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As soon as a saw the sight in front me, I can't stop the tears that fall from my eyes. Right in front of me, is my father, the one who supposed to have a business trip for 2 weeks, a loving father to his daughter and wife, and the one that should make time for us, is currently in this mall and went shopping with another woman that is clinging on his arms. How could he?! Mom loves him so much. Ano pa bang kulang sa nanay ko? She's doing her best but this is what she gets in return for loving him too much.

"Scheisse! What happened liebling? Why are you crying?" I heard Moritz voice but I didn't respond to his question. I can't take my eyes off the two people outside who are both laughing happily especially that woman. Does she not know that he's married and had a family waiting for him already?

I heard the chair being moved and felt his presence behind me. He wrapped his hand in my waist and placed his other hand in my cheek to make me look at him. His eyes held sadness in them. When he looked to where I was staring earlier, I saw him changed his expression from sadness to rage.

He sighed and looked back down at me and wiped my tears that are falling from my eyes. "Don't cry liebling. It does not suit your beautiful face that I like when you cry." I sniffled and out of nowhere, I unexpectedly hugged him tight and placed my head on his chest. He was shocked at first but then he hugged me back. I can't believe that I'm doing this with my stalker and a stranger that I barely know.

"I know that it's you father liebling. Ich hasse es verdammt noch mal, wenn ein mann betrügt. Stop crying now my pretty. Why don't we go and stand up now hmm? I'll take you somewhere okay?" I just nodded since I don't have the energy to refuse because of me crying earlier. I'm so pathetic.

"Let's go liebling.' He offered me his hand which I take and we proceeded to get out of the restaurant. People can't help but stare at Moritz everywhere we go and it's making me embarrassed that I'm holding his hand. I was going to take my hand away but he gripped it only to make me looked up at him.

"Don't you ever let my hand go." This is seriously getting dangerous. It's like the words that came out of his mouth has a double meaning. It made me think that what Cristy said is true. Or is it not?

"Get inside liebling." I didn't obey him right away. I'm afraid of the idea that he's taking me somewhere that I don't know because he won't tell me where in the first place. I heard him sighed and I looked up at him to see him running his hand in his hair. He can seriously pass as a model.

"Don't worry liebling. How many times would I have to tell you that I will never ever hurt you." He told me sincerely while staring in my eyes. They said that you can whether a person is lying if that certain person can't look you in the eyes while telling you what they want to say but in this case, I can really feel that he's telling the truth.

I just nodded which he smiled in return and motioned for me to get inside the car. I sat there waiting for him to start the engine but he didn't. I looked at him to my side and saw him staring at me with unknown emotion in his face. "Liebling? I want to make you happy and make you forget about the sadness that you felt today so please, can you please trust me this once?" He looks like he's begging.

He really is a great guy no matter where I look. At first, I thought that he'll seriously kill me or worst, torment me to make me go crazy. But looking at it now, he never once hurt me and just sent me gifts and letters to make me happy. I'm honestly mad at him for being a creep and for threatening me especially hurting the every boy that came near me, but in the end, it's like he's treating me like someone special.

"Okay Moritz." I smiled widely at him. He was shocked at first and seconds after, he cleared his throat and whispered something I couldn't hear. "What?" I asked him but he just shook his head nothing and start the car.

The drive was really peaceful. It gave me time to think about what happened earlier. I know that our family is not perfect and rich, but at least we're happy. That's what I always thought ever since but after Dad started to distanced himself from us, it made me think otherwise. Why is he doing this? Is he not satisfied with Mom? She really loves him and always trying her best to understand him but in the end, it's still not enough for him.

"We're here liebling." I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realized that the car has stopped. I take off my seatbelt and hurriedly opened the door and went outside. I was hit by the breeze and smell of the sea. When I looked around, he took me to the beach but there's no people around. Huh?

I was startled when a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me to his side. "Don't just go out like that liebling. Always wait for me to open the door for you okay?" I stared at him and nodded.

"Where are we?" I can't help but ask. It looks peaceful here and the sea breeze and the sound of the splashing of the waves makes it more relaxing. "We are in my private property liebling. No one is allowed here except for me and my family but now, you are also an exception." I blushed when he told me that.

I looked around the place and saw a house near. It looks like a beach house. It really looks beautiful on the outside. I wonder what it looks like on the inside. It's a two-story house and has a balcony on the second floor. The house is colored white and blue. It looks pretty.

"Let's go inside." He led me towards the double doors and opened it. I can't help but awed at the beauty of this house. Everything looks so simple yet screams elegant. There's two stairs that are placed on the right and left side of the house and a chandelier that you can't take your off. There are a couple of picture frames that are placed on the wall and decorations that I don't plan to break. I bet that costs more than my life.

"I'm assuming you like the house. Now, let's go upstairs." He grabbed my hand and led me towards the stair on the right and made our way to the top. Once we're upstairs, I can see that there's 3 rooms in this floor. He opened the door that is closest to us and if I was shocked what the house looks like downstairs, I'm even more shocked about how this room looks like.

I swear everything looks so expensive. Nakakatakot humawak ng kahit anong bagay sa bahay na ito. Parang ayoko kong dumihan ang mga bagay dito.

"Don't be shy liebling. This is my room. Sometimes I go here to clear my mind or if I'm stressed about work and studies. Why don't take a look outside." I nodded and opened the sliding door that is made of glass and looked at the breathtaking view in front of me.

"Wow." I can't help but admired the scenery. It's just so peaceful in here. I closed my eyes and feel the ambiance of this place. You'll never know when I'm going to experience a silence like this.

"Du bist wirklich schön.I hope you're calm now liebling." I felt his presence in my side and opened my eyes to see him leaning in the balcony rail while looking at me. He smiled at me and offered his hand for me to take which I did and laughed.

"Thank you for doing this and making this day special Moritz." Looking at the view in front of us while he held my hand and just let ourselves get lost at the calmness it brings makes everything perfect.


words count (1,417)

Scheisse! – shit.

Ich hasse es verdammt noch mal, wenn ein mann betrügt – I fucking hate it when a man cheats.

Du bist wirklich schön – you really are beautiful.


fun fact: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........  

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