Sorry Pt.1

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[Y/N's POV]

You were in class when your body started to ache and you weren't feeling too good. You decided not to ask to go to the nurse though.

After all you wanted to get your class work done without having to leave early and finish the work later.

When you got home you still weren't feeling good and sat on the couch. You were feeling dizzy and nauseous. Your older brother noticed you and called out your name, but you didn't hear him. "Y/N?" He asked "Are you okay?" You looked up and shook your head. He put his hand against your head "Your pale and your face is hot!" He rushed you upstairs and tucked you in your bed.

"Get some rest I'll get some medicine." Your eyes were heavy but you were still able to watch him walk out of your room, then everything went dark.


[Jin's POV]

I came back with medicine and a wet rag. I placed it on her forehead and checked her temperature. Not to long ago I called a doctor and nurse to come over.

'I'm worried, what if something worse happens to her?' My thoughts were interrupted my by one of my brothers "Is Y/N okay hyung?"

I looked back at Namjoon and shook my head. "I called a doctor and they should be here soon to help her." Namjoon came over and sat by me  "Do you want me to call the others over here?"
I nodded. 'I'd be best to let them know, she's their sister too, and we all need to do our best to take care of her.'

While Namjoon told the others the only thing we could do is wait and take care of her.


[Jungkook's POV]

Me, and the hyungs were all at the mall shopping for clothes and toys. Y/N's birthday was in a week and we decided to look for things that she'd like.



"Hello Namjoon?" Yoongi said

"Hey hyung.. you guys should come back home..."

"Why is there something wrong?" Yoongi asked. Yoongi hyung put Namjoon on speaker for us all to hear. But the only one who wasn't with us at the moment was Hoseok hyung, who was currently in the bathroom.

"Yeah. Y/N came home really sick.." he said.

"We'll be right over! Call us if anything happens." Yoongi hung up and he all rushed over to the car anxiously waiting to get home. I was really worried. 'I hope she'll be okay...'


I was the first one to rush out of the car and into the house. I ran to her room and found Jin and Namjoon hyung. "How's she doing?" I asked with concern.

"She's still just as sick as when she got here, the doctors are running late but should be here soon." Jin said. Once the others got here we all sat in silence just watching Y/N.


[Y/N's POV]

You wake up and find all your brothers sitting around you. One of them saw you wake up and showed a surprised and concerned face. The others were turned away, listening to a doctor. "She's awake!" Hobi hyung said in a whisper yell. Everyone turned around to look at you.

You slowly sat up in your bed. "Be careful!" Jungkook said. The doctor walked up to you and asked "How are you feeling?" Your body still ached and you still felt sick to your stomach. "Not good." You answered.

"We're going to take you to the hospital to do some tests, okay?" The doctor said in a gentle voice. You nodded.


[1 day and and 8 hours later]

You wake up to find your brothers in tears. "What's wrong guys?" You asked almost in tears. You were scared and sad, because they were. "Hi sweetheart..." the doctor said.

'He's the guy from earlier, still... what's wrong?' The doctor was hesitant to continue, but went on anyways "You have something called Leukemia" he said "Do you know what that is?"

You shook your head as Jungkook started hugging you. "It's a cancer, one that can sadly kill you.. and can cause you to loose some of your hair." Then you started crying too. All your brothers joined in on hugging you.

"We should cut my hair short," you said to your brothers "that way it won't be too much of a hassle to clean up my hair." You didn't want to buy it would help.


[2 weeks later]

[Yoongi's POV]

Last week only shortly after Y/N's statement, me cut her long hair. We're all still worried. We don't want to loose our little sister. We spent as much time as we could with her.

Today I was taking Y/N to the hospital's cafeteria. She grew close to the staff and patients around here, she was still happy but that didn't stop me and the others from worrying.

After we finished eating we walked around. "I'm sorry we didn't get to celebrate your birthday as we had planned Y/N." She shook her head. "It's fine Yoongi oppa!" She smiled, I returned her smile.

Everything was fine until she started feeling dizzy again "Oppa.. I don't feel so good" she said weakly. She fainted but I grabbed her before she could fall down. I called the nurse and doctor.

They kept me sitting outside the room, I had called my brothers to get here quickly. I was worried, my hands ran through my hair as I was stressing my brothers burst in.

"Is she okay?!" They all yelled. "I don't kno-," before I could continue the doctor came out with his clipboard and a sorry expression.

"Doc, is she okay?!" We all yelled. He shook his head. "She has 24 hours to live, im sorry."


Hello again! I hope you're liking it so far. Some of the events in this story relate to people I know and to me. My grammar and writing may not be the best.😅

Anyways have a good day!💕💜

~ 𝙱𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 ~

~ 𝙱𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 ~

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