Bloodlust pt.1

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"What the fuck! Get off me!!"

"No, you get off me! Arghhh!"

"You bitch!"

A fight broke off between two males. Both faces covered in blood and spits as they snickered at each other, trying to peel off their faces.

A crowd of students stood around them, not bothering to stop them. No, they don't have the power to stop them. They could only watch in confusion knowing if they did something, they would possibly get killed.

Both males roll around the floor, growling and trashing as they try to keep the other in place. Their punches and kicks echoing through the hallway yet still no one tried to stop them.

Suddenly, a few gasps from the students rang through their ears. The two stopped for a moment to see, and they quickly scrambled up and kneeled down. Keeping their heads low and whimpered as they felt a hand resting on their shoulder.

"What do you guys think you're doing?" A teasing voice spoke, sending shivers down their spine.

"W-we were f-fighting.." One of them replied lowly, still keeping their heads low.

"And..?" The voice continued, obviously annoyed.

"W-we're sorry!!" They both shouted in unison as they lowered their head to the ground.

"You guys do know the rules around here right? Still need me to remind you?" The voice chuckled as he stood up.

"I'm not going to do anything to you guys though.. I'll let the captain handle it. I'm off today."

"See you guys in the battle field." The voice sung and skipped away. His heels clicking the concrete floor as he waved to the two.

The students stared at the walking figure in horror and respect. Seeing him appear at the base class is a rare sight, which is why everyone was shook to the core, not expecting to see an Elite walking around.

That man, with the teasing aura, looked small and cute, but he can kill you without breaking a sweat. Eventhough he major in knifes, he was one of the top students in close combat. Swift in motion, strong in grips. He's known for teasing his enemies, making them his toys and shedding their blood after.

 He's known for teasing his enemies, making them his toys and shedding their blood after

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He's name is Choi San. And the thing that catches everyone's eye is the dark purple iris of his. Which indicates that he's an Elite. One of the 7 Elites.


"Cap, you hear me?" San asked as he put in his earpiece, trying to reach his captain at the other side of the campus.

"Yeah San, what's wrong?" A voice replied.

"Two students fought, infront of a crowd. Both colour orange. Code 1198 and 1240."

"Ah, those two again?" The voice replied following by a chuckle.

"We can break their bones today. We warned them last time." The cap said casually as if it's nothing.

"Ask Jongho to do it. I'm off today~" San whines.

Another chuckle from the captain, "Sure sure, I'll tell Jongho. Come back and take a rest San, we have missions tomorrow."

"Okay~ thanks Hyung." San replied as he ended the call.

He stopped abruptly infront of an ice cream shop and drooled uncontrollably as he looked inside.

The colours and sweet scent of the ice cream made him walk into the shop and he "unintentionally" bought 2 tubs of it. He looked at the tubs of ice cream and nodded in satisfaction and skipped his way back to their mansion.


Once San entered their shared mansion, he was met with a focused Seonghwa on the dining table. By the looks of it, he was probably sorting out his reports and files. His tongue poking out of his lips unknowingly as he focused on his papers.

San giggled a bit at the sight and walked to the fridge to place his ice cream in the freezer.

"Hyung." San gently poked Seonghwa's cheeks, earning a low hum from the older.

"I bought ice cream, have some if you want." San spoke softly, not wanting to disturb the male.

"Ah okay, thanks Sannie-ah." Seonghwa looked up from his papers and shot him a grateful look.

San smiled back and walked to his shared bedroom with Wooyoung.

The mansion they're staying in is big enough for 10 people. It consists of a large kitchen, 5 bedrooms and their own individual bathrooms, 3 guest bedrooms, 3 extra guest bathrooms and a gym. It also consists of a large backyard for home training and a huge living room that can fit at least 30 people.

San walked into his room and sees that it's empty thinking that Wooyoung probably went patrolling around the campus. It was a Sunday but they still had to work, but San was internally glad that he got a day off on Sunday as it was the only day they didn't have to work their asses off.

He closed his eyes as he sighs deeply, slowly feeling himself drifting off to dreamland.

"SANNIEEEEEE!!" A voice pierced through his eardrums. He knew instantly who it was and ignored him.

He groaned and turned his body so that he was facing the wall.

The ignored boy huffed in annoyance and turned San over, cupping his cheeks, forcing him to open his eyes to look at the latter infront of him.

"Get up! Yeosang made dinner!" Wooyoung grinned as he finally gained attention from the sleeping boy.

"Okay okay..." San sighs in defeat. He raised up his arms towards Wooyoung making grabby hands signalling him to pull him up and the other did not hesitate to do so.

"You big baby, if only others see that the badass Choi San is like this." Wooyoung chuckled as he pulled his lover out to the dining table.

5 other males were already seated at the table, chatting and laughing as they enjoy their meal.

"Morning Sannie." Jongho said jokingly as he placed a plate of food infront of San.

"Morning.." San slurred as he started to devour the food placed for him.

"Wow Yeo you made this? It's really good! " San said with his cheeks filled with food. He smiled happily when he saw Yeosang blushed lightly.

"Yeah, learned it online, since we have the ingredients at home, I might as well just make it." Yeosang replied as he grabs a plate of food and sat next to Jongho.

"Oh yeah Mingi, how was your training today? Manage to keep up?" Hongjoong asked the red haired male who was focusing on eating his food.

"Yeah, it's quite tough but I guess I can pull it through. It's definitely harder than the base training though." Mingi stuffed his mouth with food and swallowed it quickly.

"I was able to keep up thanks to Seonghwa-hyung. He was guiding me the whole time."

Hongjoong smiled fondly at the red haired boy and took in Seonghwa's hand who was next to his.

"Thanks for guiding the new boy babe." Hongjoong whispers softly but loud enough for Seonghwa to hear.

"My pleasure, he's learning fast though, no wonder the higher-ups pushed him." Seonghwa looked at his small lover and quickly placed a short peck to his lips, earning a cough from Yeosang.

"Parents, please get a room." Yeosang said sarcastically.

Jongho who happened to see it too blushed furiously at the sight and buried his face into his food.

"Just- eat." Hongjoong stuttered.

BLOODLUST {Yungi}Where stories live. Discover now