Bloodlust pt.8

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"Get up Mingi!!" Yunho shouted as he squirms around Mingi's tight hold. Mingi's been hugging him the whole night and though Yunho liked it, he could feel his legs starting to cramp as he need to move. But Mingi's sound asleep and wouldn't wake up even if the hybrid shouts and hits him. His grip getting tighter everytime Yunho moved and it's starting to seem impossible to escape.

Yunho huffed and turned around to face the younger. He knew a few specific spots of Mingi's that's very sensitive and decided to attack those spots as a morning call. 

Yunho took a deep breath and raised his hands. He gently brushed his fingers along the younger's neck and nape. Finally stopping at his Adam's apple. Yunho smirked evilly as he softly pinched his Adam's apple, earning a growl from the younger. But his eyes are still closed. So he moved his fingers toward the younger's earlobe, he rubbed the skin below his earlobe softly. The younger jumped up in surprise and covered his neck with his palms.

"W-w-what are you doing??" Mingi pressed himself against the wall as he blushed red.

"Waking you up." Yunho grinned cheekily and stood up, hissing as his legs are finally getting the blood they needed.

"Come on, you have training at 7 dont you?" Yunho turned to face the younger when his legs felt better, earning a nod from him, still not being able to recover from the shock.

Yunho giggled at the sight and shook his head, "Go take a shower, San brought your clothes so you can change into them once you're done." 

Mingi nodded his head and crawled out of the bed, he shakily walks into the bathroom with his palms still covering his neck. Yunho just chuckled at the sight and decided to make breakfast.

Once they were done eating, they went out together. Yunho has to go to the test hall while Mingi has to take a plane to the shooting site, so they bid their goodbyes and went different ways.

"Goodluck for today Yun!" Mingi shouted as he boarded the helicopter.

His smile widen when he saw the other Elite members wishing him good luck with a video tape they sent to him. They apologized as they couldn't see him in person as they had individual trainings but still wished him the best and not to get hurt.



"Hello..?" Yunho poke his head into the hall only to be meet with a man in white cloak.

"Oh, hi." The man in white cloak approached Yunho with a soft smile.

Yunho gulped when he saw the man's eyes. It was a bright torquoise colour. He's a higher-up..

"H-hi, I'm Y-Yunho.." Yunho said nervously.

"I know, you're the hybrid Hongjoong told me about, right?" The man asked softly as if he knew about the boy's background.

Yunho nodded his head, still unable to make eye contact with the man.

"Well, i'm Eden. You can just call me Ed. Or both." The man took out his arms and Yunho grabbed it instantly.

Eden laughed at Yunho's actions and patted his shoulder. "No need to be so tense boy, I'll be your guide for today okay? "

"Today's gonna be a very important day but a very painful one. We're gonna have to need to force you to hit your highest limit in pain and strength endurance, which is going to be the most painful test you're going to take in this school." Eden stopped for awhile to let Yunho absorb the information. He then continued, "The test is going to be forcing your body to hit its full potential both mentally and physically, and as you might know, your irises might or might not change colour depending on your strength." 

"Our school takes everything very seriously because it actually risks lives, so we try out best to control the students from going berserk which we're failing miserably." 

Eden stopped once they reached a hall. There're more people in white cloak and shining torquoise irises. 

"Ah, so he's the hybrid!" A girl in white cloak ran towards them and started to scan the hybrid up and down. 

"Hmm, seems pretty toned. But still needs to work on your muscles. You're gonna be perfect for an Elite!" The girl winked cutely at Yunho earning a sweet smile from him.

"I'm Jihyo! A higher-up. I'm the one that gave Hongjoong permission to enroll you in!" Jihyo waved her arms infront of Yunho and smiled brightly.

Yunho's eyes widen at the statement and quickly bowed to the said girl "T-thank you for letting me in!"

"Aww, my pleasure~ We don't want you to be in danger anyways. Now go ahead and train well to not let me down okay?" Jihyo exclaimed happily as she skipped away. 

Yunho straightened his back and turned to look at Eden. Eden gave him a reassuring smile and asked Yunho to change his clothes into a uniform.

Yunho came back out with an all black outfit and was then guided into a room with nothing but white walls, even the speakers were painted white.

"Are you ready Yunho-ah?" Jihyo's voice rang through the speakers in the room.

Yunho took a look around as he felt his heart clenching in nervousness. But the nervousness was soon replaced by excitement, excitement to kill and fight. He could feel the adrenaline rushing through his veins and onto his brain, the leopard in him purring in excitement.

"I have a question, what if, I accidentally shifted?" Yunho stopped the leopard in him from coming out.

"It would be much better to do so~" Jihyo's voice rang through again.

And as if something unleashed in him, his ears and tails popped out. Fangs slowly poking out of his lips and Yunho purred at the feeling as if something that's been blocking his insides finally released.

"I'm ready." 

The lights in the room shut off right after.

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