.

Hongjoong groaned as he tucks his hair roughly. Wanting to tear his hair off from not being careful with this case.

"But mostly are just injured.. we can still help them for now." Yeosang suggested carefully.

"Just shut up for now!" Hongjoong snapped, causing the members to flinch at the outburst.

"Hong." Seonghwa stepped forward, clear anger present on his face. He gently patted Yeosang's shoulder as he walked towards the Captain.

Hongjoong flinched when Seonghwa squatted down next to Hongjoong and soothes his back, trying to calm his lover.

"Calm down, it's not your fault. We have time to figure out how to solve it." Seonghwa gently whispers into Hongjoong's ears. Hongjoong could be seen to relax visibly.

He took a deep breath and started to calculate the pros and cons. "Hwa, Yeo, I need you two to bring medical kits down there to help the hostages. San, try to assists them as much as you could. Mingi, use your scope to find the head. I'm sure his nearby checking the scene out, you remember his face right?" Hongjoong started.

Seonghwa, Yeosang and San shuffled on their feets and ran to the base camp with 6 medic kits in hand.

"Yes, I remember" Mingi's voice rang through his ear piece.

"Search for him, look through the glasses of buildings nearby. Don't miss out one spot, even if it's a small window." Hongjoong ordered.


Hongjoong bit his lips once more as he started brainstorming once again. Completely forgetting the two still behind him.

After what seems like minutes, Hongjoong lifted his head once again.

"Woo, Jongho, you guys remember the red bar we ran past just now? Along the streets?" Hongjoong turned to face the two.

"Yes, it's between two large building." Wooyoung nodded his head as Jongho spoke.

Hongjoong nodded his head, "Go there and check inside." He smirked as he knew he found the culprit.

"Mingi, can you aim at the red bar?" Hongjoong's voice came through again. Mingi quickly adjusted his gun at the entrance of the bar. 

"On it."

"Hwa, Yeo, San. Any big injuries?" 

"Nope, everyone's fine. Luckily Mingi didn't shoot through their vital organs. Except there's one Jongho crushed his arms." Hongjoong shivered at the thought of it, but still continued, "It's okay, he'll heal."

"Cap. Found him." Mingi said as he looked through his scope. 

"We're here, cap." Wooyoung says as he and Jongho leans against the wall. Catiously eyeing the man and his 10 bodyguards.

"Good, I give permission to kill." Hongjoong smirked as he heard a surpressed gunshot, loud screams and skull cracking through the earpiece.



"How did you know they were in there?" Seonghwa approached Hongjoong as the last hostage was sent to the hospital.

"Remember how i told you that I like to sum up the numbers of random carplates?" Hongjoong laughed a bit as he replied.

"There's one car that caught my eye. His carplate was 7272. And it was right infront of the red bar, and coincidentally facing the base camp. And maybe i coincidentally saw that guy staring at us but I shook it off." Hongjoong laughed again.

"So, it was all a random guess?!" Seonghwa widened his eyes at the Captain's theory.

"Hehet, maybe.." Hongjoong stuck out his tongue as he rubbed his head.

"You do know i'm not complimenting you right?" Seonghwa rolled his eyes and huffed. " You could've gotten the kids hurt!" 

"At least its better than not having any clue right?" Hongjoong pouted.

Seonghwa huffed but he didn't argue. He knew his Captain was always right, whether it being a guess or a simple theory. The Captain was never wrong as long as he follows his guts, which always makes their missions so much easier.

"You better apologize to the members, they were all scared to talk to you." Seonghwa pulled Hongjoong's ears and ignored his Captain's whines and sorrys.

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