Bloodlust pt.22

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"Hey." Yunho smiled widely when Jongho opened the door.

"YUNNIE!!!!!" Jongho let out a high pitch scream and pulled Yunho into a tight hug.

"WHO, WHAT?"Wooyoung's voice could be heard inside the mansion.

And in a couple of seconds, Wooyoung and Yeosang ran to the door in their casual wear. Yeosang's hair were still dripping with water, which Yunho assumed he had just finished showering.

"HOLY SHI- YOU'VE GROWN SO MUCH!!"Yeosang screamed as he twirls Yunho's body around.

Hongjoong walked to the door as well, taking in the warm scene and smiled, "Welcome back cub." 

Yunho teared up a little at Hongjoong's words. He felt warm and wanted. But all he could do was give him a soft and sweet smile.

"I'm back."


"Your eyes are really pretty.." Seonghwa said as he stared straight into the hybrid's eyes.

"Hyung..your eyes are the same colour as mine.." Yunho chuckled and gently pushed Seonghwa off him.

"So how was everything? Manage to keep up with the training?" Hongjoong asked as he took a bite of his food that Seonghwa made.

"It was hell..I feel like I could sleep for days after each training.." Yunho shivered at the thought of his torturous training.

Hongjoong let out a chuckle and nodded his head, "It was indeed."

"Oh by the way, once you move in, you should stay in the same room with Mingi, he was the one that requested it. And it seems like you two are close, so I agreed." Hongjoong said as he poked his chin out pointing to Mingi. 

Yunho blushed at Hongjoong's words and nodded his head.

Meanwhile, at the other side of the dining table, was a completely different scene from the peaceful chat going on between the older and the hybrid.

"When did you two started dating?!" Jongho threatened Mingi as he showed his fist to the older.

Wooyoung nodded his head and faced Mingi with a sharp glare, "Yeah.. why didn't you tell us?"

"How did you guys even know in the first place..?" Mingi sighed in defeat.

"Sannie told us." Wooyoung replied, proud that his boyfriend was the revealer.

Mingi shot a glare at San who refuses to make eye contact with him and sighed again. "We were only official yesterday."

The others awed at the statement and nodded their heads in sync. 

"At least you're not always alone anymore." Yeosang teased, making Mingi pout.

"Kids, finish up. We can talk in the living room." Seonghwa said as he stood up, grabbing his dish and walked to the sink.

"Jongho, you're washing the dishes today." Seonghwa reminded, and Jongho mumbled something under his breath.

"Any complaints?" Seonghwa smiled sweetly, but Jongho shook his head in horror.



They all gathered in the living room and chatted for hours and hours, sharing their stories from the days when Yunho wasn't present, which the hybrid enjoyed listening to.

"And Yeosang just BUSHAW- into the mans face, and the man just ULERGH down to the ground!!" Wooyoung said as he gestured dramatically with his body.

Everyone in the room, including San, was having a hard time to understand him.

"Woo.. please.. just use your words.. we're gonna cry trying to process your sounds.." Hongjoong's voice cracked when he said that, indicating that he was indeed going to cry.

Jongho snorted at the Captain's words and immediately looked away when he felt the glare from Wooyoung.

"Anyways, we killed the man in seconds and the hostages HOORAY to us." Wooyoung continued, earning a soft giggle from Yunho.

"You guys can finish a mission that fast everytime?" Yunho asked curiously.

"Not all the time.. there's one time when we had to stay in our positions for 4 nights waiting for a chance to ambush. That's..definitely not fun at all.." Seonghwa replied, earning nods from the members.

"Well, it's been a rough day. Let's get some rest for now, we have to get up early tomorrow." Hongjoong said when he noticed the members started to yawn and their eyes are half-closed.

The members all nodded their heads in agreement and waddled to their respective shared rooms.

"Good night guys." Yunho cooed to everyone, which the members replied with a groggy "goodnight".

He then turned his body to face his boyfriend who had already fallen asleep in the middle of their talk.

"Mingi, wake up. Let's go to our room." Yunho felt his heart warmed up at the mentioning of "our". 

It's not 'his' room, nor is it 'your' room. It was 'their' room. Their shared room, he finally had a home, a permanent home, with everyone he love.

He shook his thoughts off when he see the younger still not moving from his position. Yunho mentally slapped himself as he suddenly remembered that Mingi was a heavy sleeper.

He shook his head fondly and approached the sleeping younger. He slid his one arm under Mingi's knee and another arm holding his neck. He lifted the younger up effortlessly in bridal style and walked into their room.

Once he walked into the room, he gently placed the younger on the bed and went to switch off the lights. 

Mingi squirmed around the bed to find a comfortable spot, and stopped when he felt a particular figure next to him.

He didn't hesitate to pull the figure close to him and snuggle into his neck.

Yunho blushed furiously when he felt Mingi's hot breath tickling his neck, but he liked the warmth the younger was radiating. So he wrapped his arms around Mingi's waist and drifted to sleep.



"Cub, i'm going to training okay? You should take some rest at home." Mingi said and landed a soft kiss on Yunho's forehead.

Yunho shuffled in the blankets and nodded his head while staring at Mingi with his innocent doe eyes.

"Be safe.." Yunho slurred as he felt his drowsiness kicking in. Mingi giggled at the soft sight and pecked Yunho's lips softly before heading to get dressed.

"I'll be back in the evening to help you pack your stuff, you're moving in today right?" 

Yunho nodded his head. He stuck out his arms from the blanket and made grabby hands actions at the younger.

Mingi tilted his head in confusion but he still leaned over to the hybrid.

Yunho quickly grabbed Mingi's shoulder and pulled him down, hugging his neck tightly. He took the chance to nibble on Mingi's ears, softly telling Mingi a 'thank you'. 

When Yunho released his grip, Mingi's ears were flushing a bright red, and Yunho giggled at the sight.

"I-i'm gonna head out n-now." Mingi stood up abruptly and ran out of the room.

After a few seconds, Mingi ran back in, gave Yunho a quick peck on the lips and ran back out.

Making Yunho laugh at his flustered but loving boyfriend.

BLOODLUST {Yungi}Where stories live. Discover now