Bloodlust pt.15

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"You see that well over there?" Chan pointed to an abandoned well. Yunho nodded.

"Take a look inside."

Yunho looked down into the well only to see it's empty. It's very deep, Yunho was sure that if anyone was to drop down there, they were going to have a hard time coming out.

"It's dried up..."

"Yes, and there's a river down the road, which takes about 10 minutes to reach. I want you to fill up the well in 2 hours with the water from the river." Chan said as he passed the hybrid a bucket.

Yunho stared at Chan's face in disbelief as he grabbed the bucket."And the time starts now." Chan giggled as he pressed a button on his watch.

"What the?!" Yunho shouts and shifted to his leopard in a blink of an eye and took off.

"Finish this punishment and you'll get to rest!!" Chan shouted at the sprinting hybrid.



Yunho pants as he ran back and forth from the well to the river. His jaws hurt from constantly carrying the heavy bucket, and he's physically tired from all the shifting. He needs to shift to human form to fill the bucket with water and shift back to leopard to sprint back to the well.

'Damn that short ass crisp hair..' Yunho grunted as he sprints his way back to the well.

After what feels like days of running and shifting, he finally dropped the bucket when the well was overflown with water. 

He collapsed on the ground as he tried to catch his breath. He feel like he could just sleep here from the exhaustion, maybe for days. He's never worked this hard in his whole life, not even before when he was kidnapped. 

Chan walked to him after confirming the well was filled and kicked him lightly. "Stand up."

Yunho quickly shuffled to his feet and stoop up. He's still breathing hard and his legs were wobbly from the constant torture.

Chan passed him a bottle of water, "Here, drink up."

Yunho gulped at the sight of the bottle and tilted his head, hesitating whether he should take the bottle or not.

Chan sighed and nudges the bottle to Yunho, and Yunho accepted it happily.

"You did well on your first day." Chan said and patted Yunho's shoulder, causing the hybrid to blush at the sudden compliment. 

"Follow me." Chan said as he walked into the forest, Yunho quickly following behind.

They walked for a couple of minutes and Chan stopped walking. "Look up."

Yunho did so and his dark red iris sparkled. The scene in front of him made him almost tear up.

The dark skies were covered with glittering stars, along with the gentle shining moon. The stars complimenting the dark skies perfectly, as if paving a path for an angle to cross.

"It's been so long since I've seen this.." Yunho's voice trembled as he spoke.

Chan nodded his head in understanding and sat down on the soft grass.  He gently patted the spot next to him, indicating Yunho to take a seat beside him, which Yunho complied almost immediately.

"How do you feel?" Chan asked softly, not wanting to break the comfort.


Chan chuckled at the hybrid's honesty. "You'll feel better after a few days. You can handle today's training quite well though. Both human and animal." 

Yunho blushed again at Chan's compliment, "T-thank you."

"You know, I was once like you.." Chan started.

"You're a hybrid?!" 

Chan stared deadpanned at Yunho and shook his head in defeat. "No."

"I mean your goal, your goal to protect them."

Chan continued, "I was also like you, wanting to protect your members and save their asses if I got the chance to."

"But, I was really oblivious, to the point where I didn't know I was being used, where they ganged up on me telling me to sacrifice myself for them."

Yunho stared at Chan with his doe eyes, signalling him to continue.

"Which I did, and almost got killed. But the others didn't even care. They just told me I was doing it for the mission and that it wasn't a big of a deal if I was dead." Chan stopped and took in a breath.

"That was when I realized that humanity is a really disgusting being. Everyone lives for themselves, and only sees themselves in everything they do. People would do anything to benefit themselves in the most easiest and simplest way, even if it meant killing others." 

"I left them and continued my journey to become an Elite. And after a few months, I received a message saying that my ex-members died in a mission, without my presence. I regretted my choice and hated myself for leaving them, maybe, just maybe if I sucked up my pride, I could prevent their deaths with mine."

Chan stopped again and took in Yunho's facial expression, only to find that there's no sign of defeat and disgust, instead, it was filled with hurt, pity and a hint of adoration. Chan furrowed his brows and continues,

"Which is why I want you to be clear of your goals.. I don't want you to end up like me, regretting my life choices and things that I've done." Chan let out a heavy sigh.

"But that doesn't mean you should blame yourself and stop others from doing so.." The hybrid started.

"It's your choice on whatever you want to do, and if you hated it, you should leave. That's how everything should work in the first place. They died because they relied on you too much, which is their own fault and as comrades, they should never ask you to die for them, its really fucked up."

"It's a battle between self conscious and life choices, both sides would end up wrong even if you chose one of it. You might as well remove the toxic people around you and thank them for letting you go." Yunho ended and gave Chan a soft smile, which Chan nodded in satisfaction. 

"You really know how to talk,huh? I really needed this.." Chan said as he played with the rings on his fingers.

"And you're certain they won't do the same to you?" Chan asked as he looked at the hybrid, scanning his face for any sorts of emotions.

"I'm certain they won't." Yunho replied as he kept his gaze on the stars.

"They're my family. Plus, there's someone important there. I have to do my best to reach them and join them so that I can fight alongside them."

Chan blinked at Yunho's words and smiled. "Very good."

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