Bloodlust pt.11

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"Nghhh.." Yunho groan as he felt a heavy weight on his chest.

He raised his hands to feel the weight on him only to feel something fluffy on his fingertips. He gently curled his fingers into the fluffy object knowing full well what it was and who it was even though it's completely dark.

He continued to caress the hair as he ran his thoughts back to the test. He remembered he almost died when he climbed the mountain..and the electric chair..then they brought him into another room and injected him with something..

Yunho's eyes immediately widen as he remembered his iris turned into a dark shade of red after the injection. He wanted to double confirm in the mirror but stopped once he saw the sleeping figure on him.

He slides his fingers further into the younger's locks earning a small hum of comfort from him. 'Mingi is always here whenever i wake up.. ' 

He stopped his movements when he heard a notification from his phone. He quickly grabs his phone and check the messages and saw that Yeosang had sent him a message to get well soon and a message from San that reminds him to take care of himself during training. Yunho shook his head fondly when he saw a picture of the members talking softly around him when he's unconscious which was sent from Seonghwa.

Mingi, who was not happy with the lost of contact in his hair huffed as he turned to face the hybrid. Yunho panicked and quickly put down his phone, "Did I wake you up?", Yunho asked as he turned his body to face the younger.

Mingi didn't say a word as he grabbed Yunho's wrist and placed them back onto his hair. Silently asking for the older to continue his movements from before with his shining purple eyes. Yunho giggled at the younger and runs his finger in Mingi's locks until Mingi sighs in satisfaction. "Your eyes..they're beautiful.." After what felt like hours of silence, Mingi started.

" can see them already..?"

"Yeah, you can see them once you did the tests."

Yunho hums at Mingi's reply. His fingers still running through Mingi's locks.

"Did you shift during the test?"Mingi asked curiously.

"I shifted half way. Didn't wanna shift fully."


"Because i'm still not confident with my leopard side."

"Can I see it?" Mingi asked as he sat up suddenly.


"I wanna see it~ pleaseeeeeee" Mingi whines and begs the older.

"B-but.. promise you won't laugh at me.."

"I won't!! I promise!!"

"O-okay then.." Yunho said as he stood up. 

Yunho took a deep breath and started shifting. 

Mingi's jaw dropped as he stared at the sight in front of him in. He was left speechless at the older's snow leopard.

Yunho was much bigger compared to normal snow leopards, it's size is thrice of Yunho's human size. His white greyish fur shining brightly under the moonlight. Black spots covering his white fur around his body and reaching to his tail which is bushy and long. His eyes shining the dark red Yunho has and his paws as big as Mingi's palm along with his claws sharp and strong. His fangs poking out of his mouth looking like an intimidating oversized cat. But because of the lack of exercising and food intake, Yunho was much thinner than usual leopards. He tilted his head and stared at Mingi with the most innocent face one could ever make.

Mingi waved his arms softly signalling the hybrid to come over. Yunho obeyed immediately, taking gentle yet smooth strides towards the younger. Mingi opened his arms when Yunho arrived and the hybrid did not hesitate to snuggle into the younger's arms. Yunho's human size was already big and now being a leopard made him bigger. Mingi almost stumbled when Yunho snuggles into his chest fully aware that Yunho could knock him down unintentionally.

"Oh my god, you're like a gentle bear.."Mingi whispered into Yunho's leopard ears and caresses his fur. Yunho gladly purred into the touch as he rubbed his head on Mingi's chest. Mingi cooed at the warm hybrid and brought him into a tight hug. 

"If only you're mine, I would hug you to sleep everyday.."Mingi accidentally blurted out. Making the older blush and felt relieved as Mingi couldn't see his blush through his leopard self.

"Are you tired?" Mingi asked. And the leopard nodded his head, still staring at the younger with adoration.  

"Come on, shift back and let's sleep." Mingi said softly.

Yunho then quickly shifted back into human form and jumped into the younger's opened arms.

"Sleep well,cub." Mingi mumbled.

Yunho blushed at the pet name and shook it off his head. 

"Good night."He himself soon drifted off to sleep with Mingi spooning him.


{6:30 AM}

"Wake up hoes!!" Jongho shouted as he ran inside Yunho's dorm.

He quickly stopped as he saw the two cuddling on the bed. He slowly retreated back to the door and gave Yeosang a soft smile as he cooed. Yeosang walked inside after Jongho and ended up coming back out feeling soft and almost melted at the scene.

"Should we wake them up?" Jongho asked.

"We really should though.." Yeosang replied, not really wanting to wake them up.

Jongho nodded his head and walked inside. He gently shook Mingi up trying his best to not wake the hybrid as he got the day off. 

Mingi groaned and stood up, untangling Yunho's arms from his waist, earning a soft whine from the hybrid.

"Mingiiii..." Yunho whines at the lost of heat from the younger. Mingi quickly replaces himself with a pillow that smells like him and Yunho immediately latches himself to the pillow.

"He's really attached to you ,huh?" Yeosang giggled at the hybrid.

"Y-yeah, he really is." Mingi looked at Yunho with adoration. 

Mingi quickly get changed, and took off with Jongho and Yeosang to the close combat training.



Yunho woke up to an empty space beside him. He pouted sadly but he didn't complain as he knew Mingi has training. 

He was still pondering on how he should spend his day off until he got a message from Seonghwa.

{10:45AM} Seonghwa: Hey Yunnie, you wanna come over for dinner later? Hongjoong is making dinner and he's expecting your arrival.

{10:46AM} Yunho: Sure! I would love to!

{10:46AM} Seonghwa: Bring extra clothes okay, you should stay the night with us.

{10:47AM} Yunho: Okay!!

{10:47AM} Seonghwa: See you tonight!

Yunho dropped his phone onto his bed and plopped down on it. He was excited for tonight as he finally got to spend time properly with the Elites.

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