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Danica's Pov

Once I arrived home, I quickly went towards my bedroom and plop myself on my bed. I was actually relieved that I told my secret to Cristy. I'm glad that she listened to my problem.

I am so engrossed in my thoughts that I was startled by my phone notifying me that I've received a text message. When I grabbed my phone that was placed in my nightstand earlier, I opened the message and just as I expected. It's from him again.

From Moritz: Liebling? Are you asleep now? I was notified that you got home already.

He keeps on calling me that. I don't even know what does it mean but after what Cristy told me earlier, that maybe he likes me? I think. I can ask him what it means right? I hope that he will not get mad at me.

I was still contemplating if I should or shouldn't ask him but was startled by my phone ringing. When I looked at who is the caller, it's that damn stalker again.

Moritz: Liebling? Why didn't you reply to my message? I see that you picked my call right away. It means that you're still awake.

Danica: I'm sorry. I was just thinking.

Moritz: I hope that you're not thinking other boys liebling. I might kill him for sure this time.

Danica: Okay please stop. No killing. O-or...

Moritz: Or what liebling?

Danica: O-or I'm going to hate you!

Lame. I don't think that he cares about what I will feel or think. He might just laugh at me and really kill me this time. It was silent from the other side for a minute. All I can hear is his breathing. Even though he's a creepy possessive (?) stalker, his voice is really soothing. It's deep. I wonder what he looks like.

Moritz: Es tut mir leid liebling. I'm sorry. Okay if that's what you want. Now, did you liked what I bought for you?

I didn't expect for him to say sorry to me. This is my first time hearing him saying those words. He likes to threaten me but never really said sorry. It was like, he's really a full-blooded bastard.

Danica: Ah I liked them thank you. But you didn't have to bought me these things. Though I really appreciate it, but please stop buying me those expensive things.

Moritz: You are really unique mein schatz. How about this liebling. I'll stop giving you those things, if you agree to see me.

Shit. This what I'm afraid of. What if he's just kind here to me. What if this is his plan after all. Making me believe that he will not hurt me but it turns out, he really wants to kill me. I'm already sweating here just imaging the outcome if I'll agree to his proposal.

Moritz: Liebling? I know what you are thinking. I WILL not harm you like what you are thinking. I will NEVER. Remember that liebling.

Danica: Why do you keep on calling me that?

Moritz: What do you mean?

Danica: That label thing.

What happened next is not what I've expected. I heard him laughed on the other side. And let me tell you that it is the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard. It sounds so manly.

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