Bloodlust pt 46

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"Yun, Jongho, the target is behind you. Stay alert." Hongjoong's voice rang through the earpiece, instantly gaining the boy's attention.

It was the middle of the night when they were suddenly called out for an urgent mission. The Elites were all exhausted but had no choice but to drag their lifeless body out of bed. 

Yunho and Jongho exchanged glances and approached the target as quietly as possible, allowing close to no movement that will alert the target. 

"San and Hwa are already at their spot, Cap." Mingi notified Hongjoong while he sprawled out beside him, silently watching the target with his rifle.

Hongjoong nodded, "Yeo, go to the hostages now. The route's clear." And so Yeosang did.

It was a fairly simple mission, but because of the darkness at night, it was much more challenging than expected. Yeosang tiptoed his way towards a what seemed like cottage after getting approval from the Captain.

He stop abruptly as an awful smell hits his nose, the smell of rotten flesh and blood causing his eyes to tear up. 

He quickly connected his earpiece, "Cap, something smells."

Hongjoong perked up at the statement and asked Mingi to aim his rifle at the cottage. His mind running wildly, praying and waiting to deny the thought that popped in his mind. 

Mingi gulped and peeked through the tiny window built on the cottage, he could feel shivers running down his spine as he looked more clearly, with how dark the inside were, it was much more harder to see.

But now, he couldn't unsee the tragic scene laid out in front of him. Cold sweats started running down his forehead, he started shivering in horror as he stumbled back. Hongjoong quickly hold onto Mingi, softly assuring the sniper while he peeked through the scope, and he too, widen his eyes at the sight.

There around 13 girls inside the very very dark cottage. One of the woman, who he assumed was dead, had her organs and intestines pulled out and sprawled on the ground. The other girls were unusually quiet and only sat at the ground next to the dead girl, not doing anything to escape but were staring straight at the dead girl, as if they were used to it. 

Hongjoong immediately said, "Yeo, open that cell now. Bring the hostages out with whatever you can." 

He then turned to Mingi, "Min, I need you to look out for Yeosang, alert him when you notice any movements, assist him as much as you can."

Mingi quickly nodded at the command, earning a soft smile from the leader.

Hongjoong took a deep breath and ordered, "Yunho, Jongho, bring that motherfucker here, alive. But feel free to break his legs or whatever, as long as he's still breathing, it's fine."

Yunho and Jongho grinned at the command, knowing that the leader was pissed, they don't really have to care about the target.

The two swiftly moved towards the target, silently yet gracefully breaking through the human wall of guards. Their actions were so quiet that it didn't even alerted the target who had his back facing the two boys.

"Hwa, please head to Yeosang's." Seonghwa nodded and ran off.

"San, join Yun and Jongho." San smiled at the command, he was getting itchy for not being able to play but now he could finally enjoy.

He jumped out of his hiding place and hopped onto one of the armed bodyguards, his twirled his knife like a toy and stabbed them into the guard's throat, blood instantly gushed out of the wound, which made San's smile even wider.

Jongho and Yunho made their way towards San, the trio gathered and giggled, "Let's get that fucker."


"They were held hostage for 2 weeks already. There were initially 20 girls, but 7 of them were killed." One of the policemen reported, Hongjoong nodded his head at the information.

"Why did he kill the girls?" 

"They said he was showing dominance or some sort, like giving them a warning to be obedient." 

Hongjoong sighed and nodded, "You can go back now, send the girls home safely and assist them. Oh, and send the reports to Seonghwa."

The policemen nodded, "Yes sir."

Hongjoong sees the policemen off and turned to the Elites, "Let's go back and rest, yall did great today."

The boys nodded tiredly, heck, San was already starting to doze off even while standing.


"Yunho, can I speak to you for a moment?" Seonghwa called out to Yunho who was about to enter his room.

Yunho nodded and jogged his way to the living room. Seonghwa seated Yunho beside him and heaved out a heavy sigh.

The older stared at Yunho for a long second before starting, "I've been thinking about your case, I think you should leave KQ."

Yunho's smiley face instantly died down, "What do you mean, hyung?"

"I'm not chasing you out or anything, I just feel like it's not safe for you to be here-" 

"But I want to." Yunho cut the older off.

Yunho took a deep breath, "Hyung, I want to stay with all of you. You're my family now, and I will never leave you. I want to protect you guys, like how you protected and saved me. Besides, there's no where for me to go even if I quit."

Seonghwa stared at the hybrid in disbelief, "What?"

"What I'm trying to say is, I'll stay to protect my family." Yunho ended and shot a victory smile at Seonghwa, his eyes scrunching into a cute crescent.

Seonghwa, who was in awe of the hybrid smiled fondly, "Are you sure? Even if your life is at risk?"

Yunho pulled Seonghwa in a hug and whispered, "I'll risk my life if it's what it takes to keep you guys protected."

Seonghwa giggled and nodded, "Well then, you have my back."

A/N : I honestly don't know how to continue this book any longer.. If yall have any ideas in mind, feel free to dm me. If no, I guess I'll be ending this book soon.

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