Bloodlust pt.19

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Yunho couldn't find anyone with blue scarfs on the top floors of the building so he ran down to the basement instead. He shifted back to his human side as he didn't wanna gain too much attention from the students and teachers in the building.

As Yunho ran down another flight of stairs, he stopped abruptly when he saw a man in a full black outfit standing infront of the emergency exit.

But what caught Yunho's eyes is the blue scarf that's tighten around the man's waist.

"Took you long enough.." The man said as he walked out of the exit. Yunho quickly following behind.

"Eden asked me to help with the mission, so no hard feelings okay?" The man said as he raised his palms up.

"You already made me mad by helping him. So definitely, no hard feelings." Yunho said through his gritted teeth.

The man chuckled at Yunho's words and took a step back. And in another second, Yunho was surrounded by a group of people in black outfits. Approximately 50 person was present.

"It's a simple test, just fight them, and you'll get it" The man said and walked to the back of the crowd.

Yunho growled when he felt something in him snapped. The familiar adrenaline rushed up to his head and his whole body. His lust to kill and to protect mixing together, forming an unfamiliar feeling in his guts.

"Ah, so this was the lust Hongjoong told me about." Yunho whispered to himself as he remembered Hongjoong telling him the story of how he and Seonghwa started dating.

Yunho's consciousness was slowly taken over by the lust for blood shedding, which Yunho allowed it to happen. He had to bring Mingi back, bring his Mingi back to him. They were hurting him, so it wouldn't be wrong to hurt them too.

And it was at the moment, Yunho unleashed something in him. He started going on full killing rampage, and though his head tells him to kill, his heart wouldn't do so. There was something in him that's forbidding him to do so.

So he just tried his best to injure them, to the point where they'll regret accepting Eden's request. 

And in a blink of an eye, around 30 people collapsed on the floor. Yunho had put all his skills that Chan taught him to use. From simple jabs to hard elbowing, from low kicks to high kicks. He let his body move with the flow as he smoothly paved a way through the crowd of people that tried to hit him. 

Keyword, 'tried'. None of them actually hit him, just fingers brushing and touching before they got their head smacked and face punched.

And in another minute, all of them fell onto the ground.

Yunho was panting as he glared at the man before, silently gesturing for the man to hand him the scarf.

The man giggled as he stared at everyone that's fallen and walked through them to face the hybrid.

"I trained them personally, and you beat them in just minutes. At this point i'm not sure if i'm either a bad trainer, or you're too strong for them." The man sticks his face close to Yunho's, tilting his head and stared straightly into Yunho's eyes, and the hybrid did not back down as he glared back.

The man chuckled as he back down, "Well, I've heard from Eden that you've gone strong. Seems like I underestimated you. Here, you deserved it." He passed Yunho his scarf and shooed him off.

"Now get your ass outta here, I have some punishment to give to my students." The man said as he turned his back to face the fallen students.

Yunho nodded his head and took off again.


"Goddamnit, where's the last person?" Yunho whisper shouts as he ran around the building again.

He couldn't find the last person and he's starting to worry about Mingi.

"Hey, Yunnie~" Jihyo appeared suddenly infront of the hybrid, making him to stop on his track.

Yunho widened his eyes when he saw a blue scarf hanging around Jihyo's waist.

"W-what?" Yunho shouts as he points at Jihyo's scarf.

"That's right, i'm the one you're looking for." Jihyo giggled when he saw Yunho's face.

"You wanna see Mingi?" Jihyo suddenly said, happy to see that Yunho nodded his head almost immediately.

"Come on then." Jihyo said as he waved her hand, guiding them into one of the test halls.

Inside sits Mingi, who was still tied up, close to being unconscious.

 "M-mingi!" Yunho quickly walks over but was stopped by the two man in black suits in the video before.

"Move outta the way." Yunho growled lowly at the two, eyeing down at the two smaller.

He flinched suddenly when he noticed the torquoise colour shining in their eyes.

"What the hell.?" Yunho backed down when the two pushed him backwards.

"Your last mission is to fight me." Jihyo smiled as she approached Yunho. The hybrid quickly shuffled away from her, scared that she might snatch his scarf.

"While looking at him being tortured." Jihyo shot him another smile. His eyes widen as he took in Jihyo's words.

"What in the actual fu-" Yunho stopped when he heard a whimper coming from the younger. One of the man slapped Mingi in the face harshly, causing the younger to whimper at the pain.

Yunho could feel it again, the feeling to kill. The lust and adrenaline for blood shedding from before rising up. But this time, it was real. He truly wanted to kill, he wanted the girl infront of him to die. Right this instant.

His fangs appeared and so did his claws. His eyes started to shift colours, which alerted Jihyo and the two man. His dark red irises glowing brightly and a hint of purple started to appear.

Jihyo gulped at the sight and tackled Yunho, earning a loud groan from him. Yunho raised his hands and grip onto Jihyo's sides, pushing her up from his body and slammed her onto the ground next to him. 

Jihyo grunted at the harsh contact with the floor, and Yunho hesitated. 

Jihyo took the chance and gripped onto Yunho's head, slamming her fists into Yunho's stomach. Yunho grab hold of Jihyo's arms that was on his head and spun her around, flipping her over with one hand and smashed her once again to the floor. Yunho quickly climber on top of Jihyo, grabbing her neck and did the choke hold Chan had taught him before.

Jihyo knew that at this point, Yunho would've reached Purple already, so she tapped his arms as a sign of surrender. 

Yunho immediately released his grip and stood up. Not forgetting to pull Jihyo up.

He didn't utter a word as he put out his hand, silently signalling Jihyo to hand him her scarf. He growled lowly and eyed the girl who was slowly standing up.

Jihyo stood up and huffed, she brushed off the dust on her and looked up at Yunho, holding an intense eye contact with the hybrid.

'Good.. it's working so perfectly..' Jihyo thought and smiled happily and brought the hybrid into a tight hug.

Yunho was confused, the minute before they were trying to kill each other and now they were hugging. Jihyo pouted when she didn't feel the hybrid hugging back.

"Are you angry at me?" Jihyo looked up at Yunho with puppy eyes.

"Why shouldn't I?" Yunho stared at Jihyo in disbelief.

"Your Mingi is fineeeee, he's strong enough to endure all that, and he can easily escape if he wants. It was all an act." Jihyo said as she buried her face into Yunho's chest.

"An act your ass, it hurts okay!" Mingi shouted from the chair, the two man were untying him.

"Wait what?" Yunho was confused, like really confused.

"Can someone explain to me what's going on?" Yunho groaned.

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