Bloodlust pt.6

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Yunho gulped as he lowered his head. He raised his head slowly only to find the 7 man still staring at him. He squirmed uncomfortably on the bed as he try to find a more comfortable space.

"Guys.. you're scaring him.." Mingi blurted nervously.

"He.. he's so cute.." Wooyoung spoke suddenly.

"I-i know right.. I thought he was a puppy for a second.." Yeosang agreed.

"Well, he's a hybrid for a reason." Seonghwa sighed.

"HE'S A WHAT?!" San shouted as he widen his eyes.

"HELLO, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO KEEP YOUR VOICES DOWN?!" The nurse from before scolded, earning a few sorrys from the Elites.

"He's a hybrid.." Hongjoong took a step forward Yunho, causing the younger to flinch.

"It's fine, they won't hurt you." Mingi reassured.

Hongjoong raised his hands slightly and placed them on Yunho's hair. He gently ruffles his hair, which Yunho purred softly and lean into the touch.

The others could be seen to melt at the sight and awed when suddenly Yunho's leopard ears popped up.

"What the-" Hongjoong stared at the fluffy ears for a moment and caresses it gently.  Making Yunho purr louder at the gentle rubs.

"Yunho, right?" Hongjoong stopped his movements and sat down beside Yunho. Yunho nodded.

"Here's an offer for you from the higher-ups. I'm sure Mingi has enlightened you about our school. We discussed about it with the higer-ups and they decided to enroll you into the school. As you can see, it's not safe for you to wander around the streets all on your own, and of course, you can reject if you want. But if you want to join our school, you'll have to make up your mind clearly as it won't be as easy as you thought.."

"I do." Yunho cuts Hongjoong off.

"I wanna join." Yunho looks at Hongjoong strenly. A shade of dark red glowed in his eyes but quickly turned back into dark brown.

The others didn't seem to notice it, but Hongjoong caught it. Hongjoong smiled proudly at the hybrid and patted his shoulders.

"You're welcome to join once you've healed completely. We're always there to welcome you." Hongjoong says as he got up.

"Now, sorry for the rush, but we have another mission to complete. Mingi, let's go." Hongjoong waved at his members.

"I'll be back when we finished, take some rest while i'm gone." Mingi quickly said before he jumped out the window catching up with the members.

Yunho laid down and sighed. Yet he couldn't stop his lips from tugging into a wide smile.

"Am I finally going to have a home..?"


"Yunho? I'm back.." Mingi came in after a few hours of mission only to find the older sleeping.

He was hugging a pillow as he slept on his sides, his cheeks squishing softly onto the soft fabric. Mingi stared at the adorable sight for a whole minute only to be shaken awake by Jongho who entered after.

"Mingi, have you eaten?" Jongho asked as he sat beside the sleeping boy. He has grown attached to him for some reason. The situation Yunho was in was very similar to his, which is why he felt the need to be with him.

"Nope, have you?" Mingi went around and sat beside Jongho, the youngest shakes his head as a reply.

"He reminds you of yourself isn't it?" Mingi sat silently beside Jongho, knowing full well with what Jongho has in mind.

Jongho gave Mingi a sad smile and nodded. "But he's different in his own way. I really hope he can get out of this trauma soon."


Jongho's story (5 years ago)

"A-appa." Jongho laid on the ground as he hugged his head, preventing his head to be injured further.

"Get up slut." His father ordered, a vase in hand, ready to smash his son with it.

Jongho gritted his teeth tightly as he slowly gets up, bruises, cuts and burns covering his whole body, he bit his bottom lip to prevent himself from making a sound. The pain being unbearable but he was already used to it.

His father grinned and in a swift motion, throws the vase towards Jongho's head. Crashing it straight into his cerebrum. Pieces of glass has pierce through his face and head, causing it to bleed nonstop.

Yet Jongho still didn't make a sound, knowing his father would make it worse if he did. 

'Huh? Why is it so blurry?' Jongho was confused as he felt his body wobbling. His vision turning black as he felt his body clashing onto the ground. Yet, he still wouldn't make a sound.

"Jongho!!!!" That was the last thing he heard as he closed his eyes fully, letting himself to be fully engulfed into darkness. 

He woke up and all he saw was white, everything was white. Even his arms were white.

"Jongho!!" The voice from earlier shot through his eardrum and he hissed at the ear piercing scream.

"Sir, I need you to calm down.." A man in a full black uniform calmed the screaming man, which Jongho assumes him to be an agent.

"Doctor!" The agent quickly called for a doctor once he confirmed that Jongho was awake.

A few nurses came running in and gave him a full body checkup. Once confirming that the hospitalized boy was okay, she left after passing the screaming guy some painkillers.

"Jongho, Jongho. Do you know who I am?" The screaming guy asked, sticking his face close to the boy.

Jongho furrowed his brows in confusion. "Who are they? Who's Jongho?"

The agent and the screaming guy stopped at their tracks once they heard the youngest answer.

"Hey, stop joking around. Hahahaha, how could you not know me?" The screaming guy joked, trying his best not to let his tears fall.

"I seriously don't know any of you.." Jongho slurred his words as he felt a stinging pain shot down from his brain to his neck.

"His brain was hit directly and damaged which might cause memory loss. But please do have hope that he might have his memories back. It's a 50/50 stituation, we ourselves aren't sure about it either." The screaming guy took a deep breath as he remembered the doctor's words.

"I'm Yeosang. Your bestfriend." The guy introduced and smiled sadly. He took out his hands which made the younger confused, but shook it anyways.

"What's my name again?" Jongho asked.

"Jongho. Choi Jongho." Yeosang answered. Clear hurt lacing his voice.

'But it's okay, we can start over again.' Yeosang whispered to himself as he stared at the younger fondly.

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