Bloodlust Pt 38

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"Cap, Where's Woo and Yunho?" Jongho asked through his earpiece. Him and the others had reached the scene but no one was there. There were only some corpse on the ground and blood laying everywhere.

"..." No response were given. Riling up everyone's worry.

"Cap?" San asked, his voice trembling. Clear anxious lacing his voice.

"Kids, listen up. They were taken away." Hongjoong's voice small and wavering. A few hiccups were heard after, he was scared too.

The Elites were paralysed on the spot. What does he mean by taken away? Like kidnapped or?

After a few moments, Hongjoong spoke, "Their target was us. They were after us. It was us all along. We were tricked."

And at that moment, they could feel cold shivers down their spine. Everything makes sense now. The thing that the government was hiding, was them was it...? How could they forget?

"S-So.. You mean, Yunho and Wooyoung are.." Mingi started choking as he spoke.

"NO. They are going to be fine. We'll find them, we'll make sure to bring them back." Hongjoong exclaimed sternly. He wasn't sure if what he said would calm the others down, but it did work on himself.

Hongjoong sighed internally as he didn't heard any response, "Gather up. We'll discuss about it with Eden." And so the others did. They walked back silently, no conversations were exchanged. The atmosphere was heavy and tense, no one dared to speak.

~. ~. ~. ~.

"Ughh.." Yunho groaned out as opened his eyes. The pain from before not subsiding one bit. The burn in his throat is stopping him from speaking, he couldn't even croak out a sound.

It took him a moment to realize he was in an unfamiliar room. Everything was white and bright , to the point where it stings one's eyes. He tried moving his arms only to realize he was chained down onto the bed. With his arms and legs spread open and chained to either side of the bed.

He couldn't process properly with his head spinning immensely. Whatever the guy injected to him was doing wonders in hurting him.

When suddenly a person shot into his mind, "Wooyoung!" He shouted out when he remembered the shorter male who was with him.

"Wooyoung! Where are you?" Yunho shouts out, hoping to locate his friend. His throat was burning at the shouting, forcing fits of coughs from the hybrid.

"Calm down there, kitty." Suddenly, a low yet calm voice interrupted him, surprising him. He quickly snapped his head towards the direction of the voice, only to met with a brown haired man, smiling innocently at him.

This guy...he was giving off the same scent as before. The scent of a hybrid.

But how..?

"I see that you've noticed that I'm not a human." The man smiled softly and pulled a chair towards Yunho. He placed the chair beside Yunho and sat down.

"I'm a hybrid, just like you." Yunho widen his eye at the statement. He couldn't process his mind properly at the moment.

"What..nonsense are you blabbering..?" Yunho breathes out, he could feel his shirt slowly drenched with his sweat.

The man's expression remains soft and calm. He stood up and in the blink of an eye, a giant pair of pure white wings appeared behind his back. His wings were enormous and majestic, which was glowing under the lights. The wings complimented the man's features, creating a gentle character off the man.

Yunho laid in shock as he scans the man up and down, finding it hard to take in the information laid out.

"My name is Kim Seungmin. And I'm a dove hybrid." Seungmin smiles gently, lowering his wings as he bowed politely.

Short A/N : Incase anyone who isn't sure what doves are. It is a type of bird that are seen as symbols of peace and love around the world, so it should come as no surprise that doves are among the most gentle bird species.

Yunho gulped and remained silent. How the hell..?

"Okay, now that you've shown your identity, what do you want? And where is Wooyoung? " Yunho managed to croak out after a few minutes.

Seungmin smiles, "Don't worry, we meant no harm. We initially only wanted you, but that guy seemed someone important to you so we brought him along. He's fine, probably asleep somewhere in the rooms."

Yunho sighed out in relief, but he shouldn't let his guard down. He stared back at Seungmin who still had the gentle smile on his face.

"What do you guys want with me?" Yunho tried struggling with his restraints but to no avail.

"We just need your cooperation with some experiments." Just then, a guy with black hair walked in. He was handsome as hell, probably as beautiful as Seungmin.

"Minnie, they're calling." The man says as he pulled Seungmin up gently.

Seungmin nodded politely before walking out with the man, leaving Yunho confused on the bed.

"What the hell is going on..?"

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